[Games] Adriatika's All-In-One Congrats!
If something doesn’t make sense, ask me a question, and I will help. :)
Round 1
LN: Whatever you want.
FN – military (http://behindthename.com/php/search.php?terms=war+battle+army&nmd=m&suppress=yes&title=Military+Names&heading=none)
MN – royalty
FN – flowers (http://behindthename.com/php/search.php?nmd=md&terms=flower&submit=Go)
MN – Roman mythology (http://behindthename.com/nmc/rom-myth.php)
Round 2
What is your favorite primary color?
Red - DD
Blue - DS
Yellow - DD
Primary colors are boring - DS
Boys: Adam, Alan, Aurelius, Blake, Ciaran, Clancy, Cole, Cyan, Finnian, Flannery, Gilbert, Graham, Logan, Lucius, Nigel, Paul, Phoenix, Raiden, Raleigh, Robert, Ronan, Rowan, Roy, Rudyard, Russell, Ryan, Sterling, Sullivan, Uriah
Girls: Azure, Blanche, Branwen, Cassandra, Ceridwen, Chloe, Clare, Esmeralda, Guinevere, Lux, Melanie, Merle, Midori, Niamh, Nila, Nina, Phoenix, Rochelle, Rowan, Ruby, Sade, Shirley, Scarlet, Sapphira, Sienna, Talitha, Violet, Whitney, Yolanda, Xanthe
Round 3
What is the date of your birthday? (example: my birthday is November 14, so I would use 14)
1-8 – DD/DD
9-16 – DD/DS
17-24 – DS/DD
25-31 – DS/DS
Boys: Allen, Alexander, Anders, Antonin, Arthur, Benjamin, Blaise, Caspian, Dalton, Daniel, Dante, Dashiell, Dimitri, Dylan, Erich, Ezekiel, Ezra, Francis, George, Isaac, Ivan, James, Johann, Joel, Justin, Malachi, Michael, Nathaniel, Niels, Pierre, Samuel, Stephen, Terence, Thomas, William
Girls: Ada, Agatha, Amanda, Anne, Alexandra, Astrid, Ayla, Beatrix, Charlotte, Colette, Elisabeth, Emily, Fiona, Frances, Harriet, Helen, Hypatia, Juliana, Layla, Madison, Margaret, Marie, Meredith, Myra, Pamela, Shelley, Sidney, Simone, Stella, Vanessa, Wendy, Zola
Round 4
Silver or gold?
Silver: DS
Gold: DD
Boys: Antonio, Brian, Blake, Claude, Damon, Darius, Diego, Drake, Edmund, Edward, Elijah, Erik, Felix, Francisco, Gary, Hayden, Jesse, Jonathan, Julian, Leo, Lorenzo, Luca, Luther, Marcus, Merlin, Nathan, Neil, Paul, Rain, Reagan, Remy, Richard, Saul, Sebastian, Sirius, Stanley, Steven, Stuart, Tristan, Valerian, Vincent, Zephyr
Girls: Amaya, Alyssa, April, Aria, Arista, Andrea, Ava, Bellatrix, Camilla, Carina, Cecilia, Daisy, Diana, Drusilla, Eleanor, Elizabeth, Eowyn, Freya, Frida, Georgia, Grace, Heather, Ingrid, Iris, Jael, Lorraine, Lyra, Maeve, Marilyn, Melody, Portia, Raine, Rhiannon, Tanith, Thalia, Theresa, Thora, Valerie, Vivien, Venus
Round 5
Ocean, lake, pool, or bathtub?
Ocean: DD
Lake: DS
Pool: DS
Bathtub: DD
Boys: Adrian, Alaric, Ariel, Aubrey, Alton, Brennan, Cedric, Caspian, Cody, Cole, Conway, Daniel, Dominic, Dylan, Eric, Ezekiel, Frederick, Graham, Henry, Jacob, Kai, Kelvin, Malik, Morgan, Mortimer, Rain, Raphael, Remiel, River, Ronan, Ryan, Shannon, Theodore, Windsor, Zoltan
Girls: Amelia, Arielle, Ariella, Asherah, Ava, Candace, Charity, Cordelia, Darya, Doris, Griselda, Jessica, Kendall, Leah, Liadan, Lynn, Maris, Mary, Marina, Mayim, Morgan, Morrigan, Nadia, Nerissa, Niamh, Nina, Oceane, Raine, Regina, Rosemary, Sarah, Shannon, Stella, Tallulah, Tiamat
Round 6
You knew you were having a kid, but didn’t plan a name, as you wanted to be daring and decide at the spur of the moment. What is the gender of the kid? And what will the name be?
FN: from your favorites
MN: from my favorites (look in my profile)
Round 7
You are getting exchange students. They are from Sweden and Spain. They will be a bit of a challenge for you, but you will enjoy them.
Can you handle…
The hottest summer heat? DS/DD.
From this list: http://behindthename.com/top/lists/100sw2004.php
The coldest winter chill? DD/DS.
From this list: http://behindthename.com/top/lists/100sp2004.php
Both/neither? DD/DS.
From both lists. Girl from one list, boy from the other. It doesn’t matter which.
Round 8
You are getting interested in new philosophies, and are trying to maintain balance. Look back at the kids you already have. This new one will be the gender that you have less of.
**If you already have an even amount of boys and girls, you can skip this round! You have already achieved Zen. :P**
Boys: Albert, Amadeus, Anselm, Anthony, Avery, Benedict, Benjamin, Blaise, Brooks, Caden, Cameron, Carl, Charles, Douglas, Dwight, Elton, Emeric, Evander, Everett, Finnegan, Friedrich, Gunnar, Immanuel, John, Karan, Lucius, Ludwig, Melchior, Phaedrus, Raiden, Ravi, Rene, Seth, Soren, Tristan, Wilhelm
Girls: Abigail, Acacia, Akemi, Alexis, Ariadne, Audrey, Ayn, Beryl, Bethany, Bridget, Caitlyn, Catherine, Celeste, Chandra, Ciel, Clare, Clarice, Devi, Deirdre, Elea, Enid, Faith, Felicity, Francesca, Freya, Hope, Indira, Isis, Isolde, Kali, Katherine, Lilith, Lorelei, Maeve, Nina, Parvati, Patience, Renee, Simone, Tanith, Tara, Uma
Have fun! It took a rather long time to make. :)
Round 1
LN: Whatever you want.
FN – military (http://behindthename.com/php/search.php?terms=war+battle+army&nmd=m&suppress=yes&title=Military+Names&heading=none)
MN – royalty
FN – flowers (http://behindthename.com/php/search.php?nmd=md&terms=flower&submit=Go)
MN – Roman mythology (http://behindthename.com/nmc/rom-myth.php)
Round 2
What is your favorite primary color?
Red - DD
Blue - DS
Yellow - DD
Primary colors are boring - DS
Boys: Adam, Alan, Aurelius, Blake, Ciaran, Clancy, Cole, Cyan, Finnian, Flannery, Gilbert, Graham, Logan, Lucius, Nigel, Paul, Phoenix, Raiden, Raleigh, Robert, Ronan, Rowan, Roy, Rudyard, Russell, Ryan, Sterling, Sullivan, Uriah
Girls: Azure, Blanche, Branwen, Cassandra, Ceridwen, Chloe, Clare, Esmeralda, Guinevere, Lux, Melanie, Merle, Midori, Niamh, Nila, Nina, Phoenix, Rochelle, Rowan, Ruby, Sade, Shirley, Scarlet, Sapphira, Sienna, Talitha, Violet, Whitney, Yolanda, Xanthe
Round 3
What is the date of your birthday? (example: my birthday is November 14, so I would use 14)
1-8 – DD/DD
9-16 – DD/DS
17-24 – DS/DD
25-31 – DS/DS
Boys: Allen, Alexander, Anders, Antonin, Arthur, Benjamin, Blaise, Caspian, Dalton, Daniel, Dante, Dashiell, Dimitri, Dylan, Erich, Ezekiel, Ezra, Francis, George, Isaac, Ivan, James, Johann, Joel, Justin, Malachi, Michael, Nathaniel, Niels, Pierre, Samuel, Stephen, Terence, Thomas, William
Girls: Ada, Agatha, Amanda, Anne, Alexandra, Astrid, Ayla, Beatrix, Charlotte, Colette, Elisabeth, Emily, Fiona, Frances, Harriet, Helen, Hypatia, Juliana, Layla, Madison, Margaret, Marie, Meredith, Myra, Pamela, Shelley, Sidney, Simone, Stella, Vanessa, Wendy, Zola
Round 4
Silver or gold?
Silver: DS
Gold: DD
Boys: Antonio, Brian, Blake, Claude, Damon, Darius, Diego, Drake, Edmund, Edward, Elijah, Erik, Felix, Francisco, Gary, Hayden, Jesse, Jonathan, Julian, Leo, Lorenzo, Luca, Luther, Marcus, Merlin, Nathan, Neil, Paul, Rain, Reagan, Remy, Richard, Saul, Sebastian, Sirius, Stanley, Steven, Stuart, Tristan, Valerian, Vincent, Zephyr
Girls: Amaya, Alyssa, April, Aria, Arista, Andrea, Ava, Bellatrix, Camilla, Carina, Cecilia, Daisy, Diana, Drusilla, Eleanor, Elizabeth, Eowyn, Freya, Frida, Georgia, Grace, Heather, Ingrid, Iris, Jael, Lorraine, Lyra, Maeve, Marilyn, Melody, Portia, Raine, Rhiannon, Tanith, Thalia, Theresa, Thora, Valerie, Vivien, Venus
Round 5
Ocean, lake, pool, or bathtub?
Ocean: DD
Lake: DS
Pool: DS
Bathtub: DD
Boys: Adrian, Alaric, Ariel, Aubrey, Alton, Brennan, Cedric, Caspian, Cody, Cole, Conway, Daniel, Dominic, Dylan, Eric, Ezekiel, Frederick, Graham, Henry, Jacob, Kai, Kelvin, Malik, Morgan, Mortimer, Rain, Raphael, Remiel, River, Ronan, Ryan, Shannon, Theodore, Windsor, Zoltan
Girls: Amelia, Arielle, Ariella, Asherah, Ava, Candace, Charity, Cordelia, Darya, Doris, Griselda, Jessica, Kendall, Leah, Liadan, Lynn, Maris, Mary, Marina, Mayim, Morgan, Morrigan, Nadia, Nerissa, Niamh, Nina, Oceane, Raine, Regina, Rosemary, Sarah, Shannon, Stella, Tallulah, Tiamat
Round 6
You knew you were having a kid, but didn’t plan a name, as you wanted to be daring and decide at the spur of the moment. What is the gender of the kid? And what will the name be?
FN: from your favorites
MN: from my favorites (look in my profile)
Round 7
You are getting exchange students. They are from Sweden and Spain. They will be a bit of a challenge for you, but you will enjoy them.
Can you handle…
The hottest summer heat? DS/DD.
From this list: http://behindthename.com/top/lists/100sw2004.php
The coldest winter chill? DD/DS.
From this list: http://behindthename.com/top/lists/100sp2004.php
Both/neither? DD/DS.
From both lists. Girl from one list, boy from the other. It doesn’t matter which.
Round 8
You are getting interested in new philosophies, and are trying to maintain balance. Look back at the kids you already have. This new one will be the gender that you have less of.
**If you already have an even amount of boys and girls, you can skip this round! You have already achieved Zen. :P**
Boys: Albert, Amadeus, Anselm, Anthony, Avery, Benedict, Benjamin, Blaise, Brooks, Caden, Cameron, Carl, Charles, Douglas, Dwight, Elton, Emeric, Evander, Everett, Finnegan, Friedrich, Gunnar, Immanuel, John, Karan, Lucius, Ludwig, Melchior, Phaedrus, Raiden, Ravi, Rene, Seth, Soren, Tristan, Wilhelm
Girls: Abigail, Acacia, Akemi, Alexis, Ariadne, Audrey, Ayn, Beryl, Bethany, Bridget, Caitlyn, Catherine, Celeste, Chandra, Ciel, Clare, Clarice, Devi, Deirdre, Elea, Enid, Faith, Felicity, Francesca, Freya, Hope, Indira, Isis, Isolde, Kali, Katherine, Lilith, Lorelei, Maeve, Nina, Parvati, Patience, Renee, Simone, Tanith, Tara, Uma
Have fun! It took a rather long time to make. :)
This message was edited 7/5/2006, 5:37 AM
LN: Cole
DH: Wyatt Edric 'Wyatt'
DW: Lily Minerva 'Lily'
DS: Robert Logan 'Robert'
DS/DS: Daniel James 'Daniel' / Dylan Michael 'Dylan'
DS: Vincent Sirius 'Vincent'
DS: Cedric Adrian 'Cedric'
DD: Emma Julia 'Emma'
DS/DD: Noah William 'Noah' / Ella Olivia 'Ella'
DD: Abigail Nina 'Abby'
Wyatt & Lily
Robert, Daniel, Dylan, Vincent, Cedric, Emma, Noah, Ella, & Abby Cole
DH: Wyatt Edric 'Wyatt'
DW: Lily Minerva 'Lily'
DS: Robert Logan 'Robert'
DS/DS: Daniel James 'Daniel' / Dylan Michael 'Dylan'
DS: Vincent Sirius 'Vincent'
DS: Cedric Adrian 'Cedric'
DD: Emma Julia 'Emma'
DS/DD: Noah William 'Noah' / Ella Olivia 'Ella'
DD: Abigail Nina 'Abby'
Wyatt & Lily
Robert, Daniel, Dylan, Vincent, Cedric, Emma, Noah, Ella, & Abby Cole
LN: Thomas
DH: Charles Ryan "Charlie"
DW: Jasmine Victoria
DS: Cole Ryan
DS/DD: William James "Liam" / Elisabeth Marie
DS: Jonathan Paul "Nathan"
DD: Ava Rosemary
DD: Ariella Faith
DD/DS: Monica Cristina / Nicolas David "Nick" (exchange students)

Jennifer Nicole
Loving the Names:
Ariella Kathryn, Carrie Marie, Elisabeth Ava, Faith Alexandra, Michaela Reese
Cade Preston, Deacon James, Grant William, Jude Hamilton, Roman Spencer
DH: Charles Ryan "Charlie"
DW: Jasmine Victoria
DS: Cole Ryan
DS/DD: William James "Liam" / Elisabeth Marie
DS: Jonathan Paul "Nathan"
DD: Ava Rosemary
DD: Ariella Faith
DD/DS: Monica Cristina / Nicolas David "Nick" (exchange students)
Jennifer Nicole
Loving the Names:
Ariella Kathryn, Carrie Marie, Elisabeth Ava, Faith Alexandra, Michaela Reese
Cade Preston, Deacon James, Grant William, Jude Hamilton, Roman Spencer
DH: Caedmon Basil
DW: Violet Aurora (Aurora Violet sounds better)
DS: Aurelius Logan 16
DS/DD: Isaac Dante / Charlotte Meredith 12
DS: Felix Zephyr 9
DD: Cordelia Niamh 7
DD: Esmeralda Raine 5
Swedish Exchange student: Linnea Saga 18
Spanish Exchange student: Alejandro Ignacio 22
DW: Violet Aurora (Aurora Violet sounds better)
DS: Aurelius Logan 16
DS/DD: Isaac Dante / Charlotte Meredith 12
DS: Felix Zephyr 9
DD: Cordelia Niamh 7
DD: Esmeralda Raine 5
Swedish Exchange student: Linnea Saga 18
Spanish Exchange student: Alejandro Ignacio 22
LN: Dirks
DH: Wyatt Theodoric
DW: Alyssa Victoria
DD: Chloe Sienna
DS/DD: Francis 'Frankie' James / Alexandra 'Alex' Layla
DS: Jesse Tristan
DS: Graham Aubrey
DD: Thalia Wren
DD/DS: Maja Rebecca / Eric Christian
DH: Wyatt Theodoric
DW: Alyssa Victoria
DD: Chloe Sienna
DS/DD: Francis 'Frankie' James / Alexandra 'Alex' Layla
DS: Jesse Tristan
DS: Graham Aubrey
DD: Thalia Wren
DD/DS: Maja Rebecca / Eric Christian
DH:Charles Frederick
DW:Elanor Silvia
DS:Gilbert Ronan
DS/DD:Isaac Nathaniel & Agatha Charlotte
DD:Iris Eleanor
DS:Jacob Aubrey
DD:Amelia Niamh
DD/DS:Alice Matilda & Gabriel Tobias (Exchange students)
DH:Charles Frederick
DW:Elanor Silvia
DS:Gilbert Ronan
DS/DD:Isaac Nathaniel & Agatha Charlotte
DD:Iris Eleanor
DS:Jacob Aubrey
DD:Amelia Niamh
DD/DS:Alice Matilda & Gabriel Tobias (Exchange students)
LN: Goddard
DH: Charles Eric
DW: Linnea Ceres
DD: Chloe Xanthe
DD/DS: Emily Colette / Stephen Dante
DS: Marcus Edward
DS: Adrian Morgan
DD: Kira Scarlett
Exchange students: Max Lucas and Claudia Ines
Friendship is more lasting than love, and more legal than stalking.
-Jane, Coupling
DH: Charles Eric
DW: Linnea Ceres
DD: Chloe Xanthe
DD/DS: Emily Colette / Stephen Dante
DS: Marcus Edward
DS: Adrian Morgan
DD: Kira Scarlett
Exchange students: Max Lucas and Claudia Ines
Friendship is more lasting than love, and more legal than stalking.
-Jane, Coupling
LN: Vincent
DH: Wyatt Ryan
DW: Sethunya-Zahrah Concordia
DS: Cole Logan - 18
DD/DS: Vanessa Sidney "Nessie" / Alexander Isaac "Xander" - 16
DS: Tristan Julian - 13
DS: Ezekiel Cody "Zeke" - 9
DD: Peyton Annika - 6
DD: Faith Patience - 1
ES: Mattias Noah "Matty" *Sweden* - 17
ED: Victoria Teresa "Tori" *Spain* - 16
Daughter to 6
Sister to many
Girl Friend to one
"Mommy" to another
Daughter to 6
Sister to many
Girl Friend to one
"Mommy" to another
DH: Wyatt Ryan
DW: Sethunya-Zahrah Concordia
DS: Cole Logan - 18
DD/DS: Vanessa Sidney "Nessie" / Alexander Isaac "Xander" - 16
DS: Tristan Julian - 13
DS: Ezekiel Cody "Zeke" - 9
DD: Peyton Annika - 6
DD: Faith Patience - 1
ES: Mattias Noah "Matty" *Sweden* - 17
ED: Victoria Teresa "Tori" *Spain* - 16
Daughter to 6
Sister to many
Girl Friend to one
"Mommy" to another
Daughter to 6
Sister to many
Girl Friend to one
"Mommy" to another
Round 1
LN: Scarponi
DH: Anthony Alfonso
DW: Fiorella Lucina
Round 2
What is your favorite primary color? Red
DD: Sienna Cassandra
Round 3
What is the date of your birthday? 1-8
DD/DD: Juliana Elisabeth / Alexandra Margaret
Round 4- Gold
DD: Ava Cecilia
Round 5
Ocean, lake, pool, or bathtub? Pool
DS: Dominic Adrian
Round 6
You knew you were having a kid, but didn’t plan a name, as you wanted to be daring and decide at the spur of the moment. What is the gender of the kid? BOY And what will the name be?......
FN: Michael
MN: Joseph
Round 7
You are getting exchange students. They are from Sweden and Spain. They will be a bit of a challenge for you, but you will enjoy them.
Can you handle… Both/neither
DD/DS: Adriana Sofia/ Adam Vincent
Round 8
You are getting interested in new philosophies, and are trying to maintain balance. Look back at the kids you already have. This new one will be the gender that you have less of.
DS: John Anthony
Tony, Ella, Jewel, Alexa, Ava, Nicky, Mikey, Adriana, Adam, &, Johnny
LN: Scarponi
DH: Anthony Alfonso
DW: Fiorella Lucina
Round 2
What is your favorite primary color? Red
DD: Sienna Cassandra
Round 3
What is the date of your birthday? 1-8
DD/DD: Juliana Elisabeth / Alexandra Margaret
Round 4- Gold
DD: Ava Cecilia
Round 5
Ocean, lake, pool, or bathtub? Pool
DS: Dominic Adrian
Round 6
You knew you were having a kid, but didn’t plan a name, as you wanted to be daring and decide at the spur of the moment. What is the gender of the kid? BOY And what will the name be?......
FN: Michael
MN: Joseph
Round 7
You are getting exchange students. They are from Sweden and Spain. They will be a bit of a challenge for you, but you will enjoy them.
Can you handle… Both/neither
DD/DS: Adriana Sofia/ Adam Vincent
Round 8
You are getting interested in new philosophies, and are trying to maintain balance. Look back at the kids you already have. This new one will be the gender that you have less of.
DS: John Anthony
Tony, Ella, Jewel, Alexa, Ava, Nicky, Mikey, Adriana, Adam, &, Johnny
LN Collier
DH Rainer Rex "Rex"
DW Hana Aurora
DS Phoenix Aurelius
DD/DS Ayla Simone / Nathaniel Erich "Nate"
DD Cecilia Raine "Celia"
DS Ronan Kai
DS Maxen Finley "Max"
DD/DS Isabelle Blanca "Isa (pn EEsa)" / Jesper Fabian
DD Felicity Indira
Rex & Hana
Phoenix, Ayla, Nate, Celia, Ronan, Max, Isa, Jesper & Felicity
DH Rainer Rex "Rex"
DW Hana Aurora
DS Phoenix Aurelius
DD/DS Ayla Simone / Nathaniel Erich "Nate"
DD Cecilia Raine "Celia"
DS Ronan Kai
DS Maxen Finley "Max"
DD/DS Isabelle Blanca "Isa (pn EEsa)" / Jesper Fabian
DD Felicity Indira
Rex & Hana
Phoenix, Ayla, Nate, Celia, Ronan, Max, Isa, Jesper & Felicity
DH:Charles Henry
DW:Rose Victoria
DD:Guinevere Clare
DD/DD:Frances Helen/Beatrix Charlotte
DD:Georgia Viven
DD:Rosemary Stella
DS:Hugh Joseph
DD:Lucia Victoria
DS:Simon Alexander
DS:Benjamin Albert
DW:Rose Victoria
DD:Guinevere Clare
DD/DD:Frances Helen/Beatrix Charlotte
DD:Georgia Viven
DD:Rosemary Stella
DS:Hugh Joseph
DD:Lucia Victoria
DS:Simon Alexander
DS:Benjamin Albert
LN: Campbell
DH: Walter Brendan "Walt"
DW: Magnolia Pax
DD: Scarlet Lux
DD/DD: Vanessa Meredith / Frances Alexandra
DS: Nathan Elijah
DD: Marina Lynn
DS: Cecil Arlen
(ES)DS/DD: Viktor Elias / Thea Astrid
DS: Elton Blaise
Walt & Magnolia
Scarlet, Vanessa, Frances, Nathan, Marina, Cecil, Viktor, Thea, and Elton.
DH: Walter Brendan "Walt"
DW: Magnolia Pax
DD: Scarlet Lux
DD/DD: Vanessa Meredith / Frances Alexandra
DS: Nathan Elijah
DD: Marina Lynn
DS: Cecil Arlen
(ES)DS/DD: Viktor Elias / Thea Astrid
DS: Elton Blaise
Walt & Magnolia
Scarlet, Vanessa, Frances, Nathan, Marina, Cecil, Viktor, Thea, and Elton.
LN: Bewlay
DH: Luther Witold
DW: Diantha Juno
DD: Cassandra Blanche
DS/DS: Dashiell Blaise, Terence Antonin
DD: Lorraine Drusilla
DD: Rosemary Doris
DD: Scholastica Solveig
Exchange DD/DS: Naiara Carmen, Santiago Martin
DS: Cameron Brooks
Luther, Di, Cass, Dash, Terry, Rainey, Romy, Lassie, Naiara, Tiago, and Cammie
...And then he said, "You're independent, aren't you?"
"Yes," said Laura.
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
DH: Luther Witold
DW: Diantha Juno
DD: Cassandra Blanche
DS/DS: Dashiell Blaise, Terence Antonin
DD: Lorraine Drusilla
DD: Rosemary Doris
DD: Scholastica Solveig
Exchange DD/DS: Naiara Carmen, Santiago Martin
DS: Cameron Brooks
Luther, Di, Cass, Dash, Terry, Rainey, Romy, Lassie, Naiara, Tiago, and Cammie
...And then he said, "You're independent, aren't you?"
"Yes," said Laura.
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
LN: Washington
DH: Harvey Theodoric
DW: Leilani Callisto
DS: Sullivan Lucius
DD/DD: Violet Alexandra/Juliana Simone
DD: Iris Rhiannon
DS: Caspian Cole
DD: Francesca (is also on my list!) Naomi
Exchange DD/DS: Lara Veronica/Sebastian Jonas
DS: Tristan Seth
DH: Harvey Theodoric
DW: Leilani Callisto
DS: Sullivan Lucius
DD/DD: Violet Alexandra/Juliana Simone
DD: Iris Rhiannon
DS: Caspian Cole
DD: Francesca (is also on my list!) Naomi
Exchange DD/DS: Lara Veronica/Sebastian Jonas
DS: Tristan Seth
LN: Kent
DH: Gunther Rex
DW: Azalea Camilla
DS: Nigel Phoenix
DS/DS: Dante Caspian/Malachi Alexander
DD: Aria Melody
DD: Ariella Leah
DD: Gabrielle Meredith
girl exchange student: Emelie Madeleine
boy exchange student: Antonio Cesar
Bubble: I shall endeavor to transcribe it on my pad, photocopy it and file it for future reference.
(from Absolutely Fabulous)
Scully: A dream is an answer to a question we haven't yet learned how to ask.
Paper Hearts
(the X-Files)
DH: Gunther Rex
DW: Azalea Camilla
DS: Nigel Phoenix
DS/DS: Dante Caspian/Malachi Alexander
DD: Aria Melody
DD: Ariella Leah
DD: Gabrielle Meredith
girl exchange student: Emelie Madeleine
boy exchange student: Antonio Cesar
Bubble: I shall endeavor to transcribe it on my pad, photocopy it and file it for future reference.
(from Absolutely Fabulous)
Scully: A dream is an answer to a question we haven't yet learned how to ask.
Paper Hearts
(the X-Files)
LN: Waugh
DH: Charles Frederick
DW: Marigold Silvia
DD: Violet Niamh
DS/DD: Francis George / Harriet Stella
DS: Edmund Felix
DS: Henry Graham
DD: Madeleine Maeve
DD/DS (exchange): Eva Adriana / Viktor Johannes
~Louise x
~*~Top Names~*~
Charles Frederick & Isabel Primrose

DH: Charles Frederick
DW: Marigold Silvia
DD: Violet Niamh
DS/DD: Francis George / Harriet Stella
DS: Edmund Felix
DS: Henry Graham
DD: Madeleine Maeve
DD/DS (exchange): Eva Adriana / Viktor Johannes
~Louise x
Charles Frederick & Isabel Primrose

This message was edited 7/5/2006, 5:48 AM
DH: Gunther Eric
DW: Jasmine Diana
DD: Guinevere Chloe
DS/DS: Dante Alexander / Caspian James
DD: Aria Lorraine
DD: Rosemary Leah
DS: Finnian Avery
DD: Lilith Caitlyn
Exchange Students: Astrid Emilia & Miguel Antonio
!!!!!: Morgaine, Arthur, Vivianne, Lancelot, & Guinevere
???????: William, Charles, Percival, Frederick, George, Ronald, & Ginevra
....: Peter, Susan, Edmund, & Lucy
DW: Jasmine Diana
DD: Guinevere Chloe
DS/DS: Dante Alexander / Caspian James
DD: Aria Lorraine
DD: Rosemary Leah
DS: Finnian Avery
DD: Lilith Caitlyn
Exchange Students: Astrid Emilia & Miguel Antonio
!!!!!: Morgaine, Arthur, Vivianne, Lancelot, & Guinevere
???????: William, Charles, Percival, Frederick, George, Ronald, & Ginevra
....: Peter, Susan, Edmund, & Lucy
LN: Eleazar
DH: Alfonso Brendan
DW: Clover Diana
DD: Esmeralda Guinevere "Essie" (14)
DD/DD: Helen Juliana "Julie" and Layla Madison (12)
DS: Nathan Paul (8)
DS: Remiel Shannon "Emil" (5)
DD: Ylva Allison (3)
D/S: Ana Lucia and Hugo Diego (16) (exchange students from Spain)
DS: Benedict Charles "Benny" (0)
Alfonso and Clover Eleazar with:
Ana, Hugo, Essie, Julie, Layla, Nathan, Emil, Ylva and Benny

DH: Alfonso Brendan
DW: Clover Diana
DD: Esmeralda Guinevere "Essie" (14)
DD/DD: Helen Juliana "Julie" and Layla Madison (12)
DS: Nathan Paul (8)
DS: Remiel Shannon "Emil" (5)
DD: Ylva Allison (3)
D/S: Ana Lucia and Hugo Diego (16) (exchange students from Spain)
DS: Benedict Charles "Benny" (0)
Alfonso and Clover Eleazar with:
Ana, Hugo, Essie, Julie, Layla, Nathan, Emil, Ylva and Benny

This message was edited 7/5/2006, 5:17 AM
Mine + Question
LN: Keassh
DH: Charles Eric
DW: Clematis Lavinia
DS: Ciaran Russell
DS/DD: Caspian Dante / Charlotte Fiona
DD: Cecilia Lorraine
DD: Candace Tallulah
DS: Caleb Zephyr
DS/DD: Carl Wilmer / Cornelia Nicole
For round 8, I have an even numcer of boys and girls, what do I have now?
LN: Keassh
DH: Charles Eric
DW: Clematis Lavinia
DS: Ciaran Russell
DS/DD: Caspian Dante / Charlotte Fiona
DD: Cecilia Lorraine
DD: Candace Tallulah
DS: Caleb Zephyr
DS/DD: Carl Wilmer / Cornelia Nicole
For round 8, I have an even numcer of boys and girls, what do I have now?
Ooh, good question. I didn't think of that.
There are a lot of kids, so if you have even, you can skip that round. I better put that in my post... :)
There are a lot of kids, so if you have even, you can skip that round. I better put that in my post... :)
This message was edited 7/5/2006, 5:38 AM
LN: Williams
DH: Oliver Harold
DW: Heather Lavinia
DS: Alan Ryan
DD: Elizabeth Grace
DD: Leah Amelia
DS: Theodore Joseph
DD/DS: Monica Desiree / Jonathan Joel (exchange students)
DD: Patience Hope
(I didn't do round 3)
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."
~~~ John 3:16
DH: Oliver Harold
DW: Heather Lavinia
DS: Alan Ryan
DD: Elizabeth Grace
DD: Leah Amelia
DS: Theodore Joseph
DD/DS: Monica Desiree / Jonathan Joel (exchange students)
DD: Patience Hope
(I didn't do round 3)
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."
~~~ John 3:16