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[Surname] Reddemann
I've been going crazy trying to find information on my familys name. I know it exists, through at least three countries. But can not seem to find anything on it's meaning. I was told once by my German instructor that "Redde" ment ship or the like. And, well Mann is obvious. But, I've not been able to locate anything for myself. Any help would be most appreciative.
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If indeed it is German, it's probably related to:Redmann
North German: topographic name for someone who lived in a marshy place, from a term meaning ‘boggy terrain’ + man ‘man’.
German: from a Germanic personal name composed of the elements rad ‘advice’, ‘counsel’ + man ‘man’. Found at:
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Thanks Sean. I've since only been able to find bits and pieces here and there. I appreciate the input and sorry to take so long to get back!
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