[Games] Match the name to the character
For fun only. I'll post the pics of my characters, and a list of names for each, and you'll just say what name goes with which character.



#4 (yes, this is Adrien Brody, but I just so happened to have cast him as my character!):







Guys: Kazimir "Kass", Alexander "Xander", Nicolas "Nick", Spencer "Spence", Darius, Martin "Marty"
Girls: Ayanna, Charlotte "Charlie", Josephine "Josie", Susannah "Susie"



#4 (yes, this is Adrien Brody, but I just so happened to have cast him as my character!):







Guys: Kazimir "Kass", Alexander "Xander", Nicolas "Nick", Spencer "Spence", Darius, Martin "Marty"
Girls: Ayanna, Charlotte "Charlie", Josephine "Josie", Susannah "Susie"