[Facts] Pronounce this Dutch name: Tijs
Yes, as in DJ Tiesto's real name. He's Dutch (and male, in case you didn't already know that). I think it may be a shorter version of another name, but I'm pretty sure it's his given name.

It's sort of in between the Tace that Anneza said and Tice (rhymes with "ice"). And overhere in The Netherlands it's custom to give children nicknames or short versions of other names as their given name.

How about Teys? ('ey' as in 'hey!') Seems a much closer spelling of the pronunciation.
In my opinion IE is closer to the sound of ij then EY, but the difficult thing is that not everyone pronounces ij the same way. In Belgium for instance it sounds more like a long E. Example: Bijt (to Bite in Dutch) would sound most like Bet (but only a bit longer) in English and where I'm from it sounds more like Bite. So the best I can explain is a sound somewhere in between those...

The closest I can comfortably get is Tace, to rhyme with mace, ace, place ... not totally identical with the Dutch sound, but every Dutch person would udnerstand it.
Matthew in posh Dutch would be something like Mattheus = ma-TAY-us, with the TAY like the Scottish river, rhyming with hay, play etc. And in the language of everyday conversation it becomes Matthijs = ma-TACE as I said above. And that shortens to Tijs! (By the way, that -ij- combination is a diphthong, sometimes written as the letter y. So you sometimes see Thys, and the Ysselmeer.)
Matthew in posh Dutch would be something like Mattheus = ma-TAY-us, with the TAY like the Scottish river, rhyming with hay, play etc. And in the language of everyday conversation it becomes Matthijs = ma-TACE as I said above. And that shortens to Tijs! (By the way, that -ij- combination is a diphthong, sometimes written as the letter y. So you sometimes see Thys, and the Ysselmeer.)