[Games] Nikki's Congrats
Sorry I skiped a day... I had to work
I will post the next round tomorrow if I have time. If you have not responded to this one by then, you just dont get a child for it. Remember, you tell me when your family is complete, there is no set number of rounds.
There is no spelling changes
You can use whatever nn you want but it has to come from the first name! No nn's from middle names
If you dont have a child for last round than you either did not respond in time or you did something wrong. Go back and check the last post.
If you still would like to sign up do it here as I will not be going back to the original sign up post to check it
Andrew David and Marie Nicole
Kieran Jacob
Sarah May
DS Alden Alfie Birch Branson Canton Cody Devon Donal Graeme Holdon Ivor Kilian Layton Riley Tevin
Amos Vincent and Louisa Mae
Aretha Simone
Thaddeus Baruch
DD Aeron Bernadette Christabel Esme Fifi Fleur Jocelyn Lucille Philomena Renee Sienna Sierra Sunday Teagan Victoria
sarah lee
Harry Marshall and Eleanor Maria
Everett Michael / Annalise Essence
Sarai Iris
DD Aida Allure Blanche Cordelia Evangeline Gabrielle Gidget Jordan Madeleine Phyllida Rosalie Silver Sunrise Virginia Winifred
Taylor Anthony and Megan Michele
Natalie Evelyn
Ethan Alec
DD/DS Amabel Andromeda Arden Brigitt Dahlia Delta Flavia Genevieve Heart Joslyn Maelle Portia Sabine Spring Taffeta / Alistair Alton Bridger Canyon Carson Colt Dillion Donovan Graham Jackson Jonty Lachlan Logan Riordan Tiernan
Julian Tate and Brandy
Hannah Tamela "Han"
DS Alwyn Arden Bryce Carsten Colton Diamond Dillon Dougal Gregor Jaden Julian Liam London Rohan Timon
Cameron and Amy
Grace Oliva
Alistair Thomas
DS Ambrose Ashton Canyon Cason Dillon Dorian Douglas Earnest Griffin Jalen Llewellyn Lorcan Neville Ronan Tobin
Travis Jordan and Valerie Theresa
Tobias Joshua
Caleb Jedidiah
DD Anais Apple Ashlyn Camille Daphne Dixie Genevieve Germaine Heaven Kaitlyn Manon Salome Sandrine Summer Tempest
Liam Malachi and Ellie Nichole
Sage Bella
Jude Gabriel
DD Angelique Armani Ashton Cecile Dololy Dulcie Gigi Glynis Honey Kathlyn Marcella Sapphira Simone Tierra Unique
Ignatius William "Nate" and Regina Mary Louisa "Reggie"
Dallas Olivia / Arden Isabel
Keely Jade
DS Auberon Austin Chayton Coty Draven Duane Flint Griffith Jaron Jed Logan Mahlon Nigel Rory Trenton
Roger Kingsley and Daphne Grace
Phoebe Caroline
Emerald Dilys
DS/DD Balin Barnaby Christian Dakota Duncan Dunston Forest Hamish Javen Joss Lorcan Marlon Niles Rowan Trevin
Aaron and Colleen
Zachary Drake "Zach"
DD/DD Araminta Aura Aylin Celestine Enid Helene Hermione Kaylin Larue Lexus Marguerite Scarlett Suzette Tuesday Vega / Ariadne Avalon Brooklyn Celine Felicity Heloise Iolanthe Keelin Leanne Lotus Marianne Severina Sylvie Velvet Verity
Gad Jacob and Kaisa Jaffe
Gabriel Andrew "Gabe"
Saul Jeremy
DS Bannon Basil Clayton Denver Dustin Dylan Frost Ian Jaxon Judd Lyle Mason Oliver Ryan Tristan
Asher Henry and Olivia Ruth
Aaron Elijah
Myrtle Kaye
DD Artemisia Bambi Caitlin Chantel Fiona Honoree Iole Kiersten Lucille Lyric Marie Sidony Therese Venus Violet
Adrian Dominic and Josephine Mary
Jasper Ethan / Daniel Marcus
Matthias Brendan
DD Astrid Bathsheba Camryn Christine Flavia Ione Isabelle Kirsten Madonna Magnolia Marine Siobhan Valerie Whisper Willow
Joshua Felix and Sariah Marcella "Sari"
Abner Josiah / Ivy Charisse
Cale Micah
DS Baron Carlton Clinton Dylan Eamon Garnet Houston Ivor Jordan Lane Macauley Morgan Percival Seamus Tyson
Daniel Francis and Evelyn Sophia
Cecily Adrienne
Autumn Lark
DD Athena Bijou Carson Claire Gemma Isadora Jacqueline Kristen Marion Marvel Reba Tallulah Violette Xena Zinnia
Phoenix Alexander and Katherine Raye "Kit"
Leigh Emlyn
DS Bevan Cecil Colin Eamon Egan Hart Justin Kane Levi Mackenzie Nathan Phoenix Piers Sean Weston
Jonathan Ezra and Isabelle Kate
Sophia Mackenzie "Sophie"
Kiley Rhiannon
DD/DD Adele Aurora Bliss Casey Clementine Devin Gillian Isis Jeanne Larkin Mathilde Miracle Scarlett Tamar Vivienne / Adrienne Averil Blossom Cassidy Colette Eden Glynis Jeannette Lauren Leilani Melanie Moon Shania Thomasina Yvette
Ethan Graham and Elaina Rebecca
Ryan Isaiah / Adam Levi
Leah Riley
DS/DD Absolom Boston Clive Colman Easton Emlyn Heath Keane Keaton Luke Magnus Nolan Reno Robin Shane / Aimee Beatrix Breeze Coralie Emlyn Henrietta Joelle Leocadia Linden Michele Nautica Oakley Valentina Winona Yvonne
Claire H
Felix Daniel and Violet Jezebel
Julia Valentine
Salome Lilias
DS Adelard Braden Colin Colton Egan Evander Jasper Keegan Keenan Mack Malachy Owen Ridge Roderick Shannon
Michael Angelo "Mike" and Laure Nicolette
DD/DS Abilene Agatha Alina Amelie Bronwyn Chanel Corinne Fallon Jemima Julie Lilias London Monique Nova Valentine / Adolphus Brandon Bubba Conan Corin Elden Ewan Jet Keenan Kellen Malcolm Maverick Paxton Rupert Sian
Matthew James and Maria Elise
Abigail Violet
Miriam Charity
DS Aeneas Brannon Corbin Crispin Earl Elkan Fergus Keir Kelton Mervyn Peyton Phoenix Ranger Sebastian Steffan
Keegan Daniel and Larissa Marie
Hayden Desiree / David Morgan
Maeve Lily
DS/DS Aidric Branson Corin Davy Elton Fife Garth Keith Kenton Morgan Quentin River ROry Simon Sullivan / Alaric Brendan Crispin Dexter Emlyn Finbar Gaylon Kelly Kenyon Murphy Quinlan Rusty, St. John, Sterling Tam
Jacob Anthony and Gwendolyn Elisabeth
Angel Hollis
Cameron Rose
DS Aldric Brennan Cullen Dudley Ethan Finian Hardy Kelvin Kian Neil Quinton Shane Stone Stuart Tavis
Michael Yves and Sara Luciana
Adrian Maxwell
DS Algernon Brenton Dallin Dunstan Evan Finlay Hoyt Kendall Kieran Niall Riordan Stetson Storm Tad Tavish
Gunnar Wilhelm and Irina Sade
Yolanda Diamond
Sheila Blair
DD Amabel Anaelle Anja Aspen Catalina Chardonnay Danielle Golden Julienne Lettice Linnea Madilyn Nadine Oceane Violetta
Brandon Matthew and Elise Matilda
Oliver Alexander Britt "Ollie"
Ruby - Mae Elisha
DS/DS Alistair Britton Dalton Edgar Ewan Finn Jarvis Kendrick Kingston Oisin Rohan Talon Tarquin Teauge Tex / Alonzo Beau Brogan Damon Edmund Faron Forbes Kennedy Kylan Lamar Owen Ronan Terance Tiernan Trace
Paul Marcus Alexander and Mary Louise
Anna Sophia "Annie"
Solomon Mordecai "Sol"
DD Amelia Anais Anke Carolina Charis Charisma Delphine Haven Juliette Lorelei Madison Nathalie Nicola Odyssey Viva
Bastian and Elizabeth
Dominic Cameron
DD Angelique Anneliese Anthea Cheyenne Christabel Cinderella Denise Heaven Justine Lourdes Megan Nicole Penny Precious Xanthe
David Gabriel and Bree River
Jamari Tariq / Aylin Ray
Ryne Grant
DD/DD Annette Araminta Astrid Cinnamon Cleo Desiree Georgia Jaden Lea Lucrettia Morgan Nicolette Philippa Princess Xanthia / Anouk Beatrice Bertha Cleopatra Damaris Dominique Jaelyn Laramie Leonie Mehitabel Noelle Payton Phyllida Queen Zelda
Tobias Edgar and Suzy Amalia
Jody Pierce
Luke Hale
DS Aloysius Bo Bronson Dirian Galen Gareth Garrett Kenneth Landon Merle Patrick Ryan Torquil Trevor Ty
Dane Andrew and Monica Rae
Casey Brandon / Chandler Jaron
DS Alphonso Bryson Buck Davin Gannon Garrett Gerard Kermit Larson Quinlan Rhett Rylan Trevor Tristan Wayne
Oliver Victor and Martine Lydie
Timothy Brennan
Joseph Dermot
DS/DD Andreas Byron Casey Dawson Gavin Giles Glendon Kerry Lavin Quinn Roy Soren Tristram Tyrone Wiley / Antionette Beatrix Bettina Coco Danae Elise Jaidyn Leontine Minerva Montana Noemie Pippa Rainbow Raven Zena
Robert Brent and Hayley Alexandra
Elizabeth Britt "Lily"
DD Aurore Brigitta Camilla Delilah Echo Elodie Jaylin Lise Monserrate Oceane Regan Riviera Savannah Sidony Zenobia
Jesse Ryan and Chelsea Laura
Jacob Noah
DS Aidan Antony Caden Cash Dayton Gawain Godfrey Grayson Kevin Lawson Reid Stetson Travis Vaughn Woody
Christopher Maxwell "Chris" and Templeton Jane "Temple"
Honor Brooke
DS Alan Artemas Camden Cassidy Deon Glenn Graham Griffin Kian Layton Rhodri Talon Waylon Wyatt Wynn
Samuel John "Sam" and Jennifer Nicole "Jen"
Kaya Daisy
DS Alban Alec Atticus August Camron Clint Devin Glyn Hayden Hugh Kieran Logan Rhys Tarian Zane
Miss Lissa
Ryan and Elisabeth
DD/DD Avril Cecily Christa Domicela Electra Eloise Jazlyn Lisette Octavia Patrice Ryan Saffron Sedona Tamsin Zilla / Axelle Charlotte Christiane Drusilla Estelle Eternity Jazmin Louise Olympia Paulette Shasta Silver Tamsin Venetia Zola
Faron Perry and Janet Eloise
Phoebe Tara
DD Beatrice Chloe Claudia Elodie Eugenie Fantasia Jillian Lucienne Paloma Pauline Shenandoah Star Taryn Verity Zora
I will post the next round tomorrow if I have time. If you have not responded to this one by then, you just dont get a child for it. Remember, you tell me when your family is complete, there is no set number of rounds.
There is no spelling changes
You can use whatever nn you want but it has to come from the first name! No nn's from middle names
If you dont have a child for last round than you either did not respond in time or you did something wrong. Go back and check the last post.
If you still would like to sign up do it here as I will not be going back to the original sign up post to check it
Andrew David and Marie Nicole
Kieran Jacob
Sarah May
DS Alden Alfie Birch Branson Canton Cody Devon Donal Graeme Holdon Ivor Kilian Layton Riley Tevin
Amos Vincent and Louisa Mae
Aretha Simone
Thaddeus Baruch
DD Aeron Bernadette Christabel Esme Fifi Fleur Jocelyn Lucille Philomena Renee Sienna Sierra Sunday Teagan Victoria
sarah lee
Harry Marshall and Eleanor Maria
Everett Michael / Annalise Essence
Sarai Iris
DD Aida Allure Blanche Cordelia Evangeline Gabrielle Gidget Jordan Madeleine Phyllida Rosalie Silver Sunrise Virginia Winifred
Taylor Anthony and Megan Michele
Natalie Evelyn
Ethan Alec
DD/DS Amabel Andromeda Arden Brigitt Dahlia Delta Flavia Genevieve Heart Joslyn Maelle Portia Sabine Spring Taffeta / Alistair Alton Bridger Canyon Carson Colt Dillion Donovan Graham Jackson Jonty Lachlan Logan Riordan Tiernan
Julian Tate and Brandy
Hannah Tamela "Han"
DS Alwyn Arden Bryce Carsten Colton Diamond Dillon Dougal Gregor Jaden Julian Liam London Rohan Timon
Cameron and Amy
Grace Oliva
Alistair Thomas
DS Ambrose Ashton Canyon Cason Dillon Dorian Douglas Earnest Griffin Jalen Llewellyn Lorcan Neville Ronan Tobin
Travis Jordan and Valerie Theresa
Tobias Joshua
Caleb Jedidiah
DD Anais Apple Ashlyn Camille Daphne Dixie Genevieve Germaine Heaven Kaitlyn Manon Salome Sandrine Summer Tempest
Liam Malachi and Ellie Nichole
Sage Bella
Jude Gabriel
DD Angelique Armani Ashton Cecile Dololy Dulcie Gigi Glynis Honey Kathlyn Marcella Sapphira Simone Tierra Unique
Ignatius William "Nate" and Regina Mary Louisa "Reggie"
Dallas Olivia / Arden Isabel
Keely Jade
DS Auberon Austin Chayton Coty Draven Duane Flint Griffith Jaron Jed Logan Mahlon Nigel Rory Trenton
Roger Kingsley and Daphne Grace
Phoebe Caroline
Emerald Dilys
DS/DD Balin Barnaby Christian Dakota Duncan Dunston Forest Hamish Javen Joss Lorcan Marlon Niles Rowan Trevin
Aaron and Colleen
Zachary Drake "Zach"
DD/DD Araminta Aura Aylin Celestine Enid Helene Hermione Kaylin Larue Lexus Marguerite Scarlett Suzette Tuesday Vega / Ariadne Avalon Brooklyn Celine Felicity Heloise Iolanthe Keelin Leanne Lotus Marianne Severina Sylvie Velvet Verity
Gad Jacob and Kaisa Jaffe
Gabriel Andrew "Gabe"
Saul Jeremy
DS Bannon Basil Clayton Denver Dustin Dylan Frost Ian Jaxon Judd Lyle Mason Oliver Ryan Tristan
Asher Henry and Olivia Ruth
Aaron Elijah
Myrtle Kaye
DD Artemisia Bambi Caitlin Chantel Fiona Honoree Iole Kiersten Lucille Lyric Marie Sidony Therese Venus Violet
Adrian Dominic and Josephine Mary
Jasper Ethan / Daniel Marcus
Matthias Brendan
DD Astrid Bathsheba Camryn Christine Flavia Ione Isabelle Kirsten Madonna Magnolia Marine Siobhan Valerie Whisper Willow
Joshua Felix and Sariah Marcella "Sari"
Abner Josiah / Ivy Charisse
Cale Micah
DS Baron Carlton Clinton Dylan Eamon Garnet Houston Ivor Jordan Lane Macauley Morgan Percival Seamus Tyson
Daniel Francis and Evelyn Sophia
Cecily Adrienne
Autumn Lark
DD Athena Bijou Carson Claire Gemma Isadora Jacqueline Kristen Marion Marvel Reba Tallulah Violette Xena Zinnia
Phoenix Alexander and Katherine Raye "Kit"
Leigh Emlyn
DS Bevan Cecil Colin Eamon Egan Hart Justin Kane Levi Mackenzie Nathan Phoenix Piers Sean Weston
Jonathan Ezra and Isabelle Kate
Sophia Mackenzie "Sophie"
Kiley Rhiannon
DD/DD Adele Aurora Bliss Casey Clementine Devin Gillian Isis Jeanne Larkin Mathilde Miracle Scarlett Tamar Vivienne / Adrienne Averil Blossom Cassidy Colette Eden Glynis Jeannette Lauren Leilani Melanie Moon Shania Thomasina Yvette
Ethan Graham and Elaina Rebecca
Ryan Isaiah / Adam Levi
Leah Riley
DS/DD Absolom Boston Clive Colman Easton Emlyn Heath Keane Keaton Luke Magnus Nolan Reno Robin Shane / Aimee Beatrix Breeze Coralie Emlyn Henrietta Joelle Leocadia Linden Michele Nautica Oakley Valentina Winona Yvonne
Claire H
Felix Daniel and Violet Jezebel
Julia Valentine
Salome Lilias
DS Adelard Braden Colin Colton Egan Evander Jasper Keegan Keenan Mack Malachy Owen Ridge Roderick Shannon
Michael Angelo "Mike" and Laure Nicolette
DD/DS Abilene Agatha Alina Amelie Bronwyn Chanel Corinne Fallon Jemima Julie Lilias London Monique Nova Valentine / Adolphus Brandon Bubba Conan Corin Elden Ewan Jet Keenan Kellen Malcolm Maverick Paxton Rupert Sian
Matthew James and Maria Elise
Abigail Violet
Miriam Charity
DS Aeneas Brannon Corbin Crispin Earl Elkan Fergus Keir Kelton Mervyn Peyton Phoenix Ranger Sebastian Steffan
Keegan Daniel and Larissa Marie
Hayden Desiree / David Morgan
Maeve Lily
DS/DS Aidric Branson Corin Davy Elton Fife Garth Keith Kenton Morgan Quentin River ROry Simon Sullivan / Alaric Brendan Crispin Dexter Emlyn Finbar Gaylon Kelly Kenyon Murphy Quinlan Rusty, St. John, Sterling Tam
Jacob Anthony and Gwendolyn Elisabeth
Angel Hollis
Cameron Rose
DS Aldric Brennan Cullen Dudley Ethan Finian Hardy Kelvin Kian Neil Quinton Shane Stone Stuart Tavis
Michael Yves and Sara Luciana
Adrian Maxwell
DS Algernon Brenton Dallin Dunstan Evan Finlay Hoyt Kendall Kieran Niall Riordan Stetson Storm Tad Tavish
Gunnar Wilhelm and Irina Sade
Yolanda Diamond
Sheila Blair
DD Amabel Anaelle Anja Aspen Catalina Chardonnay Danielle Golden Julienne Lettice Linnea Madilyn Nadine Oceane Violetta
Brandon Matthew and Elise Matilda
Oliver Alexander Britt "Ollie"
Ruby - Mae Elisha
DS/DS Alistair Britton Dalton Edgar Ewan Finn Jarvis Kendrick Kingston Oisin Rohan Talon Tarquin Teauge Tex / Alonzo Beau Brogan Damon Edmund Faron Forbes Kennedy Kylan Lamar Owen Ronan Terance Tiernan Trace
Paul Marcus Alexander and Mary Louise
Anna Sophia "Annie"
Solomon Mordecai "Sol"
DD Amelia Anais Anke Carolina Charis Charisma Delphine Haven Juliette Lorelei Madison Nathalie Nicola Odyssey Viva
Bastian and Elizabeth
Dominic Cameron
DD Angelique Anneliese Anthea Cheyenne Christabel Cinderella Denise Heaven Justine Lourdes Megan Nicole Penny Precious Xanthe
David Gabriel and Bree River
Jamari Tariq / Aylin Ray
Ryne Grant
DD/DD Annette Araminta Astrid Cinnamon Cleo Desiree Georgia Jaden Lea Lucrettia Morgan Nicolette Philippa Princess Xanthia / Anouk Beatrice Bertha Cleopatra Damaris Dominique Jaelyn Laramie Leonie Mehitabel Noelle Payton Phyllida Queen Zelda
Tobias Edgar and Suzy Amalia
Jody Pierce
Luke Hale
DS Aloysius Bo Bronson Dirian Galen Gareth Garrett Kenneth Landon Merle Patrick Ryan Torquil Trevor Ty
Dane Andrew and Monica Rae
Casey Brandon / Chandler Jaron
DS Alphonso Bryson Buck Davin Gannon Garrett Gerard Kermit Larson Quinlan Rhett Rylan Trevor Tristan Wayne
Oliver Victor and Martine Lydie
Timothy Brennan
Joseph Dermot
DS/DD Andreas Byron Casey Dawson Gavin Giles Glendon Kerry Lavin Quinn Roy Soren Tristram Tyrone Wiley / Antionette Beatrix Bettina Coco Danae Elise Jaidyn Leontine Minerva Montana Noemie Pippa Rainbow Raven Zena
Robert Brent and Hayley Alexandra
Elizabeth Britt "Lily"
DD Aurore Brigitta Camilla Delilah Echo Elodie Jaylin Lise Monserrate Oceane Regan Riviera Savannah Sidony Zenobia
Jesse Ryan and Chelsea Laura
Jacob Noah
DS Aidan Antony Caden Cash Dayton Gawain Godfrey Grayson Kevin Lawson Reid Stetson Travis Vaughn Woody
Christopher Maxwell "Chris" and Templeton Jane "Temple"
Honor Brooke
DS Alan Artemas Camden Cassidy Deon Glenn Graham Griffin Kian Layton Rhodri Talon Waylon Wyatt Wynn
Samuel John "Sam" and Jennifer Nicole "Jen"
Kaya Daisy
DS Alban Alec Atticus August Camron Clint Devin Glyn Hayden Hugh Kieran Logan Rhys Tarian Zane
Miss Lissa
Ryan and Elisabeth
DD/DD Avril Cecily Christa Domicela Electra Eloise Jazlyn Lisette Octavia Patrice Ryan Saffron Sedona Tamsin Zilla / Axelle Charlotte Christiane Drusilla Estelle Eternity Jazmin Louise Olympia Paulette Shasta Silver Tamsin Venetia Zola
Faron Perry and Janet Eloise
Phoebe Tara
DD Beatrice Chloe Claudia Elodie Eugenie Fantasia Jillian Lucienne Paloma Pauline Shenandoah Star Taryn Verity Zora

This message was edited 7/29/2006, 6:53 PM
Paul Marcus Alexander and Mary Louise
Anna Sophia "Annie"
Solomon Mordecai "Sol"
DD Amelia Nathalie "Elia"
"All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree." --Albert Einstein
"Hatred paralyzes life; love releases it. Hatred confuses life; love harmonizes it. Hatred darkens life; love illuminates it." ~ Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Roger Kingsley and Daphne Grace
Phoebe Caroline
Emerald Dilys
DS/DD: Rowan Niles / ????
I seem to have only gotten male names for my twins, and I noticed that the other players who got twins had more name choices than me. Was this intentional?
"A man can convince anyone he's somebody else, but never himself."
~The Usual Suspects.
Roger Kingsley and Daphne Grace
Phoebe Caroline
Emerald Dilys
DS/DD: Rowan Niles / ????
I seem to have only gotten male names for my twins, and I noticed that the other players who got twins had more name choices than me. Was this intentional?
"A man can convince anyone he's somebody else, but never himself."
~The Usual Suspects.