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[Games] Re: Nickname game
in reply to a message by molly
Nicanor - Victor (Victory of the People)
Emmanuel - Footsteps (God is with us)
Maximilian - Emperor (Roman Emperors)
Maurice - Trooper (Roman Soldier/Martr)
Constantine - Constantinople (City named after Emperor Constantine)Magdalena - Mary (Mary Magdalen)
Felicity - Lucky (Good Luck)
Florence - Gale (Florence Nightingale)
Angelica - Angelic (Angelic)
Ursula - Little Bear (Little Bear)Ry - Bethlehem (House of Bread)
Ollie - Pandora (pun...All/ollie Gifts)
Pepe - Albert (Pepe = Grandpa, so Albert is just a wrinkly old baby)
Benny - Cameron (pun...Bent)
Lenny - Banks (pun...Lends money)Marlo - Marlowe
Liv - Eve (Live/Breath)
Pia - Uriah (pun...)
Lou - Uranus (pun...)
Elle - Elagabalus ("L")---I looked under the meanings and history of the names to derive nicknames. & some of the derived names are puns---
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