[Games] CAF name meanings
CAF in which all the first names share a(or have a similar) meaning.
Good Idea!
DH: Arthur Winston
DW: Barbara Evadne
DD: Gemma Phoebe
DS: Achan Uriah
DS: Mason Abner
DD/DS: Ruby Claire / Peter Raiden
All first names mean "Precious stone" and all middle names mean "Light".

Nobody sings a love song quite like you do
And nobody else can make me sing along
Nobody else can make me feel
That things are right when I know they're wrong
DH: Arthur Winston
DW: Barbara Evadne
DD: Gemma Phoebe
DS: Achan Uriah
DS: Mason Abner
DD/DS: Ruby Claire / Peter Raiden
All first names mean "Precious stone" and all middle names mean "Light".

Nobody sings a love song quite like you do
And nobody else can make me sing along
Nobody else can make me feel
That things are right when I know they're wrong
DH: Asher Sigmund
DW: Gay Victoria
DS/DD: Fortunato Grayson / Gioconda Berenice
DS: Zelig Nicodemus
DD: Happy Eunice
All fn's mean "happy" and all mn's mean "victory" (or variations).
DW: Gay Victoria
DS/DD: Fortunato Grayson / Gioconda Berenice
DS: Zelig Nicodemus
DD: Happy Eunice
All fn's mean "happy" and all mn's mean "victory" (or variations).