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[Facts] Hey, Mike C, what does the C stand for?...n/t
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It has nothing to do with the Beastie Boys either!!!
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Mike, can you rap for us??? :P
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LOL, there's very little chance of that happening...
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Look closely, it's right in fron of your face.! :)
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My surname is one of the names listed on this site (because it's occasionally used as a given name). It's Scottish and it means "crooked mouth". Can you figure out what it is?
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Thanks Selwyn...just thought you might be another Mike C. I know...above mess.
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Actually, the answer may be closer at hand than you think...
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I got it !Campbell
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Hey Mike! Why'd You Take Your Picture Off Your Personal Web Site??!
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That picture was a little out of date. It was taken a few years ago by my girlfriend at the time, moments after I had woken up from a nap. I never liked it too much, which speaks of the sad state of my photo collection when the picture I choose to display to the rest of the world is one I don't even like!Since then I have acquired some better photos which will be put up there once I get access to a scanner.
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I kinda liked it. It had a funky, inyerface (literally), Webcam look to it.
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I kinda liked that old photo of yours, Mike . Although, having consulted the Anagram Oracle, may I respectfully tell you what I have discovered? That ALL your photos will always present a "well-preserved" image of yourself, even well into your senior years..."Mike Campbell " = "pickle, embalm" :)-- Nanaea
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ROTFLMAO!!!! (Belated!)
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