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[Games] Re: Sentimental's Congrats Round 6! (fixed)
LN: Whatts
DH: Jonah Cedric (39)
DW: Sofia Evangeline (37)DD: Eve Astrid (12)
DD: Nola Juliet (11)
DD/DS/DD/DS: Rosabella Parvati / Daniel Nanda / Perla Meera / Joel Rameshwar (8)
DD/DD: Leonie Isis / Soleil Phoenix (7)
DD: Noor Violet (3)
DD/DS/DD: Siri Anastasia / Matteus Nerva / Iris Cornelia (0)Jonah and Sofia Whatts
Eve, Nola, Rosabella, Daniel, Perla, Joel, Lenoie, Soleil, Noor, Siri, Matteus, and Iris Whatts
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