[Opinions] Griffin
WDYT of Griffin? I've started liking it recently, but don't know what mns to use. Any suggestions?

Love Griffin, nn Griff and Griffy, its great :)
Mn's are hard:
Griffin Veritas
Griffin Moses
Griffin Theodore
Griffin Jonah
Griffin Jonah Veritas (if you like 2 middle names)
Griffin Felix
Griffin August
Griffin Malachi
Griffin Josiah
Griffin Micah
Hope that helped.
Mn's are hard:
Griffin Veritas
Griffin Moses
Griffin Theodore
Griffin Jonah
Griffin Jonah Veritas (if you like 2 middle names)
Griffin Felix
Griffin August
Griffin Malachi
Griffin Josiah
Griffin Micah
Hope that helped.
i love that name! but once a Griffin gets into school, ppl will call him Griff and i dont like that at all..so id prefer Griffin as a middle name
I love Griffin, as a nn for Gryffindor, or just Griffin.
No idea on middle names.
Griffin Alexander comes to mind.
"a boy's best friend is his mother" - Norman Bates in Psycho
No idea on middle names.
Griffin Alexander comes to mind.
LOVE Griffin!
Sometimes you read my mind! I've just been thinking about it recently also. It's great.
However, I'm at loss for ideas myself.
However, I'm at loss for ideas myself.
Let's PM some suggestions back and forth so we don't clog the board! :-D