[Opinions] Irit
What do you think of Irit (ee-REET)? I'm starting to really like it, but do you think it's hard to say? Does it sound weird to English speakers who aren't used to Hebrew? Any combos come to mind?
For anyone who's curious, here's a picture of the flower: http://www.maltawildplants.com/ASPH/Pics/ASPFI/ASPFI-Title.jpg
-- Sarah
For anyone who's curious, here's a picture of the flower: http://www.maltawildplants.com/ASPH/Pics/ASPFI/ASPFI-Title.jpg
-- Sarah
I think it's very pretty, but does sound very strange to English speakers. I think you're better off with Iris.
It's a lovely name, and a lovely flower. I agree about the similarity (looks-wise) to the word "iritate" but it does sound different, so I don't think that should be a deterrent if you love it. It reminds me also of the name Iris, of course. Irit would be a nice alternative if someone found Iris too common or dull. :b
ETA: I've never come across this name before so thanks for bringing it to my attention. :) I LOVE learning about new "real" names I haven't seen/heard before, but I'm so much of a namenerd that it seems to be a rare occurence lately. :-/
"Why is it that, as a culture, we are more comfortable seeing two men holding guns than holding hands?" - Ernest Gaines
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will know peace" - Jimi Hendrix
ETA: I've never come across this name before so thanks for bringing it to my attention. :) I LOVE learning about new "real" names I haven't seen/heard before, but I'm so much of a namenerd that it seems to be a rare occurence lately. :-/
This message was edited 6/27/2006, 9:24 PM
I was thinking of the name recently...
... because I remember meeting someone with that name. It's all right, but it reminds me a lot of "irritate".
"A world where Sting asked if the Russians loved their children too and we knew the answer was yes" - Excerpt from Looking for Alibrandi.
... because I remember meeting someone with that name. It's all right, but it reminds me a lot of "irritate".
"A world where Sting asked if the Russians loved their children too and we knew the answer was yes" - Excerpt from Looking for Alibrandi.
Yeah, I can see the similarity... Thanks! :)
-- Sarah
-- Sarah
I think it sounds gorgeous. I have a thing for girl "i" names, so if you don't mind I'm going to add it to my long list. I know someone who gave their dd the mn Navit (so pretty), so I had a heads up on how to pronounce Irit.
You could plant the flowers in her honor and watch them grow together. :-)
Irit Elisheva
Irit Mayim
Irit Hadassah (too botanical?)
Irit Sarai
Irit Devorah
Irit Corisande
Irit Celeste
Irit Simone
Irit Gervaise (zhehr-VEZ)
Irit Germaine (zhehr-MEN)
French mns seem to work well, at least to my ears.
Perhaps you could help me out. My baby name book has the name Ivria listed as a Hebrew / Israeli name, meaning "from the other side of the Euphrates River" or "from Abraham's land." It's a pretty accurate book and I want to suggest the name to others, but I feel the need for confirmation. Some of these books are shamelessly wrong. Have you heard of Ivria before? Is it a real name?
You could plant the flowers in her honor and watch them grow together. :-)
Irit Elisheva
Irit Mayim
Irit Hadassah (too botanical?)
Irit Sarai
Irit Devorah
Irit Corisande
Irit Celeste
Irit Simone
Irit Gervaise (zhehr-VEZ)
Irit Germaine (zhehr-MEN)
French mns seem to work well, at least to my ears.
Perhaps you could help me out. My baby name book has the name Ivria listed as a Hebrew / Israeli name, meaning "from the other side of the Euphrates River" or "from Abraham's land." It's a pretty accurate book and I want to suggest the name to others, but I feel the need for confirmation. Some of these books are shamelessly wrong. Have you heard of Ivria before? Is it a real name?
It sounds ok, but it looks like Iritate
~~* BEX *~~

Coach of 'Bane United'
Hopeful contender for Fantasy Football 2006
My Man Zlatan!
~~* BEX *~~

Coach of 'Bane United'
Hopeful contender for Fantasy Football 2006
My Man Zlatan!
Thanks -- that's a good point. :)
-- Sarah
-- Sarah
You're right in that the prn isn't what English-speakers think first, but I think the ee-REET prn is graceful & elegant sounding. More so, anyway, than my inclination to say EYE-rit or EER-it. ;o) I wouldn't worry too much about misprn, though. My name is usually misprn the first time people see my name & I've corrected them since I was just a little rugrat. ;o) And the blossom is breathtakingly, achingly beautiful, imo. I've never seen one, before! *scurries off to do some quick research on the irit flower*

Yay, I'm glad you like it! :)
To aid you in your research: its English name is asphodel.
-- Sarah
Yay, I'm glad you like it! :)
To aid you in your research: its English name is asphodel.
-- Sarah
double post. sorry.

This message was edited 6/27/2006, 6:03 PM
Oh, good. I didn't find much on the flower, just lots of women. ;o)

I've always that name looked so pretty and now I finally know how to say it! Irit is lovely. I have no mind for combos at the moment, sorry. i think it would sound a bit odd to some people, but I don't think they'd have trouble saying it.
ETA: and as a bonus, the flower is gorgeous!
I sold all my evil motives,
no icicles stuck in my hide.
I'm through with riddles, I know we're little,
just help me feel warm inside.
-Girl on the Wing, The Shins
ETA: and as a bonus, the flower is gorgeous!
I sold all my evil motives,
no icicles stuck in my hide.
I'm through with riddles, I know we're little,
just help me feel warm inside.
-Girl on the Wing, The Shins
This message was edited 6/27/2006, 5:09 PM
I think it would be pleasantly unique, and not difficult at all. Once you say it a few times aloud, it sounds rather elegant, IMHO. The only problem I could see would be when the teacher takes roll for the first time and says "...eye-rit?". But then again, a lot of names get that treatment.
And that flower's definitely pretty enough to name a child after.
And that flower's definitely pretty enough to name a child after.
Thanks! I'm so glad you think so. :D
-- Sarah
-- Sarah