[Opinions] Hawk?
I actually don't mind the name Hawk at all. It has a very strong, masculine sound to it.
I would definitely spell it as Hawke or Hauke. The conotation to the bird of prey is close enough when you say the name, and a spell variation helps to give the name its own identity. I think it's a great, masculine, and artistic name. Go for it!
I prefer Hawkeye to Hawk, but I like both. :) The red-tailed hawk is one of my favourite kinds of birds--I think they're really elegant, strong animals--so I think of those.
I don't like Hawke-with-an-E as anything but a surname. The E just looks really unnecessary to me. Neither Malachi nor Titus Bennet really does anything for me, either.
We shall be free.
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
I don't like Hawke-with-an-E as anything but a surname. The E just looks really unnecessary to me. Neither Malachi nor Titus Bennet really does anything for me, either.
We shall be free.
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
i really love Malichi Hawke!

I actually think Hawk is a cute name, but I do prefer it as a middle name : )