[Games] Re: Nikki's Elimination CAF Round 28
in reply to a message by tor
This round you are going to name Naomi, Emma and Sarah's spouses. Make sure to take ONE name from each list! Repost these instructions with your post so everyone will know how to play!
James Patrick and June Elizabeth
Naomi Anne, Emma Faith and Sarah Noelle
Naomi's DH 1937
Richard Peyton
Eliminating Rodney Philipe
Emma's DH 1942
Patrick James
Eliminating Phillip Scott
Sarah's DH 1944
Franklin Thomas
Eliminating Daniel Ross

Do you believe?
James Patrick and June Elizabeth
Naomi Anne, Emma Faith and Sarah Noelle
Naomi's DH 1937
Richard Peyton
Eliminating Rodney Philipe
Emma's DH 1942
Patrick James
Eliminating Phillip Scott
Sarah's DH 1944
Franklin Thomas
Eliminating Daniel Ross

Do you believe?