[Facts] meaning of my name.
please give the meaning of both my first and last time. please mail me 2 felcy_23@rediffmail.com
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Niraja is a Hindu name and a variant of Neeraja, meaning 'lotus'.Moraes is a variant of Morales. The meaning of Morales you can find by following this link:
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* During Krishna’s childhood in Gokula, once a new daughter-in-law came to the village of Gokula. When this daughter-in-law came, the older people described to her the beauty and greatness of Krishna. Even before she came to this village, Niraja, the new daughter-in-law knew about the greatness of Krishna and she was longing to see Krishna. Niraja’s mother-in-law was a very harsh woman. She gave the injunction that Niraja should not see Krishna and should not even utter the name of Krishna. The reason for this is that there was a feeling amongst the people that by playing various games with these girls, Krishna was actually spoiling the reputation of various families. Krishna at that time was a seven year old boy and there was no room whatsoever for entertaining such thoughts, but because of certain ill feelings, there were people who were spreading such irresponsible views and stories about Krishna. Such bad people existed even at that time. In truth there was no basis for such statements. There was a custom in that village according to which Nanda was regarded as a leader of the village, and all the people used the light in Nanda’s house to start the lights in their own house. It was considered auspicious if a light was got from the house of the leader.One day the mother-in-law of Niraja was having fever and therefore Niraja was asked to go and light the lamp and bring it back. She was told that she should not enter the house of Nanda and not attempt to look at Krishna. Niraja felt very happy that she had this opportunity of going to Nanda’s house and atleast look at the sacred house in which Krishna lived. But when Niraja went there, all her attention and all her thoughts were immersed in Krishna and she was waiting for the opportunity of Krishna coming there at that time.

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No idea, but here are some anagrams :)Niraja Moraes
Joe's marinara
Major sin area
Marijane Rosa
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