[Opinions] Atlas?
What do you think of the boys name Atlas? x
I quite like it, actually. Schoolkids might taunt around it, but it could be worse, he could be 'Snotty Kotty', haha.
All aside, though, I like it :)
All aside, though, I like it :)
Schoolchildren will relate this to a child being named Dictionary, Map, Encyclopedia or other reference material. Probably better on a pet.

I like it, but it would seem like a lot on a child today.

"The dog is a gentleman; I hope I go to his heaven, not man's."
- Mark Twain.

"The dog is a gentleman; I hope I go to his heaven, not man's."
- Mark Twain.
He'd be carrying the world on his shoulders, with a name like that. he he.

I like it but wouldn't use it.
I like it, but it's very unusable...
I like it. It's unusual, but not too far-fetched.
"Can't you hear the planet groaning like a broken-down machine?"
What do you mean by "far-fetched"
Like, it doesn't sound so strange that you think "okay, somebody's just thrown a bunch of constanants together for want of a unusual name".
"Can't you hear the planet groaning like a broken-down machine?"