[Opinions] Jamie (girl)
Lately the name Jamie has been growing on me for a girl, and the combo Jamie Katherine.
I doubt I'll ever use it if I stay in Scotland. Jamie is ridiculously popular for boys here - and you'll never see it on a girl - so everyone would assume she was a boy and I wouldn't wish the irritation of that on my daughter. Just in theory, though, what do you think of Jamie Katherine? Any other mn suggestions?
I doubt I'll ever use it if I stay in Scotland. Jamie is ridiculously popular for boys here - and you'll never see it on a girl - so everyone would assume she was a boy and I wouldn't wish the irritation of that on my daughter. Just in theory, though, what do you think of Jamie Katherine? Any other mn suggestions?
I like the name Jamie for a girl, but here in Australia it's more common for a boy too. I actually do prefer it on a boy though. Jamie Katherine is a great combo. I also like:
Jamie Hannah
Jamie Natasha
Jamie Brooke
Jamie Rebecca
Jamie Elizabeth
Jamie Sophia
Jamie Louisa
Jamie Celeste
Jamie Charlotte
Jamie Alexandra
Jamie Annabelle
Jamie Rachel
Jamie Olivia
Jamie Tallulah
Jamie Teagan
Jamie Tabitha
Jamie Hannah
Jamie Natasha
Jamie Brooke
Jamie Rebecca
Jamie Elizabeth
Jamie Sophia
Jamie Louisa
Jamie Celeste
Jamie Charlotte
Jamie Alexandra
Jamie Annabelle
Jamie Rachel
Jamie Olivia
Jamie Tallulah
Jamie Teagan
Jamie Tabitha
The opposite is true here in the U.S.--Jamie is much more popular for girls, though it had its heyday in the 1980s and has died down quite a bit now. But I think I've only ever met 1 boy called Jamie, as opposed to a ton of girls. :-/ So I tend to prefer it on a boy (only as a nn for James) probably for the same reasons you prefer it on a girl. :b

I think Jamie is very sweet on a girl! I wouldn't use it on a boy, personally. Jamie Katherine is very pretty - I like the idea of using a longer, very feminine name with it, to kind of balance out the unisex first name. Some other suggestions:
Jamie Alexandra
Jamie Elisabeth
Jamie Olivia
Jamie Aurora
Jamie Jasmine
Jamie Natalie
Jamie Natasha
Jamie Amity
Jamie Gloria
Jamie Seraphina
Jamie Cassandra
Jamie Crystal
Jamie Saffron
Jamie Miranda

Jamie Alexandra
Jamie Elisabeth
Jamie Olivia
Jamie Aurora
Jamie Jasmine
Jamie Natalie
Jamie Natasha
Jamie Amity
Jamie Gloria
Jamie Seraphina
Jamie Cassandra
Jamie Crystal
Jamie Saffron
Jamie Miranda

I am really liking Jamie for a boy right now, so it doesn't appeal to me for a girl. Sometimes I do like it for a female, in a plain and simple sort of way, and sometimes it just seems like a waste not to use a prettier more feminine name.

It's so very odd you posted about Jamie because lately it's been growing on me, too! I've been in a classic Hollywood kind of mood lately and the other night I watched Without Love for the seemingly thousandth time, lol, and Katharine Hepburn's character is named Jamie Rowan.
So, that said, of course I love Jamie Katherine! I also think Jamie Belle is cute, too.

Life before four Oscars and twelve Oscar nominations...
So, that said, of course I love Jamie Katherine! I also think Jamie Belle is cute, too.

Life before four Oscars and twelve Oscar nominations...