[Games] Rachel's Adoption Agency
The Basics
Your Name and age:
Spouses Name and age:
Current Children's Names and Ages:
A little more about you
Climate of the location:
Do you travel (if so, how often):
Do you work:
Does your Spouse work:
What languages do you currently speak:
You childrens intrests (if you have):
Child Basics
How many children: (max: 6)
Prefered Genders:
Age: (newborn-18)
More about the child
Will you accept...
A child who does not speak your language?: yes/no
A teenage parent? yes/no
A pegnant teen?: yes/no
Children with disablilies? (speciply extent)
Children with pets?
Anything else we should know?:
We will get back to you as soon as possible.
This is my resting spot
I can let myself breathe
I may not be perfect
But at least I am free
Your Name and age:
Spouses Name and age:
Current Children's Names and Ages:
A little more about you
Climate of the location:
Do you travel (if so, how often):
Do you work:
Does your Spouse work:
What languages do you currently speak:
You childrens intrests (if you have):
Child Basics
How many children: (max: 6)
Prefered Genders:
Age: (newborn-18)
More about the child
Will you accept...
A child who does not speak your language?: yes/no
A teenage parent? yes/no
A pegnant teen?: yes/no
Children with disablilies? (speciply extent)
Children with pets?
Anything else we should know?:
We will get back to you as soon as possible.
I can let myself breathe
I may not be perfect
But at least I am free
This message was edited 11/20/2006, 7:04 PM
The Basics
Surname: Davitz
Your Name and age: Natalia Anya 37
Spouses Name and age: Dmitri Ivan 39
Current Children's Names and Ages: Nadia Ana and Katya Orla, 4
A little more about you
Location: Russia
Climate of the location: cold, snowy
Do you travel (if so, how often): very little, about 2 times a year to Moscow
Do you work: yes
Does your Spouse work: yes, we both work on our farm
What languages do you currently speak: English and Russian
You childrens intrests (if you have): animals, reading and dancing
Child Basics
How many children: (max: 6)4
Prefered Genders: 2 girls 2 boys
Age: (newborn-18) 10-18
Countries: Russia
More about the child
Will you accept...
A child who does not speak your language?: no
A teenage parent? no
A pegnant teen?: no
Siblings?: only siblings
Twins: yes
Triplets: no
Quadruplets: no
More: no
Children with disablilies? (speciply extent) yes, mild
Children with pets? yes
Anything else we should know?: no
Surname: Davitz
Your Name and age: Natalia Anya 37
Spouses Name and age: Dmitri Ivan 39
Current Children's Names and Ages: Nadia Ana and Katya Orla, 4
A little more about you
Location: Russia
Climate of the location: cold, snowy
Do you travel (if so, how often): very little, about 2 times a year to Moscow
Do you work: yes
Does your Spouse work: yes, we both work on our farm
What languages do you currently speak: English and Russian
You childrens intrests (if you have): animals, reading and dancing
Child Basics
How many children: (max: 6)4
Prefered Genders: 2 girls 2 boys
Age: (newborn-18) 10-18
Countries: Russia
More about the child
Will you accept...
A child who does not speak your language?: no
A teenage parent? no
A pegnant teen?: no
Siblings?: only siblings
Twins: yes
Triplets: no
Quadruplets: no
More: no
Children with disablilies? (speciply extent) yes, mild
Children with pets? yes
Anything else we should know?: no
Congrats Natalia, Dmitri, Nadia and Katya!
Anton Genya (10), Boris Eduard (11), Irinushka Luba "Ira" (18) and Zoya Oksana (13) are siblings from Russia. Anton loves animals. Boris is very social. Ira is very outgoing. Zoya is shy.

This is my resting spot
I can let myself breathe
I may not be perfect
But at least I am free
Anton Genya (10), Boris Eduard (11), Irinushka Luba "Ira" (18) and Zoya Oksana (13) are siblings from Russia. Anton loves animals. Boris is very social. Ira is very outgoing. Zoya is shy.

I can let myself breathe
I may not be perfect
But at least I am free
Ira, Zoya, Boris and Anton are settling in well with us. Ira, has finished school and has decided to train as an air hostess, she is a lovely young lady who will go far. Even though she has only been with us a while, as soon as she completes her training she has decided to leave, we will miss her. Zoya is doing well at her new school but is finding it hard to make friends, she will miss her older sister terribly when she goes, but she is wonderful with our little twins. She will start after school classes soon and we hope she will make some friends her own age soon. Boris on the other hand is thriving in his news environment, he has been round so many friends houses i have lost count! He is a happy cheerful little boy who is a joy to have around. Young Anton is also doing well, currently still at primary school he seems to be doing fine! He adores being on the farm and is a real help, even getting up early somedays to help Dmitri with the milking.
Thankyou very much again
from Dmitri, Natalia, Ira, Zoya, Boris, Anton, Nadia and Katya.
Ira, Zoya, Boris and Anton are settling in well with us. Ira, has finished school and has decided to train as an air hostess, she is a lovely young lady who will go far. Even though she has only been with us a while, as soon as she completes her training she has decided to leave, we will miss her. Zoya is doing well at her new school but is finding it hard to make friends, she will miss her older sister terribly when she goes, but she is wonderful with our little twins. She will start after school classes soon and we hope she will make some friends her own age soon. Boris on the other hand is thriving in his news environment, he has been round so many friends houses i have lost count! He is a happy cheerful little boy who is a joy to have around. Young Anton is also doing well, currently still at primary school he seems to be doing fine! He adores being on the farm and is a real help, even getting up early somedays to help Dmitri with the milking.
Thankyou very much again
from Dmitri, Natalia, Ira, Zoya, Boris, Anton, Nadia and Katya.
The Basics
Surname: Moon
Your Name and age: Ravenna Verona Roma (30)
Spouses Name and age: Jack Raven (28)
Current Children's Names and Ages:
DS: Galahad Wisdom Raven (9)
DS: Conrad Ocean Roman (6)
DD: Juliet Cloudy Verona (4)
A little more about you
Location: The Netherlands
Climate of the location: Sea climate, quick changing weather, not too sunny
Do you travel (if so, how often): yes, once a year to a country in Europe (France, Spain, Italy, Greece etc.)
Do you work: Yes, a part-time job as an accountant
Does your Spouse work: Yes, full-time as a sports coach for very talented children
What languages do you currently speak: Dutch, English, Spanish
You childrens intrests (if you have): Gal loves football (soccer) and dancing (especially break dancing). Con likes painting, making music, dancing and playing with other children. Jule likes playing with dolls and drawing.
Child Basics
How many children: 2-5
Prefered Genders: at least one boy and one girl, the rest doesn't matter
Age: any
Countries: Any country in South-America or Europe
More about the child
Will you accept...
A child who does not speak your language?: yes
A teenage parent? yes
A pegnant teen?: yes
Siblings?: no, unless they're multiples
Twins: yes
Triplets: yes
Quadruplets: yes
More: no
Children with disablilies? emotional problems are fine
Children with pets? No
Anything else we should know?: We have a big house, with a big garden and are living in a small village near to a big city.

Surname: Moon
Your Name and age: Ravenna Verona Roma (30)
Spouses Name and age: Jack Raven (28)
Current Children's Names and Ages:
DS: Galahad Wisdom Raven (9)
DS: Conrad Ocean Roman (6)
DD: Juliet Cloudy Verona (4)
A little more about you
Location: The Netherlands
Climate of the location: Sea climate, quick changing weather, not too sunny
Do you travel (if so, how often): yes, once a year to a country in Europe (France, Spain, Italy, Greece etc.)
Do you work: Yes, a part-time job as an accountant
Does your Spouse work: Yes, full-time as a sports coach for very talented children
What languages do you currently speak: Dutch, English, Spanish
You childrens intrests (if you have): Gal loves football (soccer) and dancing (especially break dancing). Con likes painting, making music, dancing and playing with other children. Jule likes playing with dolls and drawing.
Child Basics
How many children: 2-5
Prefered Genders: at least one boy and one girl, the rest doesn't matter
Age: any
Countries: Any country in South-America or Europe
More about the child
Will you accept...
A child who does not speak your language?: yes
A teenage parent? yes
A pegnant teen?: yes
Siblings?: no, unless they're multiples
Twins: yes
Triplets: yes
Quadruplets: yes
More: no
Children with disablilies? emotional problems are fine
Children with pets? No
Anything else we should know?: We have a big house, with a big garden and are living in a small village near to a big city.

Congrats Ravenna, Jack, Galahad, Conrad and Juliet.
Augusta Carlota, Lorena Nilda, and Zeferino Gaspar are triplets. Augusta is the girl with her hair down, Lorena is the girl with her hair up, and Zeferino is the boy. They are from Portugul. They are 5 years old.

This is my resting spot
I can let myself breathe
I may not be perfect
But at least I am free
Augusta Carlota, Lorena Nilda, and Zeferino Gaspar are triplets. Augusta is the girl with her hair down, Lorena is the girl with her hair up, and Zeferino is the boy. They are from Portugul. They are 5 years old.

I can let myself breathe
I may not be perfect
But at least I am free
The Basics
Surname: Chandler
Your Name and age: Lilith Annalee 25
Spouses Name and age: Brock Vincent 26
Current Children's Names and Ages: Brody Vaughn 2, Braden Vaughn 2,
Brooklie Vanessa 1
A little more about you
Location:Ohio, USA
Do you travel (if so, how often):No
Do you work:Nope, stay at home
Does your Spouse work:Yes
What languages do you currently speak:English, French,
You childrens intrests (if you have):Toys, cars, trains, etc,
Child Basics
How many children: (max: 6)6
Prefered Genders:female, 4, male, 2
Age: newborn-18
Countries:U.S, Russia, Czech Rebublic, Germany, Britain,
More about the child
Will you accept...
A child who does not speak your language?: no
A teenage parent? yes
A pegnant teen?: yes
Children with disablilies? (speciply extent) autism, blind, deaf,
Children with pets? yes
Anything else we should know?:
We have lots of pets..
Surname: Chandler
Your Name and age: Lilith Annalee 25
Spouses Name and age: Brock Vincent 26
Current Children's Names and Ages: Brody Vaughn 2, Braden Vaughn 2,
Brooklie Vanessa 1
A little more about you
Location:Ohio, USA
Do you travel (if so, how often):No
Do you work:Nope, stay at home
Does your Spouse work:Yes
What languages do you currently speak:English, French,
You childrens intrests (if you have):Toys, cars, trains, etc,
Child Basics
How many children: (max: 6)6
Prefered Genders:female, 4, male, 2
Age: newborn-18
Countries:U.S, Russia, Czech Rebublic, Germany, Britain,
More about the child
Will you accept...
A child who does not speak your language?: no
A teenage parent? yes
A pegnant teen?: yes
Children with disablilies? (speciply extent) autism, blind, deaf,
Children with pets? yes
Anything else we should know?:
We have lots of pets..
This message was edited 11/21/2006, 2:19 PM
Congrats Lilith, Brock, Braden and Brooklie! We were not able to perfectly make your request, as there was a family of whom mainly meets you description. They are from Russia. They are are fairly fluent in English.
(Note: 2 boys hiding in backround are not part of this family)
Anisim Evgeni (blonde boy all the way to the left) is 8 years old. He loves games, board and video.
Grusha Jakaterina (girl with bear on head) is 16 years old. Grusha loves helping out her brothers.
Roman Zakhar (boy putting bear on Grusha's head) is 6 years old. Roman loves to fool around.
Serafim Ilya is the redheaded boy. Serafim is blind. He is 10 years old.
Marya Oxana is the other girl, she is 18 years old. Marya wants to have a proffesional job and go to college.
Terenti Vanya is 12 years old. He is the brunette all ther way to the right. Terenti can be very shy.
Anisim, Serafim, and Terenti all want to have more American name.

This is my resting spot
I can let myself breathe
I may not be perfect
But at least I am free
(Note: 2 boys hiding in backround are not part of this family)
Anisim Evgeni (blonde boy all the way to the left) is 8 years old. He loves games, board and video.
Grusha Jakaterina (girl with bear on head) is 16 years old. Grusha loves helping out her brothers.
Roman Zakhar (boy putting bear on Grusha's head) is 6 years old. Roman loves to fool around.
Serafim Ilya is the redheaded boy. Serafim is blind. He is 10 years old.
Marya Oxana is the other girl, she is 18 years old. Marya wants to have a proffesional job and go to college.
Terenti Vanya is 12 years old. He is the brunette all ther way to the right. Terenti can be very shy.
Anisim, Serafim, and Terenti all want to have more American name.
I can let myself breathe
I may not be perfect
But at least I am free
The Basics
Surname: Studer
Your Name and age: Maria (23)
Spouses Name and age: Charlie (27)
Current Children's Names and Ages: none
A little more about you
Location: Boston
Climate of the location: cold winters, warm summers
Do you travel (if so, how often): yes, in the winter to Colorado
Do you work: yes, part-time
Does your Spouse work: yes
What languages do you currently speak: english and spanish
You childrens intrests (if you have): ---
Child Basics
How many children: 6
Prefered Genders: any
Age: newborn
Countries: any
More about the child
Will you accept...
A child who does not speak your language?: yes
A teenage parent? no
A pegnant teen?: no
Siblings?: yes
Twins: yes
Triplets: yes
Quadruplets: no
More: no
Children with disablilies? no
Children with pets? only 1
L A U R E N ™
Surname: Studer
Your Name and age: Maria (23)
Spouses Name and age: Charlie (27)
Current Children's Names and Ages: none
A little more about you
Location: Boston
Climate of the location: cold winters, warm summers
Do you travel (if so, how often): yes, in the winter to Colorado
Do you work: yes, part-time
Does your Spouse work: yes
What languages do you currently speak: english and spanish
You childrens intrests (if you have): ---
Child Basics
How many children: 6
Prefered Genders: any
Age: newborn
Countries: any
More about the child
Will you accept...
A child who does not speak your language?: yes
A teenage parent? no
A pegnant teen?: no
Siblings?: yes
Twins: yes
Triplets: yes
Quadruplets: no
More: no
Children with disablilies? no
Children with pets? only 1
L A U R E N ™
Congrats Maria and Charlie!
Bao Dung Lanh and Trai Vinh Nguyen are new born twins from Vietman.

La'Wanda Narelle and La'Keisha Nevaeh are twin girls. They are fro mthe USA.

Asher Isaac is also a newborn from the USA.

This is my resting spot
I can let myself breathe
I may not be perfect
But at least I am free
Bao Dung Lanh and Trai Vinh Nguyen are new born twins from Vietman.

La'Wanda Narelle and La'Keisha Nevaeh are twin girls. They are fro mthe USA.

Asher Isaac is also a newborn from the USA.

I can let myself breathe
I may not be perfect
But at least I am free
The Basics
Surname: Greyson
Your Name and age: Elliott Robert (26)
Spouses Name and age: Kate Isabella (25)
Current Children's Names and Ages: none
A little more about you
Location: England in the summer and Greece in the winter
Climate of the location: cool, rainy // hot
Do you travel (if so, how often): yes very often at least 4 times a year
Do you work: no
Does your Spouse work: yes, Elliott works with my father at him international company
What languages do you currently speak: I speak-Greek, Latin, French, English and Elliott speaks English, German, Spanish
You childrens intrests (if you have): none
Child Basics
How many children: (max: 6) 3
Prefered Genders: any
Age: (newborn-18) any
Countries: France, Greece, Germany, France, and/or England
More about the child
Will you accept...
A child who does not speak your language?: no
A teenage parent? yes
A pegnant teen?: yes
Siblings?: yes
Twins: yes
Triplets: yes
Quadruplets: no
More: no
Children with disablilies? (speciply extent) social only
Children with pets? yes

Surname: Greyson
Your Name and age: Elliott Robert (26)
Spouses Name and age: Kate Isabella (25)
Current Children's Names and Ages: none
A little more about you
Location: England in the summer and Greece in the winter
Climate of the location: cool, rainy // hot
Do you travel (if so, how often): yes very often at least 4 times a year
Do you work: no
Does your Spouse work: yes, Elliott works with my father at him international company
What languages do you currently speak: I speak-Greek, Latin, French, English and Elliott speaks English, German, Spanish
You childrens intrests (if you have): none
Child Basics
How many children: (max: 6) 3
Prefered Genders: any
Age: (newborn-18) any
Countries: France, Greece, Germany, France, and/or England
More about the child
Will you accept...
A child who does not speak your language?: no
A teenage parent? yes
A pegnant teen?: yes
Siblings?: yes
Twins: yes
Triplets: yes
Quadruplets: no
More: no
Children with disablilies? (speciply extent) social only
Children with pets? yes

Congrats Kate and Elliot!
Charlotte Daisy, Nicole Paige, and Sophia Chloe are triplets. They are 14 years old. Charlie (left) is the girly girl of the 3, Nikki (middle) is the tomboy, and Sophie (right) is a combonation of both.

This is my resting spot
I can let myself breathe
I may not be perfect
But at least I am free
Charlotte Daisy, Nicole Paige, and Sophia Chloe are triplets. They are 14 years old. Charlie (left) is the girly girl of the 3, Nikki (middle) is the tomboy, and Sophie (right) is a combonation of both.
I can let myself breathe
I may not be perfect
But at least I am free
They are doing great. Charlie as many new friends. She loves to go shopping. Nikki has joined the softball team. She is really good. Sophie is playing tennis now. Thanks so much.

Surname: Blake
Your Name and age: Alyssa Maeve,32
Spouses Name and age: Jack Robert,35
Current Children's Names and Ages:
Paddy Andrew,8
Helena Saoirse,5
Daniel Kieran,5
Lily Irish,3
A little more about you
Location: Ireland,but a few month evry year we live in Sweden,because Jack is from Sweden.
Climate of the location: Cold winters,hot summers (in sweden) it's about the same in Ireland
Do you travel (if so, how often): Yes,to sweden. We also try to fly to a hot place every year
Do you work: Yes,teacher. But now I'm home whit Lily and I will be home for about 2 more years.
Does your Spouse work: Yes,police
What languages do you currently speak: Swedish,English,Spanish.Jack speak arabic,swedish and english.
You childrens intrests (if you have): They like to ski,pets and play video games. Paddy loves baseball.
Child Basics
How many children: 6
Prefered Genders: Both!
Age: 3 months-15 years
Countries: Everyone whutout Iran,Irak and Italy.
More about the child
Will you accept...
A child who does not speak your language?: yes,but I prefer a kid who does speak my language
A teenage parent? yes
A pegnant teen?: no
Siblings?: yes
Twins: yes
Triplets: yes
Quadruplets: no
Children with disablilies? yes,if they are small
Children with pets? Only pets whit no fur because Daniel is allergic. And no rats because everyone in the family are afraid of them.
Anything else we should know?: Don't think so!
Your Name and age: Alyssa Maeve,32
Spouses Name and age: Jack Robert,35
Current Children's Names and Ages:
Paddy Andrew,8
Helena Saoirse,5
Daniel Kieran,5
Lily Irish,3
A little more about you
Location: Ireland,but a few month evry year we live in Sweden,because Jack is from Sweden.
Climate of the location: Cold winters,hot summers (in sweden) it's about the same in Ireland
Do you travel (if so, how often): Yes,to sweden. We also try to fly to a hot place every year
Do you work: Yes,teacher. But now I'm home whit Lily and I will be home for about 2 more years.
Does your Spouse work: Yes,police
What languages do you currently speak: Swedish,English,Spanish.Jack speak arabic,swedish and english.
You childrens intrests (if you have): They like to ski,pets and play video games. Paddy loves baseball.
Child Basics
How many children: 6
Prefered Genders: Both!
Age: 3 months-15 years
Countries: Everyone whutout Iran,Irak and Italy.
More about the child
Will you accept...
A child who does not speak your language?: yes,but I prefer a kid who does speak my language
A teenage parent? yes
A pegnant teen?: no
Siblings?: yes
Twins: yes
Triplets: yes
Quadruplets: no
Children with disablilies? yes,if they are small
Children with pets? Only pets whit no fur because Daniel is allergic. And no rats because everyone in the family are afraid of them.
Anything else we should know?: Don't think so!
I'm sorry...
but we don't allow people who can't properly type to adopt from here.
Please, make sence, having a typo or two is o.k. but...
'whutout' (i have no idea what that means)
and more. It is to much. It you type it again (and properly) I will be glad to allow you to adopt!
This is my resting spot
I can let myself breathe
I may not be perfect
But at least I am free
but we don't allow people who can't properly type to adopt from here.
Please, make sence, having a typo or two is o.k. but...
'whutout' (i have no idea what that means)
and more. It is to much. It you type it again (and properly) I will be glad to allow you to adopt!
I can let myself breathe
I may not be perfect
But at least I am free
The Basics
Surname: Smith
Your Name and age: Elise Matilda, 26
Spouses Name and age: Brandon Matthew, 29
Current Children's Names and Ages:
A little more about you
Location: England
Climate of the location: Not very warm!
Do you travel (if so, how often): yes, once or twice a year
Do you work: yes
Does your Spouse work: yes
What languages do you currently speak: English, French
You childrens intrests (if you have):
Child Basics
How many children: 5 (max: 6)
Prefered Genders: mixed
Age: (newborn-18) 0 - 7
Countries: France
More about the child
Will you accept...
A child who does not speak your language?: no
A teenage parent? no
A pegnant teen?: no
Siblings?: yes
Twins: yes
Triplets: yes
Quadruplets: yes
More: yes
Children with disablilies? yes any (speciply extent)
Children with pets? no
Anything else we should know?:
Siggy Congrats Game...
--Brandon & Elise--
Our beautiful twins, Tallulah and Noah, have arrived :)
**Brandon & Elise**
Our gorgeous triplets, Zac, Lallie and Evie, join big brother, Noah, big sisters, Chloe and Tiara and Xander the dog :)
Surname: Smith
Your Name and age: Elise Matilda, 26
Spouses Name and age: Brandon Matthew, 29
Current Children's Names and Ages:
A little more about you
Location: England
Climate of the location: Not very warm!
Do you travel (if so, how often): yes, once or twice a year
Do you work: yes
Does your Spouse work: yes
What languages do you currently speak: English, French
You childrens intrests (if you have):
Child Basics
How many children: 5 (max: 6)
Prefered Genders: mixed
Age: (newborn-18) 0 - 7
Countries: France
More about the child
Will you accept...
A child who does not speak your language?: no
A teenage parent? no
A pegnant teen?: no
Siblings?: yes
Twins: yes
Triplets: yes
Quadruplets: yes
More: yes
Children with disablilies? yes any (speciply extent)
Children with pets? no
Anything else we should know?:
Siggy Congrats Game...
--Brandon & Elise--
Our beautiful twins, Tallulah and Noah, have arrived :)
**Brandon & Elise**
Our gorgeous triplets, Zac, Lallie and Evie, join big brother, Noah, big sisters, Chloe and Tiara and Xander the dog :)
Congrats Elise and Brandon!
Bernadette Carine, Noel Rene, and Valery Pascal are siblings from France. Bernie is 1, Noel is 3 and Valery is 7.

Romaine Georgine and Simone Hannah are sisters from France. Romaine is 7 and Simone is 5.

This is my resting spot
I can let myself breathe
I may not be perfect
But at least I am free
Bernadette Carine, Noel Rene, and Valery Pascal are siblings from France. Bernie is 1, Noel is 3 and Valery is 7.

Romaine Georgine and Simone Hannah are sisters from France. Romaine is 7 and Simone is 5.

I can let myself breathe
I may not be perfect
But at least I am free
The Basics
Surname: Averson
Your Name and age: Julie Teresa (35)
Spouses Name and age: Kenneth Arthur (34)
Current Children's Names and Ages: Liliana Chun (3)
A little more about you
Location: California, U.S.A.
Climate of the location: Warm :)
Do you travel (if so, how often): Yes, we take a family trip every two years or so. A year ago we went to Germany, three years before we went to Italy, ect.
Do you work: No.
Does your Spouse work: Yes.
What languages do you currently speak: English, five words in Chinese, and we are learning Spanish as a family.
You childrens intrests: Liliana is a spunky little girl who loves almost everyone she sees. She'll hug random people in the grocery store! She likes Dora the Explorer, which is helping her Spanish, actually. We play outside a lot, and Dora board games.
Child Basics
How many children: 2
Prefered Genders: A boy and a girl.
Age: Newborn, and 4-5
Countries: Guatemala
More about the child
Will you accept...
A child who does not speak your language?: Yes
A teenage parent? No
A pegnant teen?: No
Siblings?: Yes
Twins: No
Triplets: No
Quadruplets: No
More: No
Children with disablilies? No
Children with pets? No
Anything else we should know?: Nope.
Congrats Julie, Kenneth, and Liliana.
Emiliano Felipe and Miguela Hermina are siblings from Guatamala. Emiliano is 5, and Miguela is 5 months. They are eager to meet Liliana, and Emiliano wants to teach her Spanish. Miguela can't speak yet.

This is my resting spot
I can let myself breathe
I may not be perfect
But at least I am free
Emiliano Felipe and Miguela Hermina are siblings from Guatamala. Emiliano is 5, and Miguela is 5 months. They are eager to meet Liliana, and Emiliano wants to teach her Spanish. Miguela can't speak yet.
I can let myself breathe
I may not be perfect
But at least I am free
The Basics
Surname: Vincent
Your Name and age: Summer Jeanna (27)
Spouses Name and age: Christopher Jacob (28)
Current Children's Names and Ages: Damian Connor (7) and Anika Faith (5)
A little more about you
Location: Southern Ireland
Climate of the location: Changes with season
Do you travel (if so, how often): every few months we take a trip
Do you work: Yes- professor at university
Does your Spouse work: yes- surgen
What languages do you currently speak: I speak English, Irish, and French. Chris speaks English, Irish, French, Spanish, and Russian
You childrens intrests (if you have): Damian- sports, jokes, outdoors. Anika- dolls, art, reading
Child Basics
How many children: (max: 10) 7
Prefered Genders: 3 girls and 3 boys and 1 your choice!
Age: (newborn-18) 0-4 and 9-12
Countries: Algeria, Ethiopia, Cambodia, Japan, Romania, Lebanon, Isreal, Iraq, or Russia
More about the child
Will you accept...
A child who does not speak your language?: yes
A teenage parent? no
A pegnant teen?: no
Siblings?: only in sets of 2
Twins: yes
Triplets: no
Quadruplets: no
More: ni
Children with disablilies? only mild physically or mental, any severity of emotional
Children with pets? no
Anything else we should know?: 2 dogs: Gandolf and Onyx
Daughter to 6
Sister to many
Girl Friend to one
"Mommy" to another
Surname: Vincent
Your Name and age: Summer Jeanna (27)
Spouses Name and age: Christopher Jacob (28)
Current Children's Names and Ages: Damian Connor (7) and Anika Faith (5)
A little more about you
Location: Southern Ireland
Climate of the location: Changes with season
Do you travel (if so, how often): every few months we take a trip
Do you work: Yes- professor at university
Does your Spouse work: yes- surgen
What languages do you currently speak: I speak English, Irish, and French. Chris speaks English, Irish, French, Spanish, and Russian
You childrens intrests (if you have): Damian- sports, jokes, outdoors. Anika- dolls, art, reading
Child Basics
How many children: (max: 10) 7
Prefered Genders: 3 girls and 3 boys and 1 your choice!
Age: (newborn-18) 0-4 and 9-12
Countries: Algeria, Ethiopia, Cambodia, Japan, Romania, Lebanon, Isreal, Iraq, or Russia
More about the child
Will you accept...
A child who does not speak your language?: yes
A teenage parent? no
A pegnant teen?: no
Siblings?: only in sets of 2
Twins: yes
Triplets: no
Quadruplets: no
More: ni
Children with disablilies? only mild physically or mental, any severity of emotional
Children with pets? no
Anything else we should know?: 2 dogs: Gandolf and Onyx
Daughter to 6
Sister to many
Girl Friend to one
"Mommy" to another
Congrats Summer, Christopher, Damian and Anika!
Ehud Shmuel is an Israeli boy. He is four years old. Ehud loves cars and running around.

Farida Habiba is an Iraqi girl. She had to be adopted because her parents were killed in the war. Farida is 10 years old. She loves playing with dolls.

Tola Kunthea and Channary Bopha are sisters from Cambodia. Tola is 9, and Channary is 1. Their dad died 5 months ago, and their mother when she gave birth to Channary. Tola loves fashion, and Channary is a reasonably hapyp baby.

Arkhip Gennadi and Dimitri Borya are brothers from Russia. Arkhip is 9, and Dimitri is 12. They both want more Irish names, to fit inwith their peers.

Chinatsu Hanako is almost four. She is Japanese. Chinatsu loves flowers.

This is my resting spot
I can let myself breathe
I may not be perfect
But at least I am free
Ehud Shmuel is an Israeli boy. He is four years old. Ehud loves cars and running around.

Farida Habiba is an Iraqi girl. She had to be adopted because her parents were killed in the war. Farida is 10 years old. She loves playing with dolls.

Tola Kunthea and Channary Bopha are sisters from Cambodia. Tola is 9, and Channary is 1. Their dad died 5 months ago, and their mother when she gave birth to Channary. Tola loves fashion, and Channary is a reasonably hapyp baby.

Arkhip Gennadi and Dimitri Borya are brothers from Russia. Arkhip is 9, and Dimitri is 12. They both want more Irish names, to fit inwith their peers.

Chinatsu Hanako is almost four. She is Japanese. Chinatsu loves flowers.

I can let myself breathe
I may not be perfect
But at least I am free
Surname: Myers
Your Name and age: Sabrina Ann, 25
Spouses Name and age: Anthony Alexander, 27
Current Children's Names and Ages: River August, 4, and Charlotte Eleanor, 2, we've been married for 6 years, River was a honeymoon baby.
A little more about you
Location: California
Climate of the location: Warm in summer, Cold in winter.
Do you travel (if so, how often): Rarely, we like going around the area. We rarely take big trips [once a year].
Do you work: Yes, I am a nurse who works in OB/GYN, I work 3 days a week for 12 hours.
Does your Spouse work: Yes, He is a doctor
What languages do you currently speak: English fluently, I know a little bit of Spanish, French, German, and Portuguese, but not enough to get by.
You childrens intrests (if you have): River is a quiet, and reserved child who loves the outdoors, and camping. Charlotte is a spunky little girl who loves ballet, and dolls.
Child Basics
How many children: 3
Prefered Genders: 2 girls, 1 boy
Age: 5 - 12 years old
Countries: America, Africa, China, Japan, Cambodia, Russia, Germany, India
More about the child
Will you accept...
A child who does not speak your language?: yes, only if they are teachable.
A teenage parent? No
A pegnant teen?: No
Siblings?: Yes
Twins: Yes
Triplets: No
Quadruplets: No
More: No
Children with disablilies? Yes, mild hearing, vision problems.
Children with pets? No
Anything else we should know?: We live in a nice sized 2 story home with a gated pool, in a gated community, and no pets. We are a Christian oriented family.
"a boy's best friend is his mother" - Norman Bates in Psycho
Surname: Myers
Your Name and age: Sabrina Ann, 25
Spouses Name and age: Anthony Alexander, 27
Current Children's Names and Ages: River August, 4, and Charlotte Eleanor, 2, we've been married for 6 years, River was a honeymoon baby.
A little more about you
Location: California
Climate of the location: Warm in summer, Cold in winter.
Do you travel (if so, how often): Rarely, we like going around the area. We rarely take big trips [once a year].
Do you work: Yes, I am a nurse who works in OB/GYN, I work 3 days a week for 12 hours.
Does your Spouse work: Yes, He is a doctor
What languages do you currently speak: English fluently, I know a little bit of Spanish, French, German, and Portuguese, but not enough to get by.
You childrens intrests (if you have): River is a quiet, and reserved child who loves the outdoors, and camping. Charlotte is a spunky little girl who loves ballet, and dolls.
Child Basics
How many children: 3
Prefered Genders: 2 girls, 1 boy
Age: 5 - 12 years old
Countries: America, Africa, China, Japan, Cambodia, Russia, Germany, India
More about the child
Will you accept...
A child who does not speak your language?: yes, only if they are teachable.
A teenage parent? No
A pegnant teen?: No
Siblings?: Yes
Twins: Yes
Triplets: No
Quadruplets: No
More: No
Children with disablilies? Yes, mild hearing, vision problems.
Children with pets? No
Anything else we should know?: We live in a nice sized 2 story home with a gated pool, in a gated community, and no pets. We are a Christian oriented family.
This message was edited 11/20/2006, 5:52 PM
Congrats Sabrina, Anthony, River and Charlotte!
We found you siblings from China.
The oldest chind is 10 years old. Her name is San Huan. San is very tomboyish. The middle girl is Ah Ling.She is 7 years old. Ah is the girly girl. The youngest child is Hui Da. He is 5. Hui loves getting into trouble.

This is my resting spot
I can let myself breathe
I may not be perfect
But at least I am free
We found you siblings from China.
The oldest chind is 10 years old. Her name is San Huan. San is very tomboyish. The middle girl is Ah Ling.She is 7 years old. Ah is the girly girl. The youngest child is Hui Da. He is 5. Hui loves getting into trouble.

I can let myself breathe
I may not be perfect
But at least I am free
The Basics
Surname: McKay
Your Name and age: Angela Marienne "Ela" (27)
Spouses Name and age: John Edward "Eddie" (28)
Current Children's Names and Ages: None. After being married for 2 years, Eddie and I found out that we cannot have biological children.
A little more about you
Location: New York, New York, USA
Climate of the location: Warm in summer, freezing in winter
Do you travel (if so, how often): Not very often, but we love Mackinac Island
Do you work: Yes. I'm a former child actress and now teach drama classes to children.
Does your Spouse work: Yes. Eddie is a math teacher for freshmen in high school.
What languages do you currently speak: We both speak English, and I speak bits and pieces of French and Gaelic. Eddie is fluent in French.
You childrens intrests (if you have): N/A
Child Basics
How many children: (max: 10) up to 4, and only if they are multiples
Prefered Genders: at least one girl
Age: (newborn-18) newborn-age 1
Countries: USA, England, Ireland, France
More about the child
Will you accept...
A child who does not speak your language?: no
A teenage parent? no
A pegnant teen?: no
Siblings?: yes, but only if they are multiples
Twins: yes
Triplets: yes
Quadruplets: yes
More: no
Children with disablilies? (speciply extent) no
Children with pets? no
Anything else we should know?: We are fun loving and caring, and cannot wait to have our new children!

Surname: McKay
Your Name and age: Angela Marienne "Ela" (27)
Spouses Name and age: John Edward "Eddie" (28)
Current Children's Names and Ages: None. After being married for 2 years, Eddie and I found out that we cannot have biological children.
A little more about you
Location: New York, New York, USA
Climate of the location: Warm in summer, freezing in winter
Do you travel (if so, how often): Not very often, but we love Mackinac Island
Do you work: Yes. I'm a former child actress and now teach drama classes to children.
Does your Spouse work: Yes. Eddie is a math teacher for freshmen in high school.
What languages do you currently speak: We both speak English, and I speak bits and pieces of French and Gaelic. Eddie is fluent in French.
You childrens intrests (if you have): N/A
Child Basics
How many children: (max: 10) up to 4, and only if they are multiples
Prefered Genders: at least one girl
Age: (newborn-18) newborn-age 1
Countries: USA, England, Ireland, France
More about the child
Will you accept...
A child who does not speak your language?: no
A teenage parent? no
A pegnant teen?: no
Siblings?: yes, but only if they are multiples
Twins: yes
Triplets: yes
Quadruplets: yes
More: no
Children with disablilies? (speciply extent) no
Children with pets? no
Anything else we should know?: We are fun loving and caring, and cannot wait to have our new children!

Marie Cassandra, Anne Lindsey, Jane Elizabeth and Ben Michael are 8 month old quadprulets.

This is my resting spot
I can let myself breathe
I may not be perfect
But at least I am free

I can let myself breathe
I may not be perfect
But at least I am free
The Basics
Surname: Lilley
Your Name and age: Alaina Magdalene (26)
Spouses Name and age: Jake Travis (28)
Current Children's Names and Ages: None
A little more about you
Location: Wisconsin, USA
Climate of the location: Cold winters, Hot/Humid Summers
Do you travel (if so, how often): Usually we take one week long vacation during the school year & a 2 week long vacation in the summer.
Do you work: Yes, I'm a day care worker.
Does your Spouse work: Yes, he is an english professor at the nearby college
What languages do you currently speak: English for both of us. Italian for me, and Spanish for Jake
You childrens intrests (if you have): No children
Child Basics
How many children: 2-4
Prefered Genders: Either
Age: 3-10
Countries: Any
More about the child
Will you accept...
A child who does not speak your language?: Yes
A teenage parent? yes
A pegnant teen?: yes
Siblings?: Yes
Twins: Yes
Triplets: No
Quadruplets: No
More: No
Children with disablilies? No
Children with pets? Yes
Anything else we should know?: Nothing I can think of.
From Robin Hood Men in Tights
[after Blinkin catches a flying arrow]
Achoo: Blinkin! How did you do that?
Blinkin: I heard that coming a mile away.
Robin Hood: Right-o, Blinkin, very good.
Blinkin: Pardon? Who's talking?
Surname: Lilley
Your Name and age: Alaina Magdalene (26)
Spouses Name and age: Jake Travis (28)
Current Children's Names and Ages: None
A little more about you
Location: Wisconsin, USA
Climate of the location: Cold winters, Hot/Humid Summers
Do you travel (if so, how often): Usually we take one week long vacation during the school year & a 2 week long vacation in the summer.
Do you work: Yes, I'm a day care worker.
Does your Spouse work: Yes, he is an english professor at the nearby college
What languages do you currently speak: English for both of us. Italian for me, and Spanish for Jake
You childrens intrests (if you have): No children
Child Basics
How many children: 2-4
Prefered Genders: Either
Age: 3-10
Countries: Any
More about the child
Will you accept...
A child who does not speak your language?: Yes
A teenage parent? yes
A pegnant teen?: yes
Siblings?: Yes
Twins: Yes
Triplets: No
Quadruplets: No
More: No
Children with disablilies? No
Children with pets? Yes
Anything else we should know?: Nothing I can think of.
From Robin Hood Men in Tights
[after Blinkin catches a flying arrow]
Achoo: Blinkin! How did you do that?
Blinkin: I heard that coming a mile away.
Robin Hood: Right-o, Blinkin, very good.
Blinkin: Pardon? Who's talking?
Congrats Alaina and Jake!
Amanda Anne-Marie is 9 years old. She has a dog named Barney. Barney is 4 years old. Amanda loves animals and wants to be a vet when she grows up.

Femi Kibwe is a 3 year old african boy. He is perfectly healthy and loved playing in thge dirt.

Jessica Kate (yellow) and Talia Jane (purple) are 5 years old and twins. They are fro mthe U.S. and had to be taken from the custody of their grandmother as she was too old to care for the girls. The girls love singing and dancing, and cant wait to meet their new siblings!

This is my resting spot
I can let myself breathe
I may not be perfect
But at least I am free
Amanda Anne-Marie is 9 years old. She has a dog named Barney. Barney is 4 years old. Amanda loves animals and wants to be a vet when she grows up.

Femi Kibwe is a 3 year old african boy. He is perfectly healthy and loved playing in thge dirt.

Jessica Kate (yellow) and Talia Jane (purple) are 5 years old and twins. They are fro mthe U.S. and had to be taken from the custody of their grandmother as she was too old to care for the girls. The girls love singing and dancing, and cant wait to meet their new siblings!

I can let myself breathe
I may not be perfect
But at least I am free
The Basics
Surname: Hart
Your Name and age: Maggie Joy (25)
Spouses Name and age: Emmanuel Christopher (27)
Current Children's Names and Ages:
SD: Molly Raquelle (7)
SD: Jaden Gabrielle (6)
Molly and Jaden are from Emmanuel's previous relationship
DD: Isabella Kate (2)
DS/DD/DD/DS: Joel Hezekiah/Rylee Nicole/Karly Rebekah/Micah Kyle (1)
A little more about you
Location: small rural town in Pennsylvania
Climate of the location: all 4 seasons, gets below 0 in the winter and gets up to about 105 in the summer
Do you travel (if so, how often): only for family vacations which happen once a year
Do you work: I am a music teacher at our elementary school
Does your Spouse work: He is the gym teacher at our elementary school
What languages do you currently speak: English, French, and a bit of Romanian. My husband knows English, Spanish and Italian
You childrens interests (if you have):
Molly is a tomboy. She is actually on the football team and she is the star player on the soccer team.
Jaden on the other hand is very girly. She loves to write and draw. And recently started learning the violin. She also takes ice skating and gymnastic lessons.
Child Basics
How many children: 7
Prefered Genders: either
Age: newborn-18
Countries: U.S., Canada, Chile, Romania, Russia, France, Italy, Morocco, Haiti, Dominican Republic, China, India
More about the child
Will you accept...
A child who does not speak your language?: yes
A teenage parent? yes
A pegnant teen?: yes
Siblings?: yes
Twins: yes
Triplets: yes
Quadruplets: yes
More: sure, we already handled quadruplets, haha
Children with disablilies? yes
Children with pets? yes
Surname: Hart
Your Name and age: Maggie Joy (25)
Spouses Name and age: Emmanuel Christopher (27)
Current Children's Names and Ages:
SD: Molly Raquelle (7)
SD: Jaden Gabrielle (6)
Molly and Jaden are from Emmanuel's previous relationship
DD: Isabella Kate (2)
DS/DD/DD/DS: Joel Hezekiah/Rylee Nicole/Karly Rebekah/Micah Kyle (1)
A little more about you
Location: small rural town in Pennsylvania
Climate of the location: all 4 seasons, gets below 0 in the winter and gets up to about 105 in the summer
Do you travel (if so, how often): only for family vacations which happen once a year
Do you work: I am a music teacher at our elementary school
Does your Spouse work: He is the gym teacher at our elementary school
What languages do you currently speak: English, French, and a bit of Romanian. My husband knows English, Spanish and Italian
You childrens interests (if you have):
Molly is a tomboy. She is actually on the football team and she is the star player on the soccer team.
Jaden on the other hand is very girly. She loves to write and draw. And recently started learning the violin. She also takes ice skating and gymnastic lessons.
Child Basics
How many children: 7
Prefered Genders: either
Age: newborn-18
Countries: U.S., Canada, Chile, Romania, Russia, France, Italy, Morocco, Haiti, Dominican Republic, China, India
More about the child
Will you accept...
A child who does not speak your language?: yes
A teenage parent? yes
A pegnant teen?: yes
Siblings?: yes
Twins: yes
Triplets: yes
Quadruplets: yes
More: sure, we already handled quadruplets, haha
Children with disablilies? yes
Children with pets? yes
Congrats Maggie, Emmanuel, Molly, Jaden, Isabella, Joael, Rylee, Karly and Micah!
Tu Lan is a little Chinese girl. She is 3 years old. She loves animals and "wants to be a bird whe nshe grows up". She speaks no English, but is eager to learn.

Deepti Riya and Isha Pushpa are conjoined twins from India. They are 10 years old. Deepti (in red) enjoys art, while Isha (in blue) loves fashion. They do not speak English

Florin Iuliu is 5 years old and from Romania. He speaks little Engish. Florin loves playing sports.

Artur Nikon , Esfir Slava, and Luba Viktoriya are siblings from Russia. Artur is 6, Esfir is 7 and Luba is 9. Artur loves being around younger kids and cant wait to meet Jaden. Esfir is quite excited about Molly, and wont stop talking bout her (she is quite the chatterbox). Luba loves dancing and singing.

Tell us how they do!
This is my resting spot
I can let myself breathe
I may not be perfect
But at least I am free
Tu Lan is a little Chinese girl. She is 3 years old. She loves animals and "wants to be a bird whe nshe grows up". She speaks no English, but is eager to learn.

Deepti Riya and Isha Pushpa are conjoined twins from India. They are 10 years old. Deepti (in red) enjoys art, while Isha (in blue) loves fashion. They do not speak English

Florin Iuliu is 5 years old and from Romania. He speaks little Engish. Florin loves playing sports.

Artur Nikon , Esfir Slava, and Luba Viktoriya are siblings from Russia. Artur is 6, Esfir is 7 and Luba is 9. Artur loves being around younger kids and cant wait to meet Jaden. Esfir is quite excited about Molly, and wont stop talking bout her (she is quite the chatterbox). Luba loves dancing and singing.

Tell us how they do!
I can let myself breathe
I may not be perfect
But at least I am free
The Basics
Surname: Landen
Your Name and age: Laurel Delilah
Spouses Name and age: Lance William
Current Children's Names and Ages: Anastasia Lorraine "Stasia"(1)
A little more about you
Location: USA
Climate of the location: Hot in summer, cold in winter. Quite extreme
Do you travel (if so, how often): Not often
Do you work: Teach dance classes twice a week for 4 hours
Does your Spouse work: Yes
What languages do you currently speak: English, Spanish (spouse speaks Italian) But we're teachable!
You childrens intrests (if you have):
Child Basics
How many children: (max: 10) 10
Prefered Genders: No preference
Age: Young children (under 7) unless pregnant teen/teen parent
Countries: USA, Canada, England, France, Italy
More about the child
Will you accept...
A child who does not speak your language?: Sure, if they're teachable
A teenage parent? yes
A pegnant teen?: Yes
Siblings?: Yes, but not all
Twins: Yes
Triplets: Yes
Quadruplets: No
More: No
Children with disablilies? Mild mental/social disorders
Children with pets? USre, but only cats/dogs if possible
Anything else we should know?: I think that about covers it
Surname: Landen
Your Name and age: Laurel Delilah
Spouses Name and age: Lance William
Current Children's Names and Ages: Anastasia Lorraine "Stasia"(1)
A little more about you
Location: USA
Climate of the location: Hot in summer, cold in winter. Quite extreme
Do you travel (if so, how often): Not often
Do you work: Teach dance classes twice a week for 4 hours
Does your Spouse work: Yes
What languages do you currently speak: English, Spanish (spouse speaks Italian) But we're teachable!
You childrens intrests (if you have):
Child Basics
How many children: (max: 10) 10
Prefered Genders: No preference
Age: Young children (under 7) unless pregnant teen/teen parent
Countries: USA, Canada, England, France, Italy
More about the child
Will you accept...
A child who does not speak your language?: Sure, if they're teachable
A teenage parent? yes
A pegnant teen?: Yes
Siblings?: Yes, but not all
Twins: Yes
Triplets: Yes
Quadruplets: No
More: No
Children with disablilies? Mild mental/social disorders
Children with pets? USre, but only cats/dogs if possible
Anything else we should know?: I think that about covers it
Congrats Laurel, Lance and Stasia! We found 8 children (10 if you include pregnant teens kids)
Tasha Marie is 16 years old and pregnant with twins. She knows that they are identical girls, she wants to name them after the father (Laurence Leonard), by giving them both double L names,. She likes these names: Lacey Lauren and Leah Lenore. The babies are due in january.

Ambra Bernadetta is 5 years old and from Italy. Ambra loves animals. She also loves to sing, and knows little English.

Charles, Craig and Cory are male triplets, none with middle names. They are 1 year olds and live in the USA.

American, Virginia Leigh "Vinny" and her daughter Kylie Nicola will soon be aparent of your family! Vinny is 14 and Kylie is 2.

Aubert Georges is a 6 year old French Boy. He enjoys sports.

Tell us how they do!
This is my resting spot
I can let myself breathe
I may not be perfect
But at least I am free
Tasha Marie is 16 years old and pregnant with twins. She knows that they are identical girls, she wants to name them after the father (Laurence Leonard), by giving them both double L names,. She likes these names: Lacey Lauren and Leah Lenore. The babies are due in january.

Ambra Bernadetta is 5 years old and from Italy. Ambra loves animals. She also loves to sing, and knows little English.

Charles, Craig and Cory are male triplets, none with middle names. They are 1 year olds and live in the USA.

American, Virginia Leigh "Vinny" and her daughter Kylie Nicola will soon be aparent of your family! Vinny is 14 and Kylie is 2.

Aubert Georges is a 6 year old French Boy. He enjoys sports.

Tell us how they do!
I can let myself breathe
I may not be perfect
But at least I am free
The Basics
Surname: Fleur
Your Name and age: Everest Etheareal (f) 35
Spouses Name and age: Jonas Aragorn (m) 40
Current Children's Names and Ages: Mara Jade, 13, Jubilee Divinity, 13
A little more about you
Location: Blue Ridge Parkway
Climate of the location: Beautiful, moderate
Do you travel (if so, how often): Yes, short trips every few months, long ones a couple times a year
Do you work: I am an Author/homeschool mom/ I make all the family's clothing
Does your Spouse work: Yes he makes Marbles for a living
What languages do you currently speak: English, Gaelic, Latin, American Sign language, Pig Latin ( ;
You childrens intrests (if you have): Writing, singing, Gaelic, Marble making and sewing
Child Basics
How many children: 10
Prefered Genders: mix, mainly female
Age: all ages please
Countries: any country
More about the child
Will you accept...
A child who does not speak your language?: yes
A teenage parent? no
A pegnant teen?: no
Twins: yes
Triplets: yes
Quadruplets: yes
Children with disablilies? any
Children with pets? yes
Anything else we should know?: We live in a mansion and even though we seem rather eccentric, we are normal and my husband makes GOOD money selling his marbles to collectors.
Surname: Fleur
Your Name and age: Everest Etheareal (f) 35
Spouses Name and age: Jonas Aragorn (m) 40
Current Children's Names and Ages: Mara Jade, 13, Jubilee Divinity, 13
A little more about you
Location: Blue Ridge Parkway
Climate of the location: Beautiful, moderate
Do you travel (if so, how often): Yes, short trips every few months, long ones a couple times a year
Do you work: I am an Author/homeschool mom/ I make all the family's clothing
Does your Spouse work: Yes he makes Marbles for a living
What languages do you currently speak: English, Gaelic, Latin, American Sign language, Pig Latin ( ;
You childrens intrests (if you have): Writing, singing, Gaelic, Marble making and sewing
Child Basics
How many children: 10
Prefered Genders: mix, mainly female
Age: all ages please
Countries: any country
More about the child
Will you accept...
A child who does not speak your language?: yes
A teenage parent? no
A pegnant teen?: no
Twins: yes
Triplets: yes
Quadruplets: yes
Children with disablilies? any
Children with pets? yes
Anything else we should know?: We live in a mansion and even though we seem rather eccentric, we are normal and my husband makes GOOD money selling his marbles to collectors.
Congrats Fleur Family! We found yoyu 10 children from aroudn the world!
Ning Zhi (left) and Jia Shun (right) are twin girls from China. They are four years old. Ning is quite shy,and Jia is very outgoing. They speak no English at all.

Jesus Eduardo is from Mexico. He is 13 years old, and cant wait to meet his sisters (he hhopes they have cute friends he said). Carlos does speak English, but not fluently. He hoped to adopt a more English sounding name. Jesus enjoys futbol (soccer) and Futbol Americana (American Football).

Britta Katrin is 6 years old and from Sweden. She loved the wild life, and speaks English fluently. Britta also likes to read.

Lauren Michelle, Emily Kate, Alexander Benjamin and Nathan Sean are quadruplets from the US of A. They are 2 years old. Lauren (brunette) and Emily (blonde) are typical girly girls. They love to dance and sing. Alex (shorter) and Nate (taller) love playing with cars.

Candace Layla is 8 years old. She loves art. She paints every day,and also loves acting.
Ning Zhi (left) and Jia Shun (right) are twin girls from China. They are four years old. Ning is quite shy,and Jia is very outgoing. They speak no English at all.

Jesus Eduardo is from Mexico. He is 13 years old, and cant wait to meet his sisters (he hhopes they have cute friends he said). Carlos does speak English, but not fluently. He hoped to adopt a more English sounding name. Jesus enjoys futbol (soccer) and Futbol Americana (American Football).

Britta Katrin is 6 years old and from Sweden. She loved the wild life, and speaks English fluently. Britta also likes to read.

Lauren Michelle, Emily Kate, Alexander Benjamin and Nathan Sean are quadruplets from the US of A. They are 2 years old. Lauren (brunette) and Emily (blonde) are typical girly girls. They love to dance and sing. Alex (shorter) and Nate (taller) love playing with cars.
Candace Layla is 8 years old. She loves art. She paints every day,and also loves acting.