[Games] Nikki's Congrats
Sorry this is late, I did not realize how many people would sign up. I will post the next round tomorrow. If you have not responded to this one by then, you just dont get a child for it. Remember, you tell me when your family is complete, there is no set number of rounds.
There is no spelling changes
You can use whatever nn you want but it has to come from the first name! No nn's from middle names
If you dont have a child for last round than you either did not respond in time or you did something wrong. Go back and check the last post.
If you still would like to sign up do it here as I will not be going back to the original sign up post to check it
and pick one of the animals
Andrew David and Marie Nicole
Kieran Jacob
DD Aine Bailey Cliona Dale Dawn Hadassah Hope Isla Junia Kayla May Mhairi Sarah Skyla Una
Amos Vincent and Louisa Mae
Aretha Simone
DS Aeneas Aidan Baruch Brent Casey Colt Ephron Jace Jamin Josiah Justus Omar Pierce Taft Thaddeus
sarah lee
Harry Marshall and Eleanor Maria
Everett Michael / Annalise Essence
DD Ainsley Caitlin Colleen Diamond Elle Hannah Iris Kathleen Kaylee Lois Meadow Moira Sarai Tayla Wynne
Taylor Anthony and Megan Michele
Natalie Evelyn
DS Alec Andrew Benjamin Brett Clancy Dane Ethan Jair Japheth Judah Lazarus Phineas Piers Tate Theophilus
Julian Tate and Brandy
Hannah Tamela "Han"
DD Acacia Aisling Caleigh Dara Dove Greer Havilah Ivory Kaylin Keelin Lydia Melodie Morgan Shifra Tyra
Cameron and Amy
DS Alistair Artemas Boaz Brice Colin Dax Ezekiel Jared Jett Kenan Lucas Quinn Raphael Teauge Thomas
Travis Jordan and Valerie Theresa
Tobias Joshua
DS Angus Balthazar Brooks Caleb Colm Dean Ezra Jedidiah Joss Laban Lucius Rand Reuben Thane Timothy
Liam Malachi and Ellie Nichole
Sage Bella
DS Archibald Barnabas Bryce Colman Cyrus Dez Gabriel Jemuel Jude Lemuel Luke Reese Samson Till Titus
Ignatius William "Nate" and Regina Mary Louisa "Reggie"
Dallas Olivia / Arden Isabel
DD Abigail Alannah Amber Camryn Deirdre Ebony Ivy Jade Jael Keely Kelly Magdalena Mercy Muriel Tamar
Roger Kingsley and Daphne Grace
Phoebe Caroline
DD Adah Alys Amity Dilys Emerald Haley Jade Jemima Joss Kelsey Kendall Maria Merry Nia Tamara
Aaron and Colleen
DS Baird Barnaby Burke Conan Daniel Drake Gershon Jeremiah Kai Levi Mark Reid Samuel Trace Zachary
Gad Jacob and Kaisa Jaffe
Gabriel Andrew "Gabe"
DS Bartholomew Brannock Cade Connor David Drew Gideon Jeremy Kane Mahlon Matthew Rex Saul Trent Zebedee
Asher Henry and Olivia Ruth
Aaron Elijah
DD Adina Anwen April Eileen Esperanza Hayden Jasmin Jerusha Kaye Kennedy Kenzie Marie Myrtle Niamh Vashti
Adrian Dominic and Josephine Mary
Jasper Ethan / Daniel Marcus
DS Baird Brendan Cal Conor Crispus Ebenezer Finn Hezekiah Jeriah Keane Malachi Matthias Rhett Seth Trey
Joshua Felix and Sariah Marcella "Sari"
Abner Josiah / Ivy Charisse
DS Baz Brennan Cale Cormac Ehud Emmanuel FLynn Hillel Jesse Keir Micah Michael Rhys Simeon Ty
Daniel Francis and Evelyn Sophia
Cecily Adrienne
DD Amana Aoife Autumn Eleri Faith Haylee Jewel Jezebel Kerensa Kiana Lark Martha Nora Olive Yael
Phoenix Alexander and Katherine Raye "Kit"
DD Atara Azure Bethen Emlyn Felicity Jacey Joy Judith Kerry Kierra Leigh Mary Opal Rhian Zilla
Jonathan Ezra and Isabelle Kate
Sophia Mackenzie "Sophie"
DD Avital Bay Brenda Erin Fern Jada June Keziah Kiara Kiley Lise Pansy Priscilla Rhiannon Zipporah
Ethan Graham and Elaina Rebecca
Ryan Isaiah / Adam Levi
DD Anna Bathsheba Bonnie Brenna Fallon Fleur Jaden Juniper Kiya Leah Leslie Lynn Patience Rhoda Riley
Claire H
Felix Daniel and Violet Jezebel
Julia Valentine
DD Aquila Bethal Bridget Calla Ffion Jakayla Kyla Lark Lilias Mara Neve Pearl Riona Salome
Michael Angelo "Mike" and Laure Nicolette
DD Berenice Beulah Bronwyn Cassia Finola Garnet Jalyn Kylie Laurel Logan Mehitabel Paige Prudence Roisin Sapphira
Matthew James and Maria Elise
Abigail Violet
DD Bernice Brynn Carmel Charity Fiona Ginger Janae Kyra Lavender Mackenzie Miriam Quinn Raven Ryan Susana
Keegan Daniel and Larissa Marie
Hayden Desiree / David Morgan
DD Bethany Caitlin Chastity Deborah Gladys Golden Jayla Lacey Lily Maeve Naomi Reese Robin Shannon Tabitha
Jacob Anthony and Gwendolyn Elisabeth
Angel Hollis
DD Bay Cameron Clover Damaris Delilah Glenda Grace Kacie Laney Linden Maisie Noemi Rose Sage Shawn
Michael Yves and Sara Luciana
Adrian Maxwell
DS Beau Brian Cash Craig Eli Erastus Gage Hiram Jethro Lance Michael Nathanael Ross Simon Van
Gunnar Wilhelm and Irina Sade
Yolanda Diamond
DD Blair Caoimhe Constance Dinah Dorcas Glynis Hazel Kaitlyn Lotus Macy Maura Rachel Rosemary Shea Sheila
Brandon Matthew and Elise Matilda
Oliver Alexander Britt "Ollie"
DD Bree Carys Coral Drusilla Elisha Grainne Heather Kaiya Mae Makayla Maureen Rebecca Ruby Shea Skye
Paul Marcus Alexander and Mary Lousie
Anna Sophia "Annie"
DS Beck Broderick Chance Darby Eliezer Gabriel Glyn Hosea Joah Lane Mordecai Nathaniel Royce Solomon Vance
Bastian and Elizabeth
Dominic Cameron
DS Blaine Brogan Chase Darragh Elijah Graeme Isaac James Joel Lee Moses Nicodemus Rune Tobias Vaughn
David Gabriel and Bree River
Jamari Tariq / Aylin Ray
DS Blair Bryce Chaz Daveth Elisha Grant Isaiah Jesus Jonah Leif Naphtali Paul Ryne Uriah Von
Tobias Edgar and Suzy Amalia
Jody Pierce
DS Blaise Callum Clay Declan Elon Hale Ishmael John Jonas Luke Nathan Peter Sage Uriel Wade
Dane Andrew and Monica Rae
Casey Brandon / Chandler Jaron
DS Blake Camden Clint Denzil Enoch Hart Israel Jonathan Jose Mace Nathaniel Shane Silas Watt Zachariah
Oliver Victor and Martine Lydie
Timothy Brennan
DS Bond Cameron Clive Dermot Enos Hayes Jabez Joseph Juan Max Nehemiah Shay Simon Wynn Zachary
Robert Brent and Hayley Alexandra
DD Britt Casey Crystal Elisheva Elizabeth Grania Holly Kaliyah Magnolia Mayra Mckenna Rebekah Sage Sinead Sloane
Jesse Ryan and Chelsea Laura
DS Brant Carson Cole Desmond Ephraim Heath Jacob Joshua Jude Nash Noah Spence Stephen Zane Zeb
Christopher Maxwell "Chris" and Templeton Jane "Temple"
DD Brooke Catriona Dahlia Esther Eunice Gwendolyn Honor Katlyn Mahogony Megan Rochelle Senna Shayla Siobhan Tyne
Samuel John "Sam" and Jennifer Nicole "Jen"
DD Brynn Ciara Daisy Eve Honore Iona Joanna Kaya Maire Marigold Ruth Serenity Shayna Tamsin Wynne
Miss Lissa
Ryan and Elisabeth
DS Alfred Antonio Bernard Carson Carter Eugene Francis Harlan Hayden Lorenzo Louis Orlando Parker Peyton Theodre
Faron Perry and Janet Eloise
DD April Cassidy Hallie Harley Heather Holly Josie Kendall Melissa Paris Phoebe Presley Shannon Skylar Tara
There is no spelling changes
You can use whatever nn you want but it has to come from the first name! No nn's from middle names
If you dont have a child for last round than you either did not respond in time or you did something wrong. Go back and check the last post.
If you still would like to sign up do it here as I will not be going back to the original sign up post to check it
and pick one of the animals
Andrew David and Marie Nicole
Kieran Jacob
DD Aine Bailey Cliona Dale Dawn Hadassah Hope Isla Junia Kayla May Mhairi Sarah Skyla Una
Amos Vincent and Louisa Mae
Aretha Simone
DS Aeneas Aidan Baruch Brent Casey Colt Ephron Jace Jamin Josiah Justus Omar Pierce Taft Thaddeus
sarah lee
Harry Marshall and Eleanor Maria
Everett Michael / Annalise Essence
DD Ainsley Caitlin Colleen Diamond Elle Hannah Iris Kathleen Kaylee Lois Meadow Moira Sarai Tayla Wynne
Taylor Anthony and Megan Michele
Natalie Evelyn
DS Alec Andrew Benjamin Brett Clancy Dane Ethan Jair Japheth Judah Lazarus Phineas Piers Tate Theophilus
Julian Tate and Brandy
Hannah Tamela "Han"
DD Acacia Aisling Caleigh Dara Dove Greer Havilah Ivory Kaylin Keelin Lydia Melodie Morgan Shifra Tyra
Cameron and Amy
DS Alistair Artemas Boaz Brice Colin Dax Ezekiel Jared Jett Kenan Lucas Quinn Raphael Teauge Thomas
Travis Jordan and Valerie Theresa
Tobias Joshua
DS Angus Balthazar Brooks Caleb Colm Dean Ezra Jedidiah Joss Laban Lucius Rand Reuben Thane Timothy
Liam Malachi and Ellie Nichole
Sage Bella
DS Archibald Barnabas Bryce Colman Cyrus Dez Gabriel Jemuel Jude Lemuel Luke Reese Samson Till Titus
Ignatius William "Nate" and Regina Mary Louisa "Reggie"
Dallas Olivia / Arden Isabel
DD Abigail Alannah Amber Camryn Deirdre Ebony Ivy Jade Jael Keely Kelly Magdalena Mercy Muriel Tamar
Roger Kingsley and Daphne Grace
Phoebe Caroline
DD Adah Alys Amity Dilys Emerald Haley Jade Jemima Joss Kelsey Kendall Maria Merry Nia Tamara
Aaron and Colleen
DS Baird Barnaby Burke Conan Daniel Drake Gershon Jeremiah Kai Levi Mark Reid Samuel Trace Zachary
Gad Jacob and Kaisa Jaffe
Gabriel Andrew "Gabe"
DS Bartholomew Brannock Cade Connor David Drew Gideon Jeremy Kane Mahlon Matthew Rex Saul Trent Zebedee
Asher Henry and Olivia Ruth
Aaron Elijah
DD Adina Anwen April Eileen Esperanza Hayden Jasmin Jerusha Kaye Kennedy Kenzie Marie Myrtle Niamh Vashti
Adrian Dominic and Josephine Mary
Jasper Ethan / Daniel Marcus
DS Baird Brendan Cal Conor Crispus Ebenezer Finn Hezekiah Jeriah Keane Malachi Matthias Rhett Seth Trey
Joshua Felix and Sariah Marcella "Sari"
Abner Josiah / Ivy Charisse
DS Baz Brennan Cale Cormac Ehud Emmanuel FLynn Hillel Jesse Keir Micah Michael Rhys Simeon Ty
Daniel Francis and Evelyn Sophia
Cecily Adrienne
DD Amana Aoife Autumn Eleri Faith Haylee Jewel Jezebel Kerensa Kiana Lark Martha Nora Olive Yael
Phoenix Alexander and Katherine Raye "Kit"
DD Atara Azure Bethen Emlyn Felicity Jacey Joy Judith Kerry Kierra Leigh Mary Opal Rhian Zilla
Jonathan Ezra and Isabelle Kate
Sophia Mackenzie "Sophie"
DD Avital Bay Brenda Erin Fern Jada June Keziah Kiara Kiley Lise Pansy Priscilla Rhiannon Zipporah
Ethan Graham and Elaina Rebecca
Ryan Isaiah / Adam Levi
DD Anna Bathsheba Bonnie Brenna Fallon Fleur Jaden Juniper Kiya Leah Leslie Lynn Patience Rhoda Riley
Claire H
Felix Daniel and Violet Jezebel
Julia Valentine
DD Aquila Bethal Bridget Calla Ffion Jakayla Kyla Lark Lilias Mara Neve Pearl Riona Salome
Michael Angelo "Mike" and Laure Nicolette
DD Berenice Beulah Bronwyn Cassia Finola Garnet Jalyn Kylie Laurel Logan Mehitabel Paige Prudence Roisin Sapphira
Matthew James and Maria Elise
Abigail Violet
DD Bernice Brynn Carmel Charity Fiona Ginger Janae Kyra Lavender Mackenzie Miriam Quinn Raven Ryan Susana
Keegan Daniel and Larissa Marie
Hayden Desiree / David Morgan
DD Bethany Caitlin Chastity Deborah Gladys Golden Jayla Lacey Lily Maeve Naomi Reese Robin Shannon Tabitha
Jacob Anthony and Gwendolyn Elisabeth
Angel Hollis
DD Bay Cameron Clover Damaris Delilah Glenda Grace Kacie Laney Linden Maisie Noemi Rose Sage Shawn
Michael Yves and Sara Luciana
Adrian Maxwell
DS Beau Brian Cash Craig Eli Erastus Gage Hiram Jethro Lance Michael Nathanael Ross Simon Van
Gunnar Wilhelm and Irina Sade
Yolanda Diamond
DD Blair Caoimhe Constance Dinah Dorcas Glynis Hazel Kaitlyn Lotus Macy Maura Rachel Rosemary Shea Sheila
Brandon Matthew and Elise Matilda
Oliver Alexander Britt "Ollie"
DD Bree Carys Coral Drusilla Elisha Grainne Heather Kaiya Mae Makayla Maureen Rebecca Ruby Shea Skye
Paul Marcus Alexander and Mary Lousie
Anna Sophia "Annie"
DS Beck Broderick Chance Darby Eliezer Gabriel Glyn Hosea Joah Lane Mordecai Nathaniel Royce Solomon Vance
Bastian and Elizabeth
Dominic Cameron
DS Blaine Brogan Chase Darragh Elijah Graeme Isaac James Joel Lee Moses Nicodemus Rune Tobias Vaughn
David Gabriel and Bree River
Jamari Tariq / Aylin Ray
DS Blair Bryce Chaz Daveth Elisha Grant Isaiah Jesus Jonah Leif Naphtali Paul Ryne Uriah Von
Tobias Edgar and Suzy Amalia
Jody Pierce
DS Blaise Callum Clay Declan Elon Hale Ishmael John Jonas Luke Nathan Peter Sage Uriel Wade
Dane Andrew and Monica Rae
Casey Brandon / Chandler Jaron
DS Blake Camden Clint Denzil Enoch Hart Israel Jonathan Jose Mace Nathaniel Shane Silas Watt Zachariah
Oliver Victor and Martine Lydie
Timothy Brennan
DS Bond Cameron Clive Dermot Enos Hayes Jabez Joseph Juan Max Nehemiah Shay Simon Wynn Zachary
Robert Brent and Hayley Alexandra
DD Britt Casey Crystal Elisheva Elizabeth Grania Holly Kaliyah Magnolia Mayra Mckenna Rebekah Sage Sinead Sloane
Jesse Ryan and Chelsea Laura
DS Brant Carson Cole Desmond Ephraim Heath Jacob Joshua Jude Nash Noah Spence Stephen Zane Zeb
Christopher Maxwell "Chris" and Templeton Jane "Temple"
DD Brooke Catriona Dahlia Esther Eunice Gwendolyn Honor Katlyn Mahogony Megan Rochelle Senna Shayla Siobhan Tyne
Samuel John "Sam" and Jennifer Nicole "Jen"
DD Brynn Ciara Daisy Eve Honore Iona Joanna Kaya Maire Marigold Ruth Serenity Shayna Tamsin Wynne
Miss Lissa
Ryan and Elisabeth
DS Alfred Antonio Bernard Carson Carter Eugene Francis Harlan Hayden Lorenzo Louis Orlando Parker Peyton Theodre
Faron Perry and Janet Eloise
DD April Cassidy Hallie Harley Heather Holly Josie Kendall Melissa Paris Phoebe Presley Shannon Skylar Tara

Paul Marcus Alexander and Mary Lousie
Anna Sophia "Annie"
DS Solomon Mordecai "Sol"
"All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree." --Albert Einstein
"Hatred paralyzes life; love releases it. Hatred confuses life; love harmonizes it. Hatred darkens life; love illuminates it." ~ Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Paul Marcus Alexander and Mary Lousie
Anna Sophia "Annie"
DS Solomon Mordecai "Sol"
"All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree." --Albert Einstein
"Hatred paralyzes life; love releases it. Hatred confuses life; love harmonizes it. Hatred darkens life; love illuminates it." ~ Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Samuel John "Sam" and Jennifer Nicole "Jen"
DD: Kaya Daisy

Jennifer Nicole
Loving the Names:
Ariella Kathryn, Carrie Marie, Elisabeth Ava, Faith Alexandra, Michaela Reese, Sadie Elisabeth
Cade Preston, Deacon James, Grant William, Jude Hamilton, Roman Spencer
Samuel John "Sam" and Jennifer Nicole "Jen"
DD: Kaya Daisy
Jennifer Nicole
Loving the Names:
Ariella Kathryn, Carrie Marie, Elisabeth Ava, Faith Alexandra, Michaela Reese, Sadie Elisabeth
Cade Preston, Deacon James, Grant William, Jude Hamilton, Roman Spencer