[Opinions] Noel
I woke up about 20 minutes ago with the name Noel on my mind. (I'm not even sure if it is pronounced the way I'm thinking of it)
Is it pronounced like the word Noel or does ir rhyme with the word role?
I pronounce it so it rhymes with role.
Anyway, middle name suggestions please.
Future Proud Mom of Juliana Faith or Donovan Pierce.

Is it pronounced like the word Noel or does ir rhyme with the word role?
I pronounce it so it rhymes with role.
Anyway, middle name suggestions please.
Future Proud Mom of Juliana Faith or Donovan Pierce.

I pronounce it No-Elle.
i love this name for a boy
"a boy's best friend is his mother" - Norman Bates in Psycho
i love this name for a boy
I posted about this name awhile ago and the general consensus was prn. nole, like role. I really like it, but I worry about the first day of school the teacher calling out no-EL and maybe some kind of teasing happening.

I say it to rhyme with role. Don't like it particularly but the I can't think of any Christmas related names I love. Where I live it's a very middle-aged, elderly name.
I pronounce it one syllable, like you do (yes, it rhymes with role). It's NMSAA. However, I adore Noelle for a girl.