[Opinions] Heath?
Ive just decided to remove Heath from my favourites, ive been thinking about it for a long time but has taken me a while to decide! just woundered what everyone thought of the name really?

I don't like it only because it reminds me of the candy bar and I've down a couple of Heaths and the names just doesn't seem very attractive.
I really love Heath, but not Heathcliff. I thought seriously about using it for a child.
I grew up with a Heath I didn't like so I disliked the name for a while, then Heath Ledger influenced my opinions of it when he arrived on the scene. :) I also like that it's so similar to my name, but that also makes it so that whenever I write or type it, I want to add -er to the end. :b


I like it! I went to school with a REALLY cute guy named Heath, so that is what I think of when I hear the name.
I love Heath! I think it'll always be on my list.
I actually like this name; Heath has been an off-and-on favorite of mine for awhile.
No....all I think of is Chocolate bar
I really dont like it. Isnt it the name of a candy bar?
Either way, it doesnt do anything for me...nothing too negative, but nothing stunning either. I dont find the appeal.
Either way, it doesnt do anything for me...nothing too negative, but nothing stunning either. I dont find the appeal.