[Opinions] Avnir for a boy
What do you think of this name?
I prefer Avner.
I'd much prefer Avner. Avnir makes me think it's some sort of French -ir verb. Which makes me want to conjugate it. That's probably not a good thing if it's someone's name. Plus, because of this association, I would pronounce Avnir av-NEER. Avner, on the other hand, would be, AV-ner.

"The dog is a gentleman; I hope I go to his heaven, not man's."
- Mark Twain.

"The dog is a gentleman; I hope I go to his heaven, not man's."
- Mark Twain.
This message was edited 7/21/2006, 11:14 AM
I prefer Abner...but that doesn't mean I like it. ;o)

Unfortunately, it looks too much like a French -ir verb too me (just a taste of my nerdiness for you).

Haha, I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought of that!

"The dog is a gentleman; I hope I go to his heaven, not man's."
- Mark Twain.

"The dog is a gentleman; I hope I go to his heaven, not man's."
- Mark Twain.
I agree
It doesn't look like a name to me, I can't say I like it.