[Games] Re: Initial CAF - Judged (ETA: Current top three)
in reply to a message by Natla'd
DH: Theodore Owen
DW: Marissa Belle
DS: Robert Albus
DD: Imogen Delilah
DS: Edgar Reuben
*laurel* loves Ophelia Margot, Margaret Eloise "Midge", Stellan Aubrey Oswyn, Camden Montgomery

DW: Marissa Belle
DS: Robert Albus
DD: Imogen Delilah
DS: Edgar Reuben
*laurel* loves Ophelia Margot, Margaret Eloise "Midge", Stellan Aubrey Oswyn, Camden Montgomery

DH: Theodore Owen - 5/10
DW: Marissa Belle - 6/10
DS: Robert Albus - 6/10
DD: Imogen Delilah - 8/10
DS: Edgar Reuben - 9/10
Total Score: 34/50
Thanks for playing! :-)
"You've become quite a stud."
"And...you're the most stylin' girl in the world."
DW: Marissa Belle - 6/10
DS: Robert Albus - 6/10
DD: Imogen Delilah - 8/10
DS: Edgar Reuben - 9/10
Total Score: 34/50
Thanks for playing! :-)
"And...you're the most stylin' girl in the world."