[Opinions] WDYTO Mercedes? (m)
I think Mercedes is a gorgeous name. I was turned off it by my Spanish teacher who pronounced it mer-THAY-thess, but after all, how many people are going to pronounce it like that?
I like it and it's a great way to the nickname Mercy. :)

I wanna go to the crappy town where I'm a hero.

I wanna go to the crappy town where I'm a hero.
If you ever had the dream of owning the car i suggest not naming your child it. It would supress feelings of loving the car more and being named after it
I can't speak for the author of this thread, but I have loved the name Mercedes ever since I was a teen (lo, many moons ago) reading "The Count of Monte Cristo." While the heroine of that story is French, I've known it was a Spanish girl's name for almost as long. I know a Mercedes and she is nothing like a car.
Just because someone like/loves/considers the name, doesn't mean it has to do with a love of a car. It is a name in its own right. It's prudent to consider the effect the car company has on how others view the name, sure. But it doesn't have to be the origin of the love of the name.
(P.S. For what it's worth, I'm more of an electric car lover myself. Mercedes cars leave me cold.)
Just because someone like/loves/considers the name, doesn't mean it has to do with a love of a car. It is a name in its own right. It's prudent to consider the effect the car company has on how others view the name, sure. But it doesn't have to be the origin of the love of the name.
(P.S. For what it's worth, I'm more of an electric car lover myself. Mercedes cars leave me cold.)
Drop dead gorgeous!
I know a Maria Mercedes who goes by Mercedes. Other combinations:
Mercedes Inez
Mercedes Verdad
Mercedes Sofia
Mercedes Isabel
Mercedes Victoria
Mercedes Ruby
Mercedes Claire
Mercedes Pascale
Mercedes Elisabeth
Mercedes Catherine
Mercedes Natalia
Mercedes Eve
Mercedes Aurora
Mercedes Aurelia
Mercedes Cassandra
Mercedes Ariana
Mercedes Livia
Mercedes Alix (old French/German form of Alice)
Mercedes Flora / Flor
Mercedes Renata
Mercedes Silvia
Mercedes Constanza
Mercedes Antonia
Mercedes Bianca / Blanca
Mercedes Allegra
Mercedes Lydia
Mercedes Callista (= the most beautiful mercy)
Mercedes Adriana
I know a Maria Mercedes who goes by Mercedes. Other combinations:
Mercedes Inez
Mercedes Verdad
Mercedes Sofia
Mercedes Isabel
Mercedes Victoria
Mercedes Ruby
Mercedes Claire
Mercedes Pascale
Mercedes Elisabeth
Mercedes Catherine
Mercedes Natalia
Mercedes Eve
Mercedes Aurora
Mercedes Aurelia
Mercedes Cassandra
Mercedes Ariana
Mercedes Livia
Mercedes Alix (old French/German form of Alice)
Mercedes Flora / Flor
Mercedes Renata
Mercedes Silvia
Mercedes Constanza
Mercedes Antonia
Mercedes Bianca / Blanca
Mercedes Allegra
Mercedes Lydia
Mercedes Callista (= the most beautiful mercy)
Mercedes Adriana
This message was edited 8/9/2006, 5:26 PM
It has a pretty sound, but it seems like a girl named Mercedes would have to deal with comments about the car for the rest of her life (even though the name came before the car). It seems like people's car comments would get old.