[Opinions] New celeb babies
I read about the twins this morning and I must say I'm disappointed with their names. :-/ At least they are not as trendy-sounding as Bailey and Beckett (and don't start with B!), but Miller is too surname-y and Johnnie is not attractive on a girl or as a formal name, imo. Maybe they are family names?

Bailey is okay, though I've seen a lot of dogs named it lately. lol Beckett is unattractive to me, and I also associate it with the girls' name Becky, which no boy would want.
Miller Steven? First thing that came to mind was Steve Miller. I wonder if that was their intention?
Johnnie Rose: Hate Johnny and Johnnie for both sexes, it just seems like a default name, like Junior or Suzie, like in jokes. Like there's a whole genre of Little Johnny jokes. Johnnie Rose just seems so redneck.
Miller Steven? First thing that came to mind was Steve Miller. I wonder if that was their intention?
Johnnie Rose: Hate Johnny and Johnnie for both sexes, it just seems like a default name, like Junior or Suzie, like in jokes. Like there's a whole genre of Little Johnny jokes. Johnnie Rose just seems so redneck.
I love boyish nicknames for girls, and if Johnnie had a full name, I would find it really great. As it is, I dislike it.
Miller reminds me of the beer (what can I say? I come from the state with a baseball stadium named for the company!), and Bailey's just unappealing. I like Steven and Jean both (love Jean), and I like Beckett. It has plenty of cool namesakes--St. Thomas a Beckett, Samuel Beckett, etc. :)
I need the smell of summer--
I need its noises in my ears.
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
Miller reminds me of the beer (what can I say? I come from the state with a baseball stadium named for the company!), and Bailey's just unappealing. I like Steven and Jean both (love Jean), and I like Beckett. It has plenty of cool namesakes--St. Thomas a Beckett, Samuel Beckett, etc. :)
I need the smell of summer--
I need its noises in my ears.
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
Well, I despise Miller - it's very surnamey/occupation-y. Like Taylor, Spencer, Parker, Hunter, etc. Steven is nms, but I LOVE Stephen, Stefan, Etienne, and most other variations.
Johnnie for a girl is extremely ugly. For a boy it's cute. Why couldn't they have gone with Joanna or something? Rose is fine, if a bit plain.
Bailey Jean's adorable, but idk if I'd use it. Beckett is nice.
Adoring: Fiona Scarlett, Violet Isadora, Atticus James, Charlotte Octavia, Simon Frederick,
Felix Sebastian, Jack Lachlan, Alistair Conor, Jasper Milo,
Milo Conrad, Josephine Arabella, Imogen Victoria, Georgiana Scarlett.
Johnnie for a girl is extremely ugly. For a boy it's cute. Why couldn't they have gone with Joanna or something? Rose is fine, if a bit plain.
Bailey Jean's adorable, but idk if I'd use it. Beckett is nice.
Adoring: Fiona Scarlett, Violet Isadora, Atticus James, Charlotte Octavia, Simon Frederick,
Felix Sebastian, Jack Lachlan, Alistair Conor, Jasper Milo,
Milo Conrad, Josephine Arabella, Imogen Victoria, Georgiana Scarlett.