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[Games] Re: Nickname game
in reply to a message by molly
thank you 1. Nicanor - Nick
2. Emmanuel - El
3. Maximilian - Million
4. Maurice - Reese
5. Constantine - Stan1. Magdalena - Dolly
2. Felicity - Elise
3. Florence - Lora
4. Angelica - Elli
5. Ursula - UrsaCome up with an unexpected full name for the following nicknames:1. Ry - Rykelan
2. Ollie - Olympios
3. Pepe - Filipe
4. Benny - Bensalem
5. Lenny - Jaylen1. Marlo - Marialouise
2. Liv - Liviana
3. Pia - Pialotta
4. Lou - Lucinda
5. Elle - Ellery
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