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[Games] Re: Sentimental's Congrats Round 6! (fixed)
Username: Daddysdancer *just twins*
LN: Duggan
DH: Joseph “Joe”
DW: Chelsea Laura
DD: Keeva Harper
DS/DS: Angus William / Niall Duncan
DD/DS: Sibylla Kiri / Daniel Chander
DD: Elodie Meena
DD: Nell Bryony
DS/DD: Rafael Felix / Ella SylviaQuestion: Is it alright that I changed the spelling of Silvia to Sylvia? If it's not, feel free to change it back."He wanted the chair; the antique chair; the antique, wingback, Cusack chair!"
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It's fine, since you used the name in general =)
If heaven and hell decide that they both are satisfied
Illuminate the 'NO's on their vacancy signs
If there's no one beside you when your sould embarks
Then I'll follow you into the dark..

~Death Cab For CutieSeraphina, Guinevere, Ophelia, Ambrose, Stelian, Lucius
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