[Opinions] Anastasia
I only pronunce this ahna-STAS-see-a, NOT anna-stay-sha. I love it, and plan on using it. Marisol Anastasia is my favorite combination right now.
My question is this: Is pronuncing Anastasia the correct way a problem in the US?
My question is this: Is pronuncing Anastasia the correct way a problem in the US?
I live in the US and I prefer the pronounciation that you like as well, however most people will never say it here in the States.
Language is fluid, and the American / English pronunciation you mentioned is well established, so it's not "incorrect" ... just a linguist's niggle I have.
Anyway, I don't expect ahna-STAH-see-a would cause you massive problems. It's not as if you're taking a name people hear every day (like Michael) and pronouncing it a different way. A lot of people will be tentative pronouncing Anastasia, and ask for confirmation anyway. I like Marisol, but with Anastasia it's just too long a combo imo, and so has no flow.
Anyway, I don't expect ahna-STAH-see-a would cause you massive problems. It's not as if you're taking a name people hear every day (like Michael) and pronouncing it a different way. A lot of people will be tentative pronouncing Anastasia, and ask for confirmation anyway. I like Marisol, but with Anastasia it's just too long a combo imo, and so has no flow.
This message was edited 9/25/2006, 7:04 AM
I adore Anastasia, and this pronounciation is gorgeous. I prefer ah-nah-STAH-see-ah, instead of anna-stah-see-ah, though (Ana instead of Anna).
I don't think you'll have problems, since it's a middle name. As a first name I'd be much more concerned.
Marisol Anastasia is quite pretty!
I don't think you'll have problems, since it's a middle name. As a first name I'd be much more concerned.
Marisol Anastasia is quite pretty!
This message was edited 9/24/2006, 4:31 PM
You pronounce Anastasia the exact way I do. I briefly considered it while pg with my dd, Anna. Ultimately, I decided it was too long for my use and I do think there would be something of an issue with pronunciation as everyone around me seems to say ann-a-STAY-sha. You have to decide whether the name is worth it to you. If you love it enough, it will be. BTW, Marisol Anastasia is gorgeous. Marisol has really grown on me in the last year or so (along with Maribel).
I'd like to add that you'd stand a better chance of having the name pronounced the way you prefer in a large, urban area.
I'd like to add that you'd stand a better chance of having the name pronounced the way you prefer in a large, urban area.
I have no idea how the majority of the US pronounces it, but I generally say anna-stay-see-ah (no real emphasis on any one part of the name, for me). I think its gorgeous, and I think I'm one of the few who also likes the nn Stacy! Marisol Anastacia is a very nice combo - it sounds very, I don't know, distinguished? That's the best word I can think of to describe it!

I pronounce it ahna-STAS-see-ah. I'm sure most people don't, but I do. It would be a problem, but people would get over it. Marisol Anastasia is beautiful!
We love you Copper! 6/1/91 - 6/16/06
Matthew Craig 'Matt' 1/21/1977 - 7/11/2006
We love you Copper! 6/1/91 - 6/16/06
Matthew Craig 'Matt' 1/21/1977 - 7/11/2006
I definitely prefer the ah-nah-STAH-see-ah pronunciation over ann-ah-STAY-zhah, but it's not a name a care for very much either way. However, as a mn and paired with a gorgeous fn like Marisol, it's lovely. It would likely get mispronounced, but as the mn that wouldn't be a huge hassle, imo.


My preferred pronunciation is Russian (and possibly Greek), "ah-nah-stah-SEE-uh." But I have come to pronounce it "anna-STAY-zha" just because it is too difficult to swim against the stream here in the U.S.
But does it really matter if this is for a mn? Unless you want to have people call her by both names on a daily basis, I don't really see the problem, happily. :-)
But does it really matter if this is for a mn? Unless you want to have people call her by both names on a daily basis, I don't really see the problem, happily. :-)
This message was edited 9/24/2006, 2:44 PM
I'd use it as a first if I could get away with it.
That's why I asked.
That's why I asked.
could be..
Especially if the person doing the pronouncing is a big fan of the Anastasia Krupnik books. Most people, including me, use the Anna-Stayzha pronunciation and aren't used to the more Russian-sounding one you prefer. Can sound a little bit pretentious if you don't happen to have an exotic accent.
Especially if the person doing the pronouncing is a big fan of the Anastasia Krupnik books. Most people, including me, use the Anna-Stayzha pronunciation and aren't used to the more Russian-sounding one you prefer. Can sound a little bit pretentious if you don't happen to have an exotic accent.
At first glance, I prn. it Anna-stay-zhuh. Do you live in America? Because if you don't, then why does it matter?

Nobody sings a love song quite like you do
And nobody else can make me sing along
Nobody else can make me feel
That things are right when I know they're wrong

Nobody sings a love song quite like you do
And nobody else can make me sing along
Nobody else can make me feel
That things are right when I know they're wrong
double post ignore

Nobody sings a love song quite like you do
And nobody else can make me sing along
Nobody else can make me feel
That things are right when I know they're wrong

Nobody sings a love song quite like you do
And nobody else can make me sing along
Nobody else can make me feel
That things are right when I know they're wrong
This message was edited 9/24/2006, 2:47 PM
Oop sorry ignore this

Nobody sings a love song quite like you do
And nobody else can make me sing along
Nobody else can make me feel
That things are right when I know they're wrong

Nobody sings a love song quite like you do
And nobody else can make me sing along
Nobody else can make me feel
That things are right when I know they're wrong
I like the name a lot, though my preferred pronunciation is anna-STAY-zee-uh, rather like anesthesia. I think that people might have trouble catching on to your pronunciation at first, but it'll be far easier than mine, I suspect. ;)
Marisol Anastasia is very nice, if too long for my tastes.
I need the smell of summer--
I need its noises in my ears.
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
Marisol Anastasia is very nice, if too long for my tastes.
I need the smell of summer--
I need its noises in my ears.
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
You do anna, I do ana. :-)
You do anna, I do ana. :-)
Yep--and the fact that it starts out like anna-STAY-zhuh is why I suspect that no one would get it into their heads that it ends with "zee-uh," alas. :(
But as a middle name, you wouldn't have too many problems--and you also wouldn't have anyone trying to call her Ana, which is always a plus.
I need the smell of summer--
I need its noises in my ears.
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
But as a middle name, you wouldn't have too many problems--and you also wouldn't have anyone trying to call her Ana, which is always a plus.
I need the smell of summer--
I need its noises in my ears.
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
Brianna, as you know, is Ana. :-D
Brianna, as you know, is Ana. :-D
99% of the time people pronounce it Anna-stay-sha that's the way I use it, I knew a girl who pronounced it Onya-stay-sha most people it took them awhile to get a hang of becuase we were so used to the typical pronounciations
Um, nope....
Only American pronunce it that way. And Americans certainly don't make up 99% of the population.
Only American pronunce it that way. And Americans certainly don't make up 99% of the population.
I meant in America 99% of the people pronounce it that way
I live in the USA, and pronounce it anna-stay-shuh.
I dont know anyone who pronounces it with 'STAS-see-a'
This is my resting spot
I can let myself breathe
I may not be perfect
But at least I am free
I dont know anyone who pronounces it with 'STAS-see-a'
I can let myself breathe
I may not be perfect
But at least I am free