[Opinions] Re: Charlaine
in reply to a message by Array
I had it on my list alongside Charmaine and Charlida. Yes, they sound ...uh rustic? LOL I see how Charlaine seems that way, mainly because it sounds like Charlene with an affected drawl, as well as being an invention.
But workable - yeah, definitely. Charlaine more than others, perhaps because of the Lainie nick. At least as workable as Charmaine. I could see it fitting into your style, or on a person I picture as suited to your style.
- mirfak

I had it on my list alongside Charmaine and Charlida. Yes, they sound ...uh rustic? LOL I see how Charlaine seems that way, mainly because it sounds like Charlene with an affected drawl, as well as being an invention.
But workable - yeah, definitely. Charlaine more than others, perhaps because of the Lainie nick. At least as workable as Charmaine. I could see it fitting into your style, or on a person I picture as suited to your style.
- mirfak

I'm not personally worried about whether it sounds countrified, myself. You know me--I've got that thing for hick names. But I suspected that'd what quite a few people might think about it, and I was hoping to head off the "it's a hillbilly name" comments. ;)
I mainly associate the name with the mystery writer Charlaine Harris, who has created the only book series about vampires that I'll read. She's quite southern, so I definitely hear some of that in the name. But I really think it has potential--I'm quite liking it lately.
I'm also like Dian (as in Fossey, natch), but I suspect the lack of E on the end would be irritating to deal with. :(
"It's not the cough that carries you off, it's the coffin they carry you off in."
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
I mainly associate the name with the mystery writer Charlaine Harris, who has created the only book series about vampires that I'll read. She's quite southern, so I definitely hear some of that in the name. But I really think it has potential--I'm quite liking it lately.
I'm also like Dian (as in Fossey, natch), but I suspect the lack of E on the end would be irritating to deal with. :(
"It's not the cough that carries you off, it's the coffin they carry you off in."
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.