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[Facts] need help finding the origin of my last name
hi!! well Im doing a reasherch project and i need help finding out where my last name comes from
my parents come from Mexico but only my dads family has this last name and I cant seem to find out where it originates from if can help me please ill be so greatfull
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hey i need help finding where my last name originatedi need to know for a project where exactly i came from and the history of my last name is all about... this family tree stuff is tricky! thanx -savannah
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hey i need help finding where my last name originatedi need to know for a project where exactly i came from and the history of my last name is all about... this family tree stuff is tricky! thanx -savannah
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All roads (and some names) lead to Rome...Che and Mike C.'s list nailed the meaning of your name all right, but here's something additional that might earn you a little extra credit on your research project. I'm taking this from a wonderfully informative book titled: *A Dictionary of Surnames* by Patrick Hanks & Flavia Hodges (Oxford University Press, 1988):FABIAN
1. English, French, Polish, Austrian, and Venetian: from a given name (Latin, "Fabianus", a derivative of "Fabius", a Roman family name perhaps derived from "faba" bean.) The given name achieved some popularity in the Middle Ages as having been borne by a 3rd century pope and saint.2. Jewish adoption of the non-Jewish surname under the influence of the Yiddish male given name "Fayvish".-- Nanaea
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Jumpin' AndreaAs documented in Mike C's list, Fabian derives from tha latin name Fabius meaning "bean".
Presumable fava bean :-)
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...with a nice Chianti?
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