[Games] 20 Questions CAF
First, I want to apologize to everyone who was playing my congrats game. I moved into the dorm last week, and the internet connection at my school is really slow. It seems to have trouble with BtN in particular, for whatever reason, so it's really hard for me to post regularly here and keep a game going. Sorry everyone.
Here's a quick (okay, maybe not so quick) 20 questions CAF to make up for it. Since I'm going back to school tomorrow afternoon, I might not be able to check up on this, so it won't be judged. It's just for fun.
1. Last Name
Which surname do you like best as a first name?
a. Hayley (g) - A popular girls' name
b. Kennedy (g) - A president or ruler's last name
c. Chanel (g) - A brand name
d. Emerson (b) - The first name of one of your friends, plus the suffix -son (e.g., Adamson)
e. Lewis (b) - The last name of an author you like
f. Brady (b) - An athlete's last name
2. First spouse's name (gender is up to you)
Which name do you like the best on a GIRL?
a. Matilda - Must have the initials MT
b. Madeleine - Must have the initials MD
c. Mary - Must have the initials MR
d. Margaret - Must have the initials MG
e. Magdalena - Must have the initials ML
f. Marcelle - Must have the initials MC
3. Second spouse's name (gender is up to you)
Which name to you like the best on a BOY?
a. John - Must have the initials JN
b. Jeremy - Must have the initials JR
c. Jonah - Must have the initials JH
d. Julian - Must have the initials JL
e. Jude - Must have the initials JD
f. Jack - Must have the initials JK
4. First child
Do you like the name Ashley on a girl or a boy?
Girl - DS
Boy - DD
Neither - DS
Both - DD
5. First child's name
Which month name do you like best on a GIRL?
a. January - FN must honor both parents, MN must begin with the same letter as the surname
b. April - Must have the same initials as one of the parents
c. May - FN must be Biblical, MN must be one syllable
d. June - FN must be a name not in the database, MN must be a name from a movie title
e. August - FN must rhyme with one of the parents' first or middle names, MN must start with the same letter as the FN
f. September - FN must start with the letter that MN ends with, and vice versa (e.g., Emma Anne)
6. Second child
Do you like the name Rowan on a girl or a boy?
a. Girl - DD
b. Boy - DS
c. Neither - DD
d. Both - DS
7. Second child's name
Which nature name do you like best on a BOY?
a. River - FN must be related to water, MN must be Greek
b. Sage - FN must mean "wise," "wisdom," "knowledge," or some related meaning, MN must be French
c. Sky - FN must be from Mythology, MN must be German
d. Dale - FN must be unisex, MN must be Arabic
e. Cedar - FN must have a forest or plant related meaning, MN must be Basque
f. Rio - FN must be a place name, MN must be Spanish
8. Third child
Do you like the name Justice on a girl or a boy?
a. Girl - DD
b. Boy - DS
c. Neither - DD
d. Both - DS
9. Third child's name
Which "kre8tyvely" spelled name do you think is the most usable?
a. Kaytlyn - FN and MN must be altered spellings of the names of people you know
b. Emmileigh - FN must be a double name (e.g. Billy-Bob or MaryAnne), MN must be unisex
c. Abbygayle - FN must be a name usually given as a nickname, MN must be four or more syllables
d. Nickolus - FN must be the name of an actor you like; MN must be a name that is popular on the opposite gender
e. Jayems - FN must be a name you consider "classic," MN must be a name you consider "trendy"
f. Krystopher - FN must be an unusual name that you've actually encountered in real life, MN must be a spelling variant that is legitimate but not common in your native language
10. Fourth and fifth children
Which "matchy" twin names do you think are most usable? (Not in terms of how much you like the names, but how they sound as a pair)
a. Emma and Emily - DD/DD
b. John and Jonas - DS/DS
c. Carrie and Cory - DS/DD
d. David and Devon (b) - DS/DS
e. Rose and Ross - DS/DD
f. Mila and Malia - DD/DD
11. Fourth and fifth children's names
If forced to use one of the following pairs of names for twins, which would you choose?
a. Luke and Leia - Both twins must have the same initials
b. Hansel and Gretel - FNs must end with the same letter, MNs must start with the same letter
c. Romeo and Juliet - FNs must be from literature, MNs must be anagrams of one another
d. River and Ocean - FNs must have similar meanings, MNs must have opposite meanings
e. Thomas "Tom" and Gerald "Jerry" - Twins' initials must spell a word (e.g. Brian Andrew and Britney Yvette = BABY)
f. Star and Sky - One twin's name must honor one parent, the other twin's name must honor the other parent
12. Sixth child
Do you like the name Lynn on a girl or a boy?
a. Girl - DD
b. Boy - DS
c. Neither - DD
d. Both - DS
13. Sixth child's name
Which nickname do you like best for the name Elizabeth?
a. Ellie - FN and MN must be names of your classmates or co-workers
b. Liz - FN must be related to your favorite subject in school (e.g. a literary name for English, a nature name for Biology, etc.), MN must be the name of your favorite teacher
c. Lizzie - FN must be a name you used to dislike but now like (or, if you don't have any names like that, a name that you still dislike), MN must be a name that has bad personal associations for you (e.g., the name of someone you don't like, your ex-boyfriend's name, etc.)
d. Betty - FN must be a name you consider old fashioned or dated, MN must be a "guilty pleasure" name or a name that you like, but most people don't like
e. Beth - FN must be a name that you consider overused, MN must be the name of the last person you talked to (of the appropriate gender; i.e., if you have a boy, but the last person you talked to was female, use the name of the last boy/man you talked to.)
f. Bess - FN must be a name you would consider using if you had a baby right this minute, MN must be a name you like but would never use
14. Seventh child (adopted)
Do you like the name Greer for a girl or a boy?
a. Girl - DD
b. Boy - DS
c. Neither - DS
d. Both - DD
15. Seventh child's nationality (FN name must come from their country/continent of origin, MN is your choice)
Which name do you like the best for a GIRL?
a. Adela - Romania
b. Abigail - Germany
c. Asha - India
d. Adaeze - Africa
e. Anya - Russia
f. Amaya - Japan
16. Extra family member
Which nickname do you like best as a full name for a BOY?
a. Max - DGrandma
b. Jack - DGrandpa
c. Joe - DNiece
d. Liam - DNephew
e. Ray - Foster Son
f. Jon - Foster Daughter
17. Extra family member's name (You can give them their own last name if you want, or use the family's last name)
Which color name do you like best for a GIRL?
a. Scarlet - Must have the same initials as another family member
b. Azure - FN must be similar to another family member's FN, MN must start with an initial that hasn't been used yet
c. Violet - FN must be the name of one of your siblings (or cousins, if you don't have siblings), MN must start with the same letter as the FN
d. Rose - Initials (first, middle, AND last) must spell a word
e. Blanche - FN must be a name that is popular where you live, MN must be a name that you have never seen used on a real person
f. Saffron - FN must be the name of a relative you've never met, MN must be the name of someone who lives with you (or has lived with you)
18. First pet (name is your choice)
Which nickname for Katherine/Catherine do you like the best?
a. Kate/Cate - Cat
b. Katie - Dog
c. Kathy/Cathy - Rabbit
d. Cat/Kat - Rat
e. Kay - Fish
f. Kitty - Canary
19. Second pet (name is your choice)
Which nickname for Robert do you like best?
a. Rob - Parrot
b. Bob - Iguana
c. Robbie - Snake
d. Bobby - Chinchilla
e. Robin - Llama
f. Bert - Horse
20. Bonus (name is your choice)
What is your favorite category of names?
a. Biblical - You adopt twin girls.
b. Nature - You host a male exchange student from Germany.
c. Shakespearean - One of your pets has babies (as many as you want).
d. Mythological - Your oldest child gets married and has a baby.
e. Virtue - One of your children brings home the class pet for the summer (species is your choice, but it should be something that could conceivably be kept in a classroom).
f. Unisex - Mom or dad's sister comes to live with the family, bringing her young son or daughter with her.
Friendship is more lasting than love, and more legal than stalking.
-Jane, Coupling
Here's a quick (okay, maybe not so quick) 20 questions CAF to make up for it. Since I'm going back to school tomorrow afternoon, I might not be able to check up on this, so it won't be judged. It's just for fun.
1. Last Name
Which surname do you like best as a first name?
a. Hayley (g) - A popular girls' name
b. Kennedy (g) - A president or ruler's last name
c. Chanel (g) - A brand name
d. Emerson (b) - The first name of one of your friends, plus the suffix -son (e.g., Adamson)
e. Lewis (b) - The last name of an author you like
f. Brady (b) - An athlete's last name
2. First spouse's name (gender is up to you)
Which name do you like the best on a GIRL?
a. Matilda - Must have the initials MT
b. Madeleine - Must have the initials MD
c. Mary - Must have the initials MR
d. Margaret - Must have the initials MG
e. Magdalena - Must have the initials ML
f. Marcelle - Must have the initials MC
3. Second spouse's name (gender is up to you)
Which name to you like the best on a BOY?
a. John - Must have the initials JN
b. Jeremy - Must have the initials JR
c. Jonah - Must have the initials JH
d. Julian - Must have the initials JL
e. Jude - Must have the initials JD
f. Jack - Must have the initials JK
4. First child
Do you like the name Ashley on a girl or a boy?
Girl - DS
Boy - DD
Neither - DS
Both - DD
5. First child's name
Which month name do you like best on a GIRL?
a. January - FN must honor both parents, MN must begin with the same letter as the surname
b. April - Must have the same initials as one of the parents
c. May - FN must be Biblical, MN must be one syllable
d. June - FN must be a name not in the database, MN must be a name from a movie title
e. August - FN must rhyme with one of the parents' first or middle names, MN must start with the same letter as the FN
f. September - FN must start with the letter that MN ends with, and vice versa (e.g., Emma Anne)
6. Second child
Do you like the name Rowan on a girl or a boy?
a. Girl - DD
b. Boy - DS
c. Neither - DD
d. Both - DS
7. Second child's name
Which nature name do you like best on a BOY?
a. River - FN must be related to water, MN must be Greek
b. Sage - FN must mean "wise," "wisdom," "knowledge," or some related meaning, MN must be French
c. Sky - FN must be from Mythology, MN must be German
d. Dale - FN must be unisex, MN must be Arabic
e. Cedar - FN must have a forest or plant related meaning, MN must be Basque
f. Rio - FN must be a place name, MN must be Spanish
8. Third child
Do you like the name Justice on a girl or a boy?
a. Girl - DD
b. Boy - DS
c. Neither - DD
d. Both - DS
9. Third child's name
Which "kre8tyvely" spelled name do you think is the most usable?
a. Kaytlyn - FN and MN must be altered spellings of the names of people you know
b. Emmileigh - FN must be a double name (e.g. Billy-Bob or MaryAnne), MN must be unisex
c. Abbygayle - FN must be a name usually given as a nickname, MN must be four or more syllables
d. Nickolus - FN must be the name of an actor you like; MN must be a name that is popular on the opposite gender
e. Jayems - FN must be a name you consider "classic," MN must be a name you consider "trendy"
f. Krystopher - FN must be an unusual name that you've actually encountered in real life, MN must be a spelling variant that is legitimate but not common in your native language
10. Fourth and fifth children
Which "matchy" twin names do you think are most usable? (Not in terms of how much you like the names, but how they sound as a pair)
a. Emma and Emily - DD/DD
b. John and Jonas - DS/DS
c. Carrie and Cory - DS/DD
d. David and Devon (b) - DS/DS
e. Rose and Ross - DS/DD
f. Mila and Malia - DD/DD
11. Fourth and fifth children's names
If forced to use one of the following pairs of names for twins, which would you choose?
a. Luke and Leia - Both twins must have the same initials
b. Hansel and Gretel - FNs must end with the same letter, MNs must start with the same letter
c. Romeo and Juliet - FNs must be from literature, MNs must be anagrams of one another
d. River and Ocean - FNs must have similar meanings, MNs must have opposite meanings
e. Thomas "Tom" and Gerald "Jerry" - Twins' initials must spell a word (e.g. Brian Andrew and Britney Yvette = BABY)
f. Star and Sky - One twin's name must honor one parent, the other twin's name must honor the other parent
12. Sixth child
Do you like the name Lynn on a girl or a boy?
a. Girl - DD
b. Boy - DS
c. Neither - DD
d. Both - DS
13. Sixth child's name
Which nickname do you like best for the name Elizabeth?
a. Ellie - FN and MN must be names of your classmates or co-workers
b. Liz - FN must be related to your favorite subject in school (e.g. a literary name for English, a nature name for Biology, etc.), MN must be the name of your favorite teacher
c. Lizzie - FN must be a name you used to dislike but now like (or, if you don't have any names like that, a name that you still dislike), MN must be a name that has bad personal associations for you (e.g., the name of someone you don't like, your ex-boyfriend's name, etc.)
d. Betty - FN must be a name you consider old fashioned or dated, MN must be a "guilty pleasure" name or a name that you like, but most people don't like
e. Beth - FN must be a name that you consider overused, MN must be the name of the last person you talked to (of the appropriate gender; i.e., if you have a boy, but the last person you talked to was female, use the name of the last boy/man you talked to.)
f. Bess - FN must be a name you would consider using if you had a baby right this minute, MN must be a name you like but would never use
14. Seventh child (adopted)
Do you like the name Greer for a girl or a boy?
a. Girl - DD
b. Boy - DS
c. Neither - DS
d. Both - DD
15. Seventh child's nationality (FN name must come from their country/continent of origin, MN is your choice)
Which name do you like the best for a GIRL?
a. Adela - Romania
b. Abigail - Germany
c. Asha - India
d. Adaeze - Africa
e. Anya - Russia
f. Amaya - Japan
16. Extra family member
Which nickname do you like best as a full name for a BOY?
a. Max - DGrandma
b. Jack - DGrandpa
c. Joe - DNiece
d. Liam - DNephew
e. Ray - Foster Son
f. Jon - Foster Daughter
17. Extra family member's name (You can give them their own last name if you want, or use the family's last name)
Which color name do you like best for a GIRL?
a. Scarlet - Must have the same initials as another family member
b. Azure - FN must be similar to another family member's FN, MN must start with an initial that hasn't been used yet
c. Violet - FN must be the name of one of your siblings (or cousins, if you don't have siblings), MN must start with the same letter as the FN
d. Rose - Initials (first, middle, AND last) must spell a word
e. Blanche - FN must be a name that is popular where you live, MN must be a name that you have never seen used on a real person
f. Saffron - FN must be the name of a relative you've never met, MN must be the name of someone who lives with you (or has lived with you)
18. First pet (name is your choice)
Which nickname for Katherine/Catherine do you like the best?
a. Kate/Cate - Cat
b. Katie - Dog
c. Kathy/Cathy - Rabbit
d. Cat/Kat - Rat
e. Kay - Fish
f. Kitty - Canary
19. Second pet (name is your choice)
Which nickname for Robert do you like best?
a. Rob - Parrot
b. Bob - Iguana
c. Robbie - Snake
d. Bobby - Chinchilla
e. Robin - Llama
f. Bert - Horse
20. Bonus (name is your choice)
What is your favorite category of names?
a. Biblical - You adopt twin girls.
b. Nature - You host a male exchange student from Germany.
c. Shakespearean - One of your pets has babies (as many as you want).
d. Mythological - Your oldest child gets married and has a baby.
e. Virtue - One of your children brings home the class pet for the summer (species is your choice, but it should be something that could conceivably be kept in a classroom).
f. Unisex - Mom or dad's sister comes to live with the family, bringing her young son or daughter with her.
Friendship is more lasting than love, and more legal than stalking.
-Jane, Coupling
This message was edited 9/3/2006, 1:19 PM
LN: Golden
DH: Magnus Theodore
DW: Josephine Lavinia
DD: Susannah Pearl
DS: Llyr Demetrios
DD: Agatha-Lily Florence
DD/DD: Olive Consuelo / Oriana Claudette
DS: Ignatius Ruby
DS: Lucian Wolfe
DFS: Nigel Octavian Thompson
Dcat: Pigwidgeon
Dlama: Dr. Strangelove
LN: Dolan
DW: Susannah Pearl
DH: Casimir Severus
DS: Ignatius Leo "Iggy"
Magnus + Josie: Susannah (+ Casimir: Iggy), Llyr, Aggie, Olive, Oriana, Ignatius, Lucian, Nigel, Pig and Dr. Strangelove.
DH: Magnus Theodore
DW: Josephine Lavinia
DD: Susannah Pearl
DS: Llyr Demetrios
DD: Agatha-Lily Florence
DD/DD: Olive Consuelo / Oriana Claudette
DS: Ignatius Ruby
DS: Lucian Wolfe
DFS: Nigel Octavian Thompson
Dcat: Pigwidgeon
Dlama: Dr. Strangelove
LN: Dolan
DW: Susannah Pearl
DH: Casimir Severus
DS: Ignatius Leo "Iggy"
Magnus + Josie: Susannah (+ Casimir: Iggy), Llyr, Aggie, Olive, Oriana, Ignatius, Lucian, Nigel, Pig and Dr. Strangelove.
LN: Ellison (Friend is Ella, but Ellason looks bad)
DH: Mordred Demetrios
DW: Jemima Nadine
DS: Jonas Nadius
DS: Douglas Agapios
DD: Maia Yaelle
DD/DD: Selene Athanasia / Nereida Desdemona
DD: Dorcas Andromache
DS: Emilian Fotis
DGrandma: Timothea Helen
DCanary: Ribble
DLlama: Joe
Jonas marries Daria Anne and has a son- Spyro Mordred.
DH: Mordred Demetrios
DW: Jemima Nadine
DS: Jonas Nadius
DS: Douglas Agapios
DD: Maia Yaelle
DD/DD: Selene Athanasia / Nereida Desdemona
DD: Dorcas Andromache
DS: Emilian Fotis
DGrandma: Timothea Helen
DCanary: Ribble
DLlama: Joe
Jonas marries Daria Anne and has a son- Spyro Mordred.
LN: Carys
DH: Matthew Deacon
DW: Julia Lauren
DD: Macy Danielle
DS: Trenton Joachim
DD: Ameeleigha Chrysteen
DD/DD: Sophia Ryan / Skye Rebecca
DD: Casey Victoria
DD: Heidi Paulina
DNephew: Aidan Christopher
Dog: Barney
Parrot: Kiki
Rabbit: Fiona
DH: Matthew Deacon
DW: Julia Lauren
DD: Macy Danielle
DS: Trenton Joachim
DD: Ameeleigha Chrysteen
DD/DD: Sophia Ryan / Skye Rebecca
DD: Casey Victoria
DD: Heidi Paulina
DNephew: Aidan Christopher
Dog: Barney
Parrot: Kiki
Rabbit: Fiona
LN: Windsor
DW: Milena Tilly
DH: Jack Keiran
DS: Levi Jude
>> DDaughterInlaw: Juliette Rose
>> DGranddaughter: Harper Olivia
DS: Jackson Antonio
DD: Scarlett Michael
DS/DS: Deacon Catcher / Donovan Cole
DD: Emily Shannon
DD: Mariko Faith [Japanese]
DGrandpa: Liam Oliver
Cat: Darcy
Chinchilla: Dante
DW: Milena Tilly
DH: Jack Keiran
DS: Levi Jude
>> DDaughterInlaw: Juliette Rose
>> DGranddaughter: Harper Olivia
DS: Jackson Antonio
DD: Scarlett Michael
DS/DS: Deacon Catcher / Donovan Cole
DD: Emily Shannon
DD: Mariko Faith [Japanese]
DGrandpa: Liam Oliver
Cat: Darcy
Chinchilla: Dante
LN: d. Emerson (b) - The first name of one of your friends, plus the suffix -son (e.g., Adamson)
DW: d. Margaret - Must have the initials MG
DH: e. Jude - Must have the initials JD
DS: c. May - FN must be Biblical, MN must be one syllable
DD: f. Krystopher - FN must be an unusual name that you've actually encountered in real life, MN must be a spelling variant that is legitimate but not common in your native language
DS/DS: a. Luke and Leia - Both twins must have the same initials
DD: c. Lizzie - FN must be a name you used to dislike but now like (or, if you don't have any names like that, a name that you still dislike), MN must be a name that has bad personal associations for you (e.g., the name of someone you don't like, your ex-boyfriend's name, etc.)
DD: a. Adela - Romania
d. Liam - DNephew c. Violet - FN must be the name of one of your siblings (or cousins, if you don't have siblings), MN must start with the same letter as the FN
DPet: a. Kate/Cate - Cat
DPet: d. Bobby - Chinchilla
Bonus: d. Mythological - Your oldest child gets married and has a baby.
LN: Peterson
DW: Melody Giselle
DH: James Dylan
DS: Nathaniel Troy "Nate"
DD: Takenya Rachyl
DS/DS: Graham Ethan/ Gunnar Elias
DD: Daphne Olivia
DD: Ileana Violet
DNephew: Aaron Alastair
DCat: Chester
DChinchilla: Papa
Bonus Family:
LN: Peterson
DH: Nathaniel Troy "Nate"
DW: Emily Jessamine
DD: Lena Persephone (1 day old)
DW: d. Margaret - Must have the initials MG
DH: e. Jude - Must have the initials JD
DS: c. May - FN must be Biblical, MN must be one syllable
DD: f. Krystopher - FN must be an unusual name that you've actually encountered in real life, MN must be a spelling variant that is legitimate but not common in your native language
DS/DS: a. Luke and Leia - Both twins must have the same initials
DD: c. Lizzie - FN must be a name you used to dislike but now like (or, if you don't have any names like that, a name that you still dislike), MN must be a name that has bad personal associations for you (e.g., the name of someone you don't like, your ex-boyfriend's name, etc.)
DD: a. Adela - Romania
d. Liam - DNephew c. Violet - FN must be the name of one of your siblings (or cousins, if you don't have siblings), MN must start with the same letter as the FN
DPet: a. Kate/Cate - Cat
DPet: d. Bobby - Chinchilla
Bonus: d. Mythological - Your oldest child gets married and has a baby.
LN: Peterson
DW: Melody Giselle
DH: James Dylan
DS: Nathaniel Troy "Nate"
DD: Takenya Rachyl
DS/DS: Graham Ethan/ Gunnar Elias
DD: Daphne Olivia
DD: Ileana Violet
DNephew: Aaron Alastair
DCat: Chester
DChinchilla: Papa
Bonus Family:
LN: Peterson
DH: Nathaniel Troy "Nate"
DW: Emily Jessamine
DD: Lena Persephone (1 day old)
This message was edited 9/4/2006, 9:04 PM
LN: Austen
DGrandma: Jayna Josephine Kaye "Jo" (59)
DW: Madeleine Lisette (38)
DH: Joseph Luke (41)
DD: Delilah Jane (16)
DS: River Nikolas (13)
DD: Angelina Emmanuel (8)
DS/DD: Henry Cyril / Juliet Lyric (6)
DD: Rosemary Floris (3)
DD: Gabriela Sophie (1)
DCat: Charlotte
--DKitten: Sam
--DKitten: Tate
--DKitten: Charlie
--DKitten: Ruby
DParrot: Priya
Jo Kaye
Madeleine and Joseph Austen
Delilah, River, Angelina, Henry, Juliet, Rosemary, and Gabriela
(Charlotte, Sam, Tate, Charlie, Ruby, and Priya)
DGrandma: Jayna Josephine Kaye "Jo" (59)
DW: Madeleine Lisette (38)
DH: Joseph Luke (41)
DD: Delilah Jane (16)
DS: River Nikolas (13)
DD: Angelina Emmanuel (8)
DS/DD: Henry Cyril / Juliet Lyric (6)
DD: Rosemary Floris (3)
DD: Gabriela Sophie (1)
DCat: Charlotte
--DKitten: Sam
--DKitten: Tate
--DKitten: Charlie
--DKitten: Ruby
DParrot: Priya
Jo Kaye
Madeleine and Joseph Austen
Delilah, River, Angelina, Henry, Juliet, Rosemary, and Gabriela
(Charlotte, Sam, Tate, Charlie, Ruby, and Priya)
1. Wilson
DW: Margaret Georgina
DH: James Nicholas
DD: Matilda Grace
DD: Shannon Cassandra
DD: Ella-Beth Jordan
DS/DD: Alexander Romeo / Amelia Rowan
DD: Katherine Hannah
ADS: Christoph Ansgar
ADD/ADD: Abigail Sophie / Sarah Ruth
Grandpa: Matthew George Wilson
Dog: Sandy
Parrot: Peter
*Maggie, James, Tilly, Shannon, Ella, Alex, Mia, Katy, Chris, Abi, Sarah & Grandad Matthew.
DW: Margaret Georgina
DH: James Nicholas
DD: Matilda Grace
DD: Shannon Cassandra
DD: Ella-Beth Jordan
DS/DD: Alexander Romeo / Amelia Rowan
DD: Katherine Hannah
ADS: Christoph Ansgar
ADD/ADD: Abigail Sophie / Sarah Ruth
Grandpa: Matthew George Wilson
Dog: Sandy
Parrot: Peter
*Maggie, James, Tilly, Shannon, Ella, Alex, Mia, Katy, Chris, Abi, Sarah & Grandad Matthew.
LN: Gilman
DW: Maria Leone
DH: Jonathan Henry
DD: Onyx Katherine
Onyx's DH: Keith Owen Johnson and DS: Henry Garnet
DS: Orion Kurt
DD: Danaë Theresa
DS/DS: Bertram Arthur and Thaddeus Henry
DD: Alice Pandora
DS (from Japan): Kenshin Hiroshi
DGrandma: Rachael Anne Gilman
Note: Rachael preferably prn. rah-SHEL (that's how my grandmother's name was pronounced)
Rat: David
Snake: Ailbhe
Parameters for naming:
1st child: FN must be a name not in the database, MN must be a name from a movie title.
2nd child: FN must be from Mythology, MN must be German.
3rd child: FN and MN must be altered spellings of the names of people you know.
4th and 5th children: Twins' initials must spell a word (e.g. Brian Andrew and Britney Yvette = BABY)
6th child: FN must be a name you consider old fashioned or dated, MN must be a "guilty pleasure" name or a name that you like, but most people don't like.
Grandmother: Initials (first, middle, AND last) must spell a word.
DW: Maria Leone
DH: Jonathan Henry
DD: Onyx Katherine
Onyx's DH: Keith Owen Johnson and DS: Henry Garnet
DS: Orion Kurt
DD: Danaë Theresa
DS/DS: Bertram Arthur and Thaddeus Henry
DD: Alice Pandora
DS (from Japan): Kenshin Hiroshi
DGrandma: Rachael Anne Gilman
Note: Rachael preferably prn. rah-SHEL (that's how my grandmother's name was pronounced)
Rat: David
Snake: Ailbhe
Parameters for naming:
1st child: FN must be a name not in the database, MN must be a name from a movie title.
2nd child: FN must be from Mythology, MN must be German.
3rd child: FN and MN must be altered spellings of the names of people you know.
4th and 5th children: Twins' initials must spell a word (e.g. Brian Andrew and Britney Yvette = BABY)
6th child: FN must be a name you consider old fashioned or dated, MN must be a "guilty pleasure" name or a name that you like, but most people don't like.
Grandmother: Initials (first, middle, AND last) must spell a word.
This message was edited 9/4/2006, 9:41 AM
This was a lot of fun! Thanks! :-)
LN: Alcott
DH: Matthew Lucas
DW: Joanna Hope
DS: Gideon Mark
DD: Carol Aaliyah
DS: Honor Hezikyeuh
DS/DS: Ezra Nathaniel / Elijah Noah
DD: Chloe Julia
DS: Walter Edwin
DD/DD: Ruth Elise / Naomi Maude
DNephew: Reuben Oliver Wilkinson
Ddog: Sneakers
DIguana: Loco
Loving Theodore and Chloe!
LN: Alcott
DH: Matthew Lucas
DW: Joanna Hope
DS: Gideon Mark
DD: Carol Aaliyah
DS: Honor Hezikyeuh
DS/DS: Ezra Nathaniel / Elijah Noah
DD: Chloe Julia
DS: Walter Edwin
DD/DD: Ruth Elise / Naomi Maude
DNephew: Reuben Oliver Wilkinson
Ddog: Sneakers
DIguana: Loco
LN: Wright
DH: Michael Donovan
DW: Julia Kathleen
DS: Jackson Kobe
DS: Tyler Hashim
DD: Carlie Antwanet
DS/DS: Carson James / Connor John
DD: Lily Denise
ADS: Ariella Morgan
DGrandpa: Jack Anthony Wright [JAW? random I know]
Cat: Tigger
Parrot: Polly
Mom's Sister: Heather Anne
Her daughter: Mackenzie Elaine
Last Name: Rennison
DW: Matilda Tessa
DH: Jacob Kieran
DD: Rebecca Grace
DS: Paris Diego
DD: Caitlin Gemma
DS/DS: Matthew Toby "Matt" / Felix Jake
DD: Jessica Vanessa
DD: Beatrix Amelia
DGrandpa: Dominic David
Canary: Henry
Snake: Eric
Jacob's sister, Megan Abigail, and her daughter, Eliza Poppy
DW: Matilda Tessa
DH: Jacob Kieran
DD: Rebecca Grace
DS: Paris Diego
DD: Caitlin Gemma
DS/DS: Matthew Toby "Matt" / Felix Jake
DD: Jessica Vanessa
DD: Beatrix Amelia
DGrandpa: Dominic David
Canary: Henry
Snake: Eric
Jacob's sister, Megan Abigail, and her daughter, Eliza Poppy
DH: Martin Rodger Thornton
DW: Juliet Nicole Thornton
DS: Raphael Jude Thornton
DS: Marlowe Takis Thornton
DS: Jean-Baptiste Alex Thornton
DS/DS: Aramis Jonah Thornton / Nemo Johan Thornton
DD: Daphne Frances Thornton
AD: Tatenda Rose Thornton
FS: Thomas Rue Williams
AD/AD: Lily Anna Thornton / Eliza Ruby Thornton
DCat: Sassy
DHorse: Eppie
Eleanor x
1. Last Name: Radcliffe
f. Brady (b) - An athlete's last name
2. W: Matilda Thalia
Which name do you like the best on a GIRL?
a. Matilda - Must have the initials MT
3. H: Joshua Kyle
Which name to you like the best on a BOY?
f. Jack - Must have the initials JK
4. S: Noah Blake
Do you like the name Ashley on a girl or a boy?
Neither - DS
5. First child's name
Which month name do you like best on a GIRL?
c. May - FN must be Biblical, MN must be one syllable
6. S: Paris Cruz
Do you like the name Rowan on a girl or a boy?
d. Both - DS
7. Second child's name
Which nature name do you like best on a BOY?
f. Rio - FN must be a place name, MN must be Spanish
8. D: Sammy Alexandria
Do you like the name Justice on a girl or a boy?
c. Neither - DD
9. Third child's name
Which "kre8tyvely" spelled name do you think is the most usable?
c. Abbygayle - FN must be a name usually given as a nickname, MN must be four or more syllables
10. D/D: Lena Morgan and Lily Mia
Which "matchy" twin names do you think are most usable? (Not in terms of how much you like the names, but how they sound as a pair)
f. Mila and Malia - DD/DD
11. Fourth and fifth children's names
If forced to use one of the following pairs of names for twins, which would you choose?
a. Luke and Leia - Both twins must have the same initials
f. Brady (b) - An athlete's last name
2. W: Matilda Thalia
Which name do you like the best on a GIRL?
a. Matilda - Must have the initials MT
3. H: Joshua Kyle
Which name to you like the best on a BOY?
f. Jack - Must have the initials JK
4. S: Noah Blake
Do you like the name Ashley on a girl or a boy?
Neither - DS
5. First child's name
Which month name do you like best on a GIRL?
c. May - FN must be Biblical, MN must be one syllable
6. S: Paris Cruz
Do you like the name Rowan on a girl or a boy?
d. Both - DS
7. Second child's name
Which nature name do you like best on a BOY?
f. Rio - FN must be a place name, MN must be Spanish
8. D: Sammy Alexandria
Do you like the name Justice on a girl or a boy?
c. Neither - DD
9. Third child's name
Which "kre8tyvely" spelled name do you think is the most usable?
c. Abbygayle - FN must be a name usually given as a nickname, MN must be four or more syllables
10. D/D: Lena Morgan and Lily Mia
Which "matchy" twin names do you think are most usable? (Not in terms of how much you like the names, but how they sound as a pair)
f. Mila and Malia - DD/DD
11. Fourth and fifth children's names
If forced to use one of the following pairs of names for twins, which would you choose?
a. Luke and Leia - Both twins must have the same initials
LN: Mackenzie
DH: Moses Ryan 51
DW: Jane Amelia 48
DS: Benjamin James 24
DS: River Nicodemus 22
DD: Mary-Kate Alex 19
DS/DS: Ryan Matthew / Samuel John 17
DD: Isabelle Maxine 14
DS: Akira Hiroshi (Adopted) 6
DD/DD: Chloe Esther / Sarah Miriam (Adopted) 2
DGrandpa: Jack Andrew Mackenzie 73
Pet Rabbit: Peter
Pet Snake: Silas
DH: Moses Ryan 51
DW: Jane Amelia 48
DS: Benjamin James 24
DS: River Nicodemus 22
DD: Mary-Kate Alex 19
DS/DS: Ryan Matthew / Samuel John 17
DD: Isabelle Maxine 14
DS: Akira Hiroshi (Adopted) 6
DD/DD: Chloe Esther / Sarah Miriam (Adopted) 2
DGrandpa: Jack Andrew Mackenzie 73
Pet Rabbit: Peter
Pet Snake: Silas
Last Name: Pasternak
DW: Milena Lidiya
DH: Julian Raphael
DD : Mariya Lyudmila (Masha)
DS: Neros Kyriakos
DD: Zuleika Anzhelina
DS/DS: Vladimir Konstantin (Vlad), Aleksandr Kirill (Sasha)
DD: Siena Roya
DS: Dmitriy Luka (Mitya), adopted from Russia
DNephew: Daniel Dominic
Cat: Nadezhda (Nadia)
Parrot: Kirke
DW/DH: Mariya Lyudmila & Nikolai Vladimir
DD: Larisa Anastasiya (Lara)
DW: Milena Lidiya
DH: Julian Raphael
DD : Mariya Lyudmila (Masha)
DS: Neros Kyriakos
DD: Zuleika Anzhelina
DS/DS: Vladimir Konstantin (Vlad), Aleksandr Kirill (Sasha)
DD: Siena Roya
DS: Dmitriy Luka (Mitya), adopted from Russia
DNephew: Daniel Dominic
Cat: Nadezhda (Nadia)
Parrot: Kirke
DW/DH: Mariya Lyudmila & Nikolai Vladimir
DD: Larisa Anastasiya (Lara)
LN: Madison
DW: Monica Danielle
DH: Jude Deacon
DS: Luke Grant
DD: Ava Melina
DD: Laine Elisabeth
DS/DD: Austin Kyle / Ariella Kathryn
DD: Michelle Stephanie
DS: Patrick Alexander "Rick" (Germany)
DD/DD: Faith Alexandra / Kyla Josephine (United States)
Nephew: Roman Andrew (LN Madison)
Cat: Mocha
Parrot: Scarlett
Jennifer Nicole
Loving the Names:
Ariella Kathryn, Carrie Marie, Elisabeth Ava, Faith Alexandra, Michaela Reese, Sadie Elisabeth
Cade Preston, Deacon James, Grant William, Jude Hamilton, Roman Spencer
DW: Monica Danielle
DH: Jude Deacon
DS: Luke Grant
DD: Ava Melina
DD: Laine Elisabeth
DS/DD: Austin Kyle / Ariella Kathryn
DD: Michelle Stephanie
DS: Patrick Alexander "Rick" (Germany)
DD/DD: Faith Alexandra / Kyla Josephine (United States)
Nephew: Roman Andrew (LN Madison)
Cat: Mocha
Parrot: Scarlett
Loving the Names:
Ariella Kathryn, Carrie Marie, Elisabeth Ava, Faith Alexandra, Michaela Reese, Sadie Elisabeth
Cade Preston, Deacon James, Grant William, Jude Hamilton, Roman Spencer
I really do love these!
Last Name: Goodkind
DW: Matilda Louise (54)
DH: Jason Daniel (53)
Neice:Michelle Magali (15)
DD:Jasilda Grace Holbrook (22)
- DH:Kenneth Reid Holbrook (29)
- DD:Una Leonora Holbrook (2)
DS:Oak Luken (20)
DD:Amelia-Kate Meredith (18)
DD/DD:Antonia Scarlett & Adriana Sophie (17)
DD:Viviana Olivia (13)
DS:Hattori William (16)
Canary: Cream
Llama: Dolly
Last Name: Goodkind
DW: Matilda Louise (54)
DH: Jason Daniel (53)
Neice:Michelle Magali (15)
DD:Jasilda Grace Holbrook (22)
- DH:Kenneth Reid Holbrook (29)
- DD:Una Leonora Holbrook (2)
DS:Oak Luken (20)
DD:Amelia-Kate Meredith (18)
DD/DD:Antonia Scarlett & Adriana Sophie (17)
DD:Viviana Olivia (13)
DS:Hattori William (16)
Canary: Cream
Llama: Dolly
This message was edited 9/3/2006, 10:13 PM
LN - Hayley
DH - Milan Thomas
DW - Jolana Katherine
DD - Marcella Tamsin
DS - Mortimer Konstantinos "Tim"
DD - Anna Regan
DS/DS - Anthony Joseph / Asher Jericho
DD - Emma Kimberley
AD - Tatianna Allegra
AD/AD - Esther Leigh "Essie" / Sarah Irena
DGrandpa - Marcus Torin
DCat - Cinnamon
DSnake - Pepper
Clara Jayne Aroha
EDD: 4/12/06

DH - Milan Thomas
DW - Jolana Katherine
DD - Marcella Tamsin
DS - Mortimer Konstantinos "Tim"
DD - Anna Regan
DS/DS - Anthony Joseph / Asher Jericho
DD - Emma Kimberley
AD - Tatianna Allegra
AD/AD - Esther Leigh "Essie" / Sarah Irena
DGrandpa - Marcus Torin
DCat - Cinnamon
DSnake - Pepper
Clara Jayne Aroha
EDD: 4/12/06

LN: Kayne
DH: Milo Declan
DW: Jacey Danica
DS: Bryce Evan
DD: Sage Adrienne
DD: Raychel Elayna
DS/DD: Peter Luca / Phoebe Laine
DS: Alden Michael
DS: Alexandru "Alex" Rhys
AD/AD: Kaia Simone / Leah Kamryn
DGma: Petra Lorraine
PCat: Napoleon
PLlama: Tina
DH: Milo Declan
DW: Jacey Danica
DS: Bryce Evan
DD: Sage Adrienne
DD: Raychel Elayna
DS/DD: Peter Luca / Phoebe Laine
DS: Alden Michael
DS: Alexandru "Alex" Rhys
AD/AD: Kaia Simone / Leah Kamryn
DGma: Petra Lorraine
PCat: Napoleon
PLlama: Tina
1. Last Name: McKinley
Which surname do you like best as a first name?
b. Kennedy (g) - A president or ruler's last name
2. First spouse's name (gender is up to you): Micah Thomas
Which name do you like the best on a GIRL?
a. Matilda - Must have the initials MT
3. Second spouse's name (gender is up to you): Jolie Karina
Which name to you like the best on a BOY?
f. Jack - Must have the initials JK
4. First child
Do you like the name Ashley on a girl or a boy?
Both - DD
5. First child's name: Milie Montana
Which month name do you like best on a GIRL?
a. January - FN must honor both parents, MN must begin with the same letter as the surname
6. Second child
Do you like the name Rowan on a girl or a boy?
d. Both - DS
7. Second child's name: Laken Stefanos
Which nature name do you like best on a BOY?
a. River - FN must be related to water, MN must be Greek
8. Third child
Do you like the name Justice on a girl or a boy?
c. Neither - DD
9. Third child's name: Mary-Kate Logan
Which "kre8tyvely" spelled name do you think is the most usable?
b. Emmileigh - FN must be a double name (e.g. Billy-Bob or MaryAnne), MN must be unisex
10. Fourth and fifth children
Which "matchy" twin names do you think are most usable? (Not in terms of how much you like the names, but how they sound as a pair)
d. David and Devon (b) - DS/DS
11. Fourth and fifth children's names: Joseph Wyatt and Jack William
If forced to use one of the following pairs of names for twins, which would you choose?
Which surname do you like best as a first name?
b. Kennedy (g) - A president or ruler's last name
2. First spouse's name (gender is up to you): Micah Thomas
Which name do you like the best on a GIRL?
a. Matilda - Must have the initials MT
3. Second spouse's name (gender is up to you): Jolie Karina
Which name to you like the best on a BOY?
f. Jack - Must have the initials JK
4. First child
Do you like the name Ashley on a girl or a boy?
Both - DD
5. First child's name: Milie Montana
Which month name do you like best on a GIRL?
a. January - FN must honor both parents, MN must begin with the same letter as the surname
6. Second child
Do you like the name Rowan on a girl or a boy?
d. Both - DS
7. Second child's name: Laken Stefanos
Which nature name do you like best on a BOY?
a. River - FN must be related to water, MN must be Greek
8. Third child
Do you like the name Justice on a girl or a boy?
c. Neither - DD
9. Third child's name: Mary-Kate Logan
Which "kre8tyvely" spelled name do you think is the most usable?
b. Emmileigh - FN must be a double name (e.g. Billy-Bob or MaryAnne), MN must be unisex
10. Fourth and fifth children
Which "matchy" twin names do you think are most usable? (Not in terms of how much you like the names, but how they sound as a pair)
d. David and Devon (b) - DS/DS
11. Fourth and fifth children's names: Joseph Wyatt and Jack William
If forced to use one of the following pairs of names for twins, which would you choose?
LN: Jesseson
DH: Moses Timothy
DW: Juliet Delia
DS: Ephraim Ray (16)
DS: River Matthias (15)
DS: Jordon Zain (13)
DS/DS: August Damien / Asher Desmond (11)
DD: Lorelei Rose (5)
ADD: Katja Lucia (3)(Russia)
DGrandma: Isabelle Iris
DPetRat: Squib
DPetLlama and baby: Samba and Peppy
Moses & Jules,
Ephraim, River, Jordon, August, Asher, Lorelei, and Katja,
Granny Bella,
Squib, Samba, and Peppy.
!!!!!: Morgaine, Arthur, Vivianne, Lancelot, & Guinevere
???????: William, Charles, Percival, Frederick, George, Ronald, & Ginevra
....: Peter, Susan, Edmund, & Lucy
DH: Moses Timothy
DW: Juliet Delia
DS: Ephraim Ray (16)
DS: River Matthias (15)
DS: Jordon Zain (13)
DS/DS: August Damien / Asher Desmond (11)
DD: Lorelei Rose (5)
ADD: Katja Lucia (3)(Russia)
DGrandma: Isabelle Iris
DPetRat: Squib
DPetLlama and baby: Samba and Peppy
Moses & Jules,
Ephraim, River, Jordon, August, Asher, Lorelei, and Katja,
Granny Bella,
Squib, Samba, and Peppy.
!!!!!: Morgaine, Arthur, Vivianne, Lancelot, & Guinevere
???????: William, Charles, Percival, Frederick, George, Ronald, & Ginevra
....: Peter, Susan, Edmund, & Lucy
LN: Morgan
DH: Matthew Derek 40
DW: Julia Kimberlyn 39
-DSister: Amelia Jordan (Emerson) 27
--DSon: Kevin Robert 3
DS: Adam Dean 17
DD: Sophia Adrienne 14
DD: Hayley Jacquelyn 11
DS/DS: Daniel Joshua/ Devin James 9
DD: Casey Lauren 6
AS: Jakob Rafael 2
DNephew: Tyler Thomas Morgan 7
DDog: Biscuit
DChinchilla: Fluffy
okay i worked hard hope i did it right
DH: Matthew Derek 40
DW: Julia Kimberlyn 39
-DSister: Amelia Jordan (Emerson) 27
--DSon: Kevin Robert 3
DS: Adam Dean 17
DD: Sophia Adrienne 14
DD: Hayley Jacquelyn 11
DS/DS: Daniel Joshua/ Devin James 9
DD: Casey Lauren 6
AS: Jakob Rafael 2
DNephew: Tyler Thomas Morgan 7
DDog: Biscuit
DChinchilla: Fluffy
okay i worked hard hope i did it right
LN: Christie
DW: Mikaela Delilah
DH: Jonathan Rhys
DD: Melanie Daniella
DD: Paris Santiago
DS: Mykel Steven
DS/DS: Devin Ciaran / Oisin Finnian
DD: Emma Sheila
AS: Kiran Christopher (Indian)
Foster Son: Leo Orion LN: Weston
Canary: Mina
Snake: Tequila
Melanie has married and has a newborn baby, Orion Adonis.
DW: Mikaela Delilah
DH: Jonathan Rhys
DD: Melanie Daniella
DD: Paris Santiago
DS: Mykel Steven
DS/DS: Devin Ciaran / Oisin Finnian
DD: Emma Sheila
AS: Kiran Christopher (Indian)
Foster Son: Leo Orion LN: Weston
Canary: Mina
Snake: Tequila
Melanie has married and has a newborn baby, Orion Adonis.
LN: Reneeson
DW: Melissa Raquel
DH: James Kyler "Jamie"
DS: Cohen Duke
DS: Kai Alexandros
DD: Anna-Marie Brooke
DD/DD: Kimber Catherine and Kasia Claire
DD: Liliana Calanthe "Lily"
ADS: Gabriel Jonas
AD/AD: Olivia Nicole and Cecilia Louise
DGrandpa: Benjamin Ethan Tanner "Ben"
DCat: Betty
DChinchilla: ChiChi
♥ Kristen ♥
Shake Your Body Like A Bellydancer.
Here is where you are
There is where you want to be
But you can't get there from here ♥
DW: Melissa Raquel
DH: James Kyler "Jamie"
DS: Cohen Duke
DS: Kai Alexandros
DD: Anna-Marie Brooke
DD/DD: Kimber Catherine and Kasia Claire
DD: Liliana Calanthe "Lily"
ADS: Gabriel Jonas
AD/AD: Olivia Nicole and Cecilia Louise
DGrandpa: Benjamin Ethan Tanner "Ben"
DCat: Betty
DChinchilla: ChiChi
♥ Kristen ♥
Shake Your Body Like A Bellydancer.
Here is where you are
There is where you want to be
But you can't get there from here ♥
LN: Jeter
DH: Maxwell Davis "Max"
DW: Julia Kathleen "Julia"
DS: Roman Nathaniel
DD: Ava Alexandra
DD: Tali Alivia
DS/DD: Sam Blaise / Elanor Isabel
DD: Madison Elizabeth
DS: Gabriel Timothy
DD/DD : Sophia Rose / Caroline Anne
DG: Grandpa Thomas Anthony "Tom"
DCat: Henry
DParrot: Bert
Max & Julia
Roman, Ava, Tali, Sam, Ela, Maddy, Gabe, Sophia, Caroline, Grandpa Tom, & Henry & Bert.
L A U R E N ™
DH: Maxwell Davis "Max"
DW: Julia Kathleen "Julia"
DS: Roman Nathaniel
DD: Ava Alexandra
DD: Tali Alivia
DS/DD: Sam Blaise / Elanor Isabel
DD: Madison Elizabeth
DS: Gabriel Timothy
DD/DD : Sophia Rose / Caroline Anne
DG: Grandpa Thomas Anthony "Tom"
DCat: Henry
DParrot: Bert
Max & Julia
Roman, Ava, Tali, Sam, Ela, Maddy, Gabe, Sophia, Caroline, Grandpa Tom, & Henry & Bert.
L A U R E N ™
DW: Madeline Twyla
DH: Jackson Henry
DD: Marigary Summer
DD:River Athena
DS: Jacob-Allen Mackenzie
DS/DS: Sirius Helios & Bertram Leander
DD: Jordan Marilia
DD [adopted]: Sen Sayuri
DNephew: Jeremiah Hayden Johnson
Dog: Suki
Chinchilla: Respghigi
Exchange Student from Germany: Ludwig Graham
Current Faves:
Girl: Autumn
Boy: Osiris
DW: Madeline Twyla
DH: Jackson Henry
DD: Marigary Summer
DD:River Athena
DS: Jacob-Allen Mackenzie
DS/DS: Sirius Helios & Bertram Leander
DD: Jordan Marilia
DD [adopted]: Sen Sayuri
DNephew: Jeremiah Hayden Johnson
Dog: Suki
Chinchilla: Respghigi
Exchange Student from Germany: Ludwig Graham
Current Faves:
Girl: Autumn
Boy: Osiris
LN: Steinbeck
DW: Miriam Rachael
DH: Jeremiah Richard
DD: Sairy Jane
DD: Rosa Miren
DD: Mamie Elizabeth
DS/DS: Lawrence Abram / William Shannon
DS: Oscar Lucas
DD: Theda Margaret
AD/AD: Minnie Helena / Rita Abigail
DGrandma: Helena Abigail Steinbeck "Leni"
Canary: Pilon
Parrot: Salud
Miriam and Jeremiah; Sairy, Rosa, Mamie, Lawrence, William, Oscar, Theda, Minnie, Rita, Grandmother Leni, and Pilon and Salud the birds.

LN: Steinbeck
DW: Miriam Rachael
DH: Jeremiah Richard
DD: Sairy Jane
DD: Rosa Miren
DD: Mamie Elizabeth
DS/DS: Lawrence Abram / William Shannon
DS: Oscar Lucas
DD: Theda Margaret
AD/AD: Minnie Helena / Rita Abigail
DGrandma: Helena Abigail Steinbeck "Leni"
Canary: Pilon
Parrot: Salud
Miriam and Jeremiah; Sairy, Rosa, Mamie, Lawrence, William, Oscar, Theda, Minnie, Rita, Grandmother Leni, and Pilon and Salud the birds.

LN: Madison
DH: Malachi Thomas "Mal"
DW: Jude Katharine
DS: Zedekiah John "Zed"
DS: Dallas Antonio
DD: Robin Noah
DS/DS: Gabriel Donovan "Gabe" / Ezekiel Blake "Zeke"
DD: Kelsey Victoria
AD: Katerina Noelle "Reena" (Russia)
DNephew: Elijah Everett O'Keefe "Eli"
DCat: Rowa
DLlama: Patrick
Malachi's DSister: Magdalene Beatrice Madison "Meg, Meggie"
DS: Gideon Josiah Madison
Peter: Oh my God, Brian, there's a message in my Alphabits. It says, 'Oooooo.'
Brian: Peter, those are Cheerios. Brian and Peter Griffin (Family Guy)
DH: Malachi Thomas "Mal"
DW: Jude Katharine
DS: Zedekiah John "Zed"
DS: Dallas Antonio
DD: Robin Noah
DS/DS: Gabriel Donovan "Gabe" / Ezekiel Blake "Zeke"
DD: Kelsey Victoria
AD: Katerina Noelle "Reena" (Russia)
DNephew: Elijah Everett O'Keefe "Eli"
DCat: Rowa
DLlama: Patrick
Malachi's DSister: Magdalene Beatrice Madison "Meg, Meggie"
DS: Gideon Josiah Madison
Peter: Oh my God, Brian, there's a message in my Alphabits. It says, 'Oooooo.'
Brian: Peter, those are Cheerios. Brian and Peter Griffin (Family Guy)
Joseph Kellen Jonson 'Jody'
Monica Giselle Jonson
Marshall Gray Jonson
---Carrie Amber Laurent Jonson
-----Brady James Jonson
Dallas Francisca Jonson
Shylaja Lynsey Jonson 'Shy'
Kellen Joseph Jonson / Giselle Monica Jonson
Brittany Leighanne Jonson
Naomi Amaya Jonson (adopted)
Noelle Anne Stafford (fostered)
Frank the Rat
Sly the Snake
Jody & Monica Jonson
Marshall 26, Dallas 22, Shy 20, Kellen & Giselle 19, Brittany 16, Naomi 14 Jonson
Noelle 14 Stafford
Frank & Sly
Marshall & Carrie Jonson
Brady 2 Jonson
**Disclaimer: None of the ideas above are mind. They are given to me by Luther and Fernando, the 10 inch space aliens living under my desk. In return they are given permission to eat any dust bunnies they may find.
the Pierce Family
Matilda Louise
Jonah Hale
DD: Deborah Jane
DS: Conway Matthias
DD: Eliza-May Linden
DS/DS: Callum Lucas / Charles "Charlie" Logan
DD: Charlotte Maria
DD: Amala Hollis
DNephew: Donovan Jospeph
Dog: Heather
Parrot: Isaiah
DD/DD: Michaela Rose / Mackenzie Ann
Dreams are necessary to life.
-Anais Nin
Matilda Louise
Jonah Hale
DD: Deborah Jane
DS: Conway Matthias
DD: Eliza-May Linden
DS/DS: Callum Lucas / Charles "Charlie" Logan
DD: Charlotte Maria
DD: Amala Hollis
DNephew: Donovan Jospeph
Dog: Heather
Parrot: Isaiah
DD/DD: Michaela Rose / Mackenzie Ann
Dreams are necessary to life.
-Anais Nin
LN: Fitzgerald
DH: Murphy Theodore (45)
DW: Justine Hannah (42)
DD: Maylene Amelie (15)
DS: Shannon Etienne (13)
DS: Hawthorne Peadar (10)
DS/DD: Jonas Augustine/ Joelle Adeleide (7)
DD: Elena Veronica (6)
ADD: Galina Maryana (3)
DGrandpa: Oliver Albert (LN: Fitzgerald) (77)
DCanary: Fritz
DLlama (lol): Dolly (she's the "Dolly Llama", lol)
Bonus: DLlama Babies!: Daffodil, Tyson, Marco, Putty, Clover, Scarlett, Fievel (each of the kids got to name one)
.Catherine Ann Genevieve.
DH: Murphy Theodore (45)
DW: Justine Hannah (42)
DD: Maylene Amelie (15)
DS: Shannon Etienne (13)
DS: Hawthorne Peadar (10)
DS/DD: Jonas Augustine/ Joelle Adeleide (7)
DD: Elena Veronica (6)
ADD: Galina Maryana (3)
DGrandpa: Oliver Albert (LN: Fitzgerald) (77)
DCanary: Fritz
DLlama (lol): Dolly (she's the "Dolly Llama", lol)
Bonus: DLlama Babies!: Daffodil, Tyson, Marco, Putty, Clover, Scarlett, Fievel (each of the kids got to name one)
.Catherine Ann Genevieve.
LN: Gregory
DW: Marguerite Lucine "Marta"
DH: Justus Didier
DD: Dinah Faye
-DH: Etienne Risto Pape
-DS: Caelestis Cicero
DS: Castor Barnabas
DS: Ewan Ariel
DS/DS: Linus Florin / Renatus Firoz
DD: Marjorie Rebecca
AS: Lucian Victor
DNephew: Loren Olivier Gregory
DDog: Amadeus
DLlama: Zimri
♥ Marguerite Ruth, Eleanor Colette
Ezekiel Conrad, Diederik Ariel, Linus Florian ♥
DW: Marguerite Lucine "Marta"
DH: Justus Didier
DD: Dinah Faye
-DH: Etienne Risto Pape
-DS: Caelestis Cicero
DS: Castor Barnabas
DS: Ewan Ariel
DS/DS: Linus Florin / Renatus Firoz
DD: Marjorie Rebecca
AS: Lucian Victor
DNephew: Loren Olivier Gregory
DDog: Amadeus
DLlama: Zimri
♥ Marguerite Ruth, Eleanor Colette
Ezekiel Conrad, Diederik Ariel, Linus Florian ♥

LN: Mattson
DGma: Lois Anne White (73)
DH: Michael Rolan (45)
DW: Jennifer Delilah (43)
DS: Beckett Charlie (25)
DS: Sage Etienne (19)
DD: April-Marie Avery (17)
DS/DS: Rowan Lior / Russell Orpheus (14)
DD: Amanda Marika (12)
DS: Stefan Paul (7)
DRat: Vegemite
-her babies Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon, Zeta, Eta, Theta and Iota
DSnake: Dante
A bad wound may heal, but a bad name will kill.
Scottish Proverb
"'Scuse me, do you mind not farting while I'm saving the world?"
DGma: Lois Anne White (73)
DH: Michael Rolan (45)
DW: Jennifer Delilah (43)
DS: Beckett Charlie (25)
DS: Sage Etienne (19)
DD: April-Marie Avery (17)
DS/DS: Rowan Lior / Russell Orpheus (14)
DD: Amanda Marika (12)
DS: Stefan Paul (7)
DRat: Vegemite
-her babies Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon, Zeta, Eta, Theta and Iota
DSnake: Dante
A bad wound may heal, but a bad name will kill.
Scottish Proverb
"'Scuse me, do you mind not farting while I'm saving the world?"
This message was edited 9/3/2006, 2:14 PM
LN: Brianson
DH: Malcolm Drake
DW: Josephine Lyric "Josie"
DS: Larkin Raphael
DS: Rio Matthias
DD: Dafne Elisabeth
DS/DS: Cassius Abram / Kenyon Elijah
DD: Juliet Morgan
DS: Nikolai Padraig
Adopted DD/DD: Ophelia Ruby / Clementine Rose
DNephew: Harper Vincent
DDog: Duke
DParrot: Harriet
Malcolm & Josie with
Larkin, Rio, Dafne, Cassius, Kenyon, Juliet, Nikolai, Ophelia, Clementine and Harper.
DH: Malcolm Drake
DW: Josephine Lyric "Josie"
DS: Larkin Raphael
DS: Rio Matthias
DD: Dafne Elisabeth
DS/DS: Cassius Abram / Kenyon Elijah
DD: Juliet Morgan
DS: Nikolai Padraig
Adopted DD/DD: Ophelia Ruby / Clementine Rose
DNephew: Harper Vincent
DDog: Duke
DParrot: Harriet
Malcolm & Josie with
Larkin, Rio, Dafne, Cassius, Kenyon, Juliet, Nikolai, Ophelia, Clementine and Harper.
This message was edited 9/3/2006, 2:14 PM
LN: Rowling
SO: Matilda Theodora
SO: Julianna Louise
DS: Jonah Lawrence
DD: Oceanna Athena
DD: Anne-Marie Hayden
DS/DS: Daniel Oliver / Oscar Marcus
DD: Mathilde Tove
DD: Franziska Alice
DNephew: Frederick Allen (Rowling)
PetDog: Tumble
PetSnake: Zappa
No bonus since the family is large enough.
Charlie Blue

Check Profile For PP's!
SO: Matilda Theodora
SO: Julianna Louise
DS: Jonah Lawrence
DD: Oceanna Athena
DD: Anne-Marie Hayden
DS/DS: Daniel Oliver / Oscar Marcus
DD: Mathilde Tove
DD: Franziska Alice
DNephew: Frederick Allen (Rowling)
PetDog: Tumble
PetSnake: Zappa
No bonus since the family is large enough.

Check Profile For PP's!
This message was edited 9/3/2006, 2:09 PM
LN: Ford
DH: Mason Gregory
DW: Jenna Raine
DS: Adam Henry
DD: Maiara Colette "Maia"
DS: Bryan Erik
DS/DS: Brennan Lukas and Benjamin Lawrence "Ben"
DD: Heather Bonnie
AS: Jelani Thomas, from Africa
FS: Caden Alexander Torinway
AD/AD: Delilah Faith "Lily" and Rosaline Hope "Rosie"
Canary: Tweety
Chinchilla: Sweety
The Ford Family
Mason and Jenna
Adam, Maia, Bryan, Brennan, Ben, Heather, Jelani, Caden, Lily, Rosie, and pets Tweety and Sweety.
My lovely PPs!
!!! Phoenix and Zachary (twins) and Katya
LN: Collins
DW: Mark Donal
DW: Jean Norah
DS: David Heath
DD: Nerissa Aglaia
DD: Sara Aimee
DS/DS: Charles Henry / Iain Peter
DD: Lydia Hazel
DS: Fyodor William
DGrandpa: Ciaran Angus THOMSON
Canary: Tinker
Parrot: Kipling
1st Son:
DH: David Heath
DW: Mary Caroline
DD: Viola Sonnet
~Louise x
~*~Top Names~*~
Charles Frederick & Isabel Primrose

DW: Mark Donal
DW: Jean Norah
DS: David Heath
DD: Nerissa Aglaia
DD: Sara Aimee
DS/DS: Charles Henry / Iain Peter
DD: Lydia Hazel
DS: Fyodor William
DGrandpa: Ciaran Angus THOMSON
Canary: Tinker
Parrot: Kipling
1st Son:
DH: David Heath
DW: Mary Caroline
DD: Viola Sonnet
~Louise x
Charles Frederick & Isabel Primrose

LN: Washington
DGrandpa: Alec Nicholas Coldweller (Joanna's father) (66)
DH: Marshall Garrett (43)
DW: Joanna Katherine (40)
DS: Nicholas John (17)
DD: Sophia Claire (15)
DD: Audrey Ryan (14)
DS/DS: Benjamin Elliott / Bridget Elizabeth (9)
DD: Kateri Rachel (7)
AS: Emil Alexander (4) (Romania)
AD/AD: Daphne Margaret / Annamaria Joy (2) (England)
DCat: Butch
DParrot: Alice
Marshall and Joanna Washington
Nicholas, Sophia, Audrey, Benjamin, Bridget, Kateri, Emil, Daphne, and Annamaria
Alec Coldweller
Butch and Alice
--Sarah Katherine
Un nome è qualcosa che dura per sempre
DGrandpa: Alec Nicholas Coldweller (Joanna's father) (66)
DH: Marshall Garrett (43)
DW: Joanna Katherine (40)
DS: Nicholas John (17)
DD: Sophia Claire (15)
DD: Audrey Ryan (14)
DS/DS: Benjamin Elliott / Bridget Elizabeth (9)
DD: Kateri Rachel (7)
AS: Emil Alexander (4) (Romania)
AD/AD: Daphne Margaret / Annamaria Joy (2) (England)
DCat: Butch
DParrot: Alice
Marshall and Joanna Washington
Nicholas, Sophia, Audrey, Benjamin, Bridget, Kateri, Emil, Daphne, and Annamaria
Alec Coldweller
Butch and Alice
--Sarah Katherine
Un nome è qualcosa che dura per sempre
LN: Lincoln
DW: Mary Renee
DH: Jude Denver
DS: Jack Dallas
DS: Douglas Yiorgos
DD: Shirley-Jane Skye
DS/DS: Wyatt Cyrus and Howard Iah "Howie"
DD: Ella Sandra
ADD: Brigitta Andrea (from Germany)
DGrandpa: Ian Logan Lincoln
DRabbit: Charlie
DChinchilla: Jamie
DClassPet: Billy-Bob (Rabbit)
Mary and Jude Lincoln with:
Jack, Douglas, Shirley-Jane, Wyatt, Howie, Ella and Brigitta
Grandpa Ian Lincoln,
Charlie and Billy-Bob the rabbits,
and Jamie the chinchilla

DW: Mary Renee
DH: Jude Denver
DS: Jack Dallas
DS: Douglas Yiorgos
DD: Shirley-Jane Skye
DS/DS: Wyatt Cyrus and Howard Iah "Howie"
DD: Ella Sandra
ADD: Brigitta Andrea (from Germany)
DGrandpa: Ian Logan Lincoln
DRabbit: Charlie
DChinchilla: Jamie
DClassPet: Billy-Bob (Rabbit)
Mary and Jude Lincoln with:
Jack, Douglas, Shirley-Jane, Wyatt, Howie, Ella and Brigitta
Grandpa Ian Lincoln,
Charlie and Billy-Bob the rabbits,
and Jamie the chinchilla

LN: Robinson
DGrandma: Carrie Cecilia Weiss (72)
DH: Morgan Chase (51)
DW: Julia Lysanne (51)
DS: Nathaniel Loren "Nathan" (26)
---DW: Rosalie June Parris "Rosie" (26)
---DD: Cecily June Robinson-Parris (newborn)
DS: Shannon Pascal "Shane" (22)
DD: Catherine Jordan (19)
DS/DS: Geoffrey Isaac / Francis Theodore "Frank" (17)
DD: Emily Nicole (12)
DS: Devdan Maxwell (4)
Cat: Fuschia
Llama: Rocco
Friendship is more lasting than love, and more legal than stalking.
-Jane, Coupling
LN: Robinson
DGrandma: Carrie Cecilia Weiss (72)
DH: Morgan Chase (51)
DW: Julia Lysanne (51)
DS: Nathaniel Loren "Nathan" (26)
---DW: Rosalie June Parris "Rosie" (26)
---DD: Cecily June Robinson-Parris (newborn)
DS: Shannon Pascal "Shane" (22)
DD: Catherine Jordan (19)
DS/DS: Geoffrey Isaac / Francis Theodore "Frank" (17)
DD: Emily Nicole (12)
DS: Devdan Maxwell (4)
Cat: Fuschia
Llama: Rocco
Friendship is more lasting than love, and more legal than stalking.
-Jane, Coupling