[Games] Sugar's Adoption Agency
Welcome to Sugar's Adoption Agency!
Sign-Up Form
Your name:
SO's name:
Current children:
Number of children you'd like to adopt? (up to 6):
Will you accept...
Pregnant teens?
Teen parents (and the baby?
Children with pets?
Children with disablities (which ones)?
The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one. (Elbert Hubbard)

Sign-Up Form
Your name:
SO's name:
Current children:
Number of children you'd like to adopt? (up to 6):
Will you accept...
Pregnant teens?
Teen parents (and the baby?
Children with pets?
Children with disablities (which ones)?

Your name: Elise Matilda
SO's name: Brandon Matthew
Current children: none
Pets: no
Number of children you'd like to adopt? (up to 6): 4
Gender(s): any
Age(s): 0 - 6
Nationalities: British, American, Spanish, African or French
Will you accept...
Siblings? yes
Twins? yes
Triplets? yes
Quadruplets? yes
Pregnant teens? no
Teen parents (and the baby?) no
Children with pets? no
Children with disablities (which ones)? yes, mild
Siggy Congrats Game...
--Brandon & Elise--
Our beautiful twins, Tallulah and Noah, have arrived :)
**Brandon & Elise**
Our gorgeous triplets, Zac, Lallie and Evie, join big brother, Noah, big sisters, Chloe and Tiara and Xander the dog :)
Your name: Elise Matilda
SO's name: Brandon Matthew
Current children: none
Pets: no
Number of children you'd like to adopt? (up to 6): 4
Gender(s): any
Age(s): 0 - 6
Nationalities: British, American, Spanish, African or French
Will you accept...
Siblings? yes
Twins? yes
Triplets? yes
Quadruplets? yes
Pregnant teens? no
Teen parents (and the baby?) no
Children with pets? no
Children with disablities (which ones)? yes, mild
Siggy Congrats Game...
--Brandon & Elise--
Our beautiful twins, Tallulah and Noah, have arrived :)
**Brandon & Elise**
Our gorgeous triplets, Zac, Lallie and Evie, join big brother, Noah, big sisters, Chloe and Tiara and Xander the dog :)
Brandon and Elise, these are your new children:
The twins Heather Grace and Megan Harriet (both five years old) are the sisters of Jack Callum and Millicent Eve "Millie", who are twins aged four months. Their mother raised Heather and Megan alone, and when she had another set of twins, she could not handle them anymore. Heather and Megan are identical and love to play tricks on people. Jack and Millie are wonderful babies.
Please let us know how Heather, Millie, Jack and Megan are doing!
The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one. (Elbert Hubbard)

The twins Heather Grace and Megan Harriet (both five years old) are the sisters of Jack Callum and Millicent Eve "Millie", who are twins aged four months. Their mother raised Heather and Megan alone, and when she had another set of twins, she could not handle them anymore. Heather and Megan are identical and love to play tricks on people. Jack and Millie are wonderful babies.
Please let us know how Heather, Millie, Jack and Megan are doing!

Your name: Helena Kate
SO's name: Gideon Christopher
Current children: Lydia Joy (12) and Dominic Rhys (10)
Number of children you'd like to adopt? (up to 6): 6
Gender(s): three girls, three boys
Age(s): 2-17
Nationalities: Any country in North America or Europe
Will you accept...
Siblings? Yes
Twins? Yes
Triplets? Yes
Quadruplets? Yes
Pregnant teens? Yes
Teen parents (and the baby?) Yes
Children with pets? Yes
Children with disablities (which ones)? Yes (any)

Congratulations Helena, Gideon, Lydia and Dominic, here are your new family members:
Enrique Zacarias is 7 and from Spain. His mother is a drug addict and Enri was taken away from her. He lived with hi grandparents, but when they discovered that he was autistic, they decided to give him up for adoption. Enri doesn't have very good social skills, but thankfully he does not have severe autism.
Anna Milena, Zara Paulina and Emma Diana are three-year-old triplets from Italy. They come from a big family that couldn't take care of three little babies. The girls don't look alike
at all and have different personalities. Anna is shy, Zara is mischievous and Emma is always trying to make you laugh.
Joseph Nanook is 12 and from Canada. His parents died in a climbing accident. Jo is very friendly and outgoing. He loves to play baseball.
Darius Justinas (10) is Lithuanian. His mother died after giving birth to him. He has lived in an orphanage ever since. Darius can be rough and sulky, but if you're patient with him, he is a great kid.
Please let us know how the kids are doing!
The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one. (Elbert Hubbard)

Enrique Zacarias is 7 and from Spain. His mother is a drug addict and Enri was taken away from her. He lived with hi grandparents, but when they discovered that he was autistic, they decided to give him up for adoption. Enri doesn't have very good social skills, but thankfully he does not have severe autism.
Anna Milena, Zara Paulina and Emma Diana are three-year-old triplets from Italy. They come from a big family that couldn't take care of three little babies. The girls don't look alike
at all and have different personalities. Anna is shy, Zara is mischievous and Emma is always trying to make you laugh.
Joseph Nanook is 12 and from Canada. His parents died in a climbing accident. Jo is very friendly and outgoing. He loves to play baseball.
Darius Justinas (10) is Lithuanian. His mother died after giving birth to him. He has lived in an orphanage ever since. Darius can be rough and sulky, but if you're patient with him, he is a great kid.
Please let us know how the kids are doing!

Thank you so much! The children are all doing very well.
Enrique is doing very well. At first, he was very quiet, but he is beginning to make friends in school and his social skills are improving. His teachers say he is a wonderful student, and he is a delight to have around.
Anna, Zara, and Emma are adorable little girls. They are all in the same class at preschool and are quickly making friends. Anna has become a bit more outgoing, and Zara and Emma are so much fun.
Joseph was very happy to have a sister his age. Lydia has been introducing him to her friends and has helped him to feel at home. He has joined a baseball team, which just won their first game.
Darius really is a wonderful kid. At first, he was reluctant to listen to us, but he is opening up more and more every day. Dominic is an excellent influence on him. The two spend every waking moment together.
Thanks again for these six wonderful children!
-Helena, Gideon, Lydia, Dominic, Enrique, Anna, Zara, Emma, Joseph, and Darius

Enrique is doing very well. At first, he was very quiet, but he is beginning to make friends in school and his social skills are improving. His teachers say he is a wonderful student, and he is a delight to have around.
Anna, Zara, and Emma are adorable little girls. They are all in the same class at preschool and are quickly making friends. Anna has become a bit more outgoing, and Zara and Emma are so much fun.
Joseph was very happy to have a sister his age. Lydia has been introducing him to her friends and has helped him to feel at home. He has joined a baseball team, which just won their first game.
Darius really is a wonderful kid. At first, he was reluctant to listen to us, but he is opening up more and more every day. Dominic is an excellent influence on him. The two spend every waking moment together.
Thanks again for these six wonderful children!
-Helena, Gideon, Lydia, Dominic, Enrique, Anna, Zara, Emma, Joseph, and Darius

Welcome to Sugar's Adoption Agency!
Sign-Up Form
Your name: Julia Sienna
SO's name: Luke Hunter
Current children: Sienna Kate (13) Ashtyn Maria (10) Hunter Madison (8) Ebony Sara (8) Turner Marc (6) Bryce Thomas (4) Mia Rylie (2)
Sienna, Ash, Hunter, Ebony, Turner, Bryce, Mia
Pets: Dog: Banana and Cupcake Cat: Storm and 5 Goldfish
Number of children you'd like to adopt? (up to 6): 6
Gender(s): Boys and Girls
Age(s): New Born too 17
Nationalities: American, Australian, English, Irish, Scottish
Will you accept...
Siblings? Yes
Twins? Yes
Triplets? Yes
Quadruplets? Yes
Pregnant teens? Yes
Teen parents (and the baby? Yes
Children with pets? Yes
Children with disablities (which ones)? No
Sign-Up Form
Your name: Julia Sienna
SO's name: Luke Hunter
Current children: Sienna Kate (13) Ashtyn Maria (10) Hunter Madison (8) Ebony Sara (8) Turner Marc (6) Bryce Thomas (4) Mia Rylie (2)
Sienna, Ash, Hunter, Ebony, Turner, Bryce, Mia
Pets: Dog: Banana and Cupcake Cat: Storm and 5 Goldfish
Number of children you'd like to adopt? (up to 6): 6
Gender(s): Boys and Girls
Age(s): New Born too 17
Nationalities: American, Australian, English, Irish, Scottish
Will you accept...
Siblings? Yes
Twins? Yes
Triplets? Yes
Quadruplets? Yes
Pregnant teens? Yes
Teen parents (and the baby? Yes
Children with pets? Yes
Children with disablities (which ones)? No
Congratulations Julia, Luke and kids, here are the children we've found for you:
Alannah Sierra "Annah" (16, Irish) and James Braden "Jame" (17, American) are the parents of the twins Melody Caoilfhionn "Dydy" and Robin Adhamh "Rob", 5 months old. Annah and Jame met in the orphanage were they were both staying. They're both great parents to Dydy and Rob, even though sometimes they have no clue what to do. Hopefully you will be able to help them in those moments.
Denzel Emmanuel is 8 and from America. His parents died in a car crash. Denzel is always determined to finish something he starts and makes friends easily. He has a dog named Nannan, whom he adores.
Clair Thomas (4) is from England. His parents and 7 siblings died in a fire. He only survived because of a brave fireman who went to get him and his sister, but the sister died later in the hospital. Clair is a great little kid who makes everyone laugh.
Please tell us how the kids are doing!
The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one. (Elbert Hubbard)

Alannah Sierra "Annah" (16, Irish) and James Braden "Jame" (17, American) are the parents of the twins Melody Caoilfhionn "Dydy" and Robin Adhamh "Rob", 5 months old. Annah and Jame met in the orphanage were they were both staying. They're both great parents to Dydy and Rob, even though sometimes they have no clue what to do. Hopefully you will be able to help them in those moments.
Denzel Emmanuel is 8 and from America. His parents died in a car crash. Denzel is always determined to finish something he starts and makes friends easily. He has a dog named Nannan, whom he adores.
Clair Thomas (4) is from England. His parents and 7 siblings died in a fire. He only survived because of a brave fireman who went to get him and his sister, but the sister died later in the hospital. Clair is a great little kid who makes everyone laugh.
Please tell us how the kids are doing!

Sign-Up Form
Your name: Laura Molly
SO's name: Louis Jay
Current children: Ginger Veronica (17) / Aric Charles (15) / Eli Israel (12) / Rhea Eleanor (10) / Garrett Sean (7)
Pets: Levi, Devin (dogs), Ellen (cat) and Finn (fish)
Number of children you'd like to adopt? (up to 6):6
Gender(s): 3 girl, 3 boy
Age(s): 10-17
Nationalities: England, German, Greece, Australia, USA, France
Will you accept...
Siblings? yes
Twins? yes
Triplets? yes
Quadruplets? yes
Pregnant teens? yes
Teen parents (and the baby? yes
Children with pets? yes
Children with disablities (which ones)? social only

Your name: Laura Molly
SO's name: Louis Jay
Current children: Ginger Veronica (17) / Aric Charles (15) / Eli Israel (12) / Rhea Eleanor (10) / Garrett Sean (7)
Pets: Levi, Devin (dogs), Ellen (cat) and Finn (fish)
Number of children you'd like to adopt? (up to 6):6
Gender(s): 3 girl, 3 boy
Age(s): 10-17
Nationalities: England, German, Greece, Australia, USA, France
Will you accept...
Siblings? yes
Twins? yes
Triplets? yes
Quadruplets? yes
Pregnant teens? yes
Teen parents (and the baby? yes
Children with pets? yes
Children with disablities (which ones)? social only

Congratulations Laura, Louis and family, we have found you 6 new family memebers:
Cody James Robert (17) and his little sister Skyla Nicole Sara (10) are from America. They have lived in foster homes basically since Sklya was born, as their parents died shortly after that. Cody and Skyla are glad to finally be adopted permanently. Cody is a great soccer player, while Skyla loves to do gymnastics.
Anastasia Hera "Stasia" is 10 and from Greece. Her parents traveled a lot and died from a very dangerous jungle disease. Stasia has a very friendly and outgoing personality and loves to ride horses.
Mark Benjamin is 15 and from Germany. His parents were both alcoholics and Mark hated to live with them. He is suspicious of people, but if he has a new family chances are that he'll loosen up.
Jasmine Arabella and Dylan Zor (ages 14 and 12) are from Australia. Their mother was murdered by her boyfriend after she treathend to leave him. Arabella is a quiet girl for 14 and shy, especially around boys.; we hope she will adapt to the boys in you family. Dylan likes to play the guitar and sing.
Please tell us how the kids are adjusting!
The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one. (Elbert Hubbard)

Cody James Robert (17) and his little sister Skyla Nicole Sara (10) are from America. They have lived in foster homes basically since Sklya was born, as their parents died shortly after that. Cody and Skyla are glad to finally be adopted permanently. Cody is a great soccer player, while Skyla loves to do gymnastics.
Anastasia Hera "Stasia" is 10 and from Greece. Her parents traveled a lot and died from a very dangerous jungle disease. Stasia has a very friendly and outgoing personality and loves to ride horses.
Mark Benjamin is 15 and from Germany. His parents were both alcoholics and Mark hated to live with them. He is suspicious of people, but if he has a new family chances are that he'll loosen up.
Jasmine Arabella and Dylan Zor (ages 14 and 12) are from Australia. Their mother was murdered by her boyfriend after she treathend to leave him. Arabella is a quiet girl for 14 and shy, especially around boys.; we hope she will adapt to the boys in you family. Dylan likes to play the guitar and sing.
Please tell us how the kids are adjusting!

Your name: Orsolya Brigitta
SO's name: Nunzio Vico
Current children:
DD: Isidora Mariska
DD: Ginevra Karolina
Pets: None
Number of children you'd like to adopt? (up to 6): 4
Gender(s): Male
Age(s): 2-10
Nationalities: Italian, Hungarian
Will you accept...
Siblings? Yes
Twins? Yes
Triplets? Yes
Quadruplets? Yes
Pregnant teens? No
Teen parents (and the baby? No
Children with pets? No
Children with disablities (which ones)? No
Your name: Orsolya Brigitta
SO's name: Nunzio Vico
Current children:
DD: Isidora Mariska
DD: Ginevra Karolina
Pets: None
Number of children you'd like to adopt? (up to 6): 4
Gender(s): Male
Age(s): 2-10
Nationalities: Italian, Hungarian
Will you accept...
Siblings? Yes
Twins? Yes
Triplets? Yes
Quadruplets? Yes
Pregnant teens? No
Teen parents (and the baby? No
Children with pets? No
Children with disablities (which ones)? No
Orsolya, Nunzio, Isidora and Ginevra, here the quadruplets that you are going to adopt:
The quads Renzo Roberto, Tore Timoteo, Dario Doriano and Gabriele Giovanni are Italian and 5 years old. There parents tried to take care of them, but sadly, four babies were just to much for the already large family. The twins resemble eachother a lot, but there are some differences if you know them. Each of their personalities is also very different.
Tell us how Renzo, Tore, Dario and Gabriele are doing!
The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one. (Elbert Hubbard)

The quads Renzo Roberto, Tore Timoteo, Dario Doriano and Gabriele Giovanni are Italian and 5 years old. There parents tried to take care of them, but sadly, four babies were just to much for the already large family. The twins resemble eachother a lot, but there are some differences if you know them. Each of their personalities is also very different.
Tell us how Renzo, Tore, Dario and Gabriele are doing!

Your name: Maggie Grace
SO's name: Jonathan River
Current children: Olivia Rose, 4 and Brady Thomas, 21 months.
Pets: None, Jon is allergic to dogs and cats.
Number of children you'd like to adopt? (up to 6): 4
Gender(s): Male or female
Age(s): Preferably under the age of 10, but we love children and won't turn down adopting a child because of their age.
Nationalities: We think it is easier to adopt a child from an English speaking country, because then they will adapt better. I studied abroad in France and I am fluent in French, so we can easily communicate with a young French child. If the child is over the age of 3 or 4 and can already speak fluently of a different language, we would rather have a child that can speak English or French or is just learning to speak, for it will be easier for them.
Will you accept...
Siblings? Yes, of course.
Twins? Yes
Triplets? Yes
Quadruplets? Yes
Pregnant teens? Yes
Teen parents (and the baby?) Yep!
Children with pets? Not the pet - Jon is allergic.
Children with disablities (which ones)? It doesn't matter what disability the child has, we are happy to give them a home.
Your name: Maggie Grace
SO's name: Jonathan River
Current children: Olivia Rose, 4 and Brady Thomas, 21 months.
Pets: None, Jon is allergic to dogs and cats.
Number of children you'd like to adopt? (up to 6): 4
Gender(s): Male or female
Age(s): Preferably under the age of 10, but we love children and won't turn down adopting a child because of their age.
Nationalities: We think it is easier to adopt a child from an English speaking country, because then they will adapt better. I studied abroad in France and I am fluent in French, so we can easily communicate with a young French child. If the child is over the age of 3 or 4 and can already speak fluently of a different language, we would rather have a child that can speak English or French or is just learning to speak, for it will be easier for them.
Will you accept...
Siblings? Yes, of course.
Twins? Yes
Triplets? Yes
Quadruplets? Yes
Pregnant teens? Yes
Teen parents (and the baby?) Yep!
Children with pets? Not the pet - Jon is allergic.
Children with disablities (which ones)? It doesn't matter what disability the child has, we are happy to give them a home.
Maggie, Jon, Olivia and Brady, we are happy to say that these children have found a new home with you:
Lucie Zoé "Lucette" is 8 and from France. Her mother, who just died of cancer, was an American living in France, so Lucette is fluent in both English and French. She is very smart and skipped a class in France. She is quite the bookworm and loves to read very long books.
Xavier Thomas "Xave" (4) is from Scottland. He has a very allergic to milk and even though his parents knew that, they continued to give him milk products. He had to go to the hospital and was taken away from his parents. Xave is shy but opens up quickly to kids his age. We hope he will like Olivia!
Coral Jewel and Ocean Rose from Australia are both 6, but they're not twins. Ocean was adopted into Coral's family. Their parents died in a plane crash. Both Coral and Ocean still have nightmares. Other than that they are pretty normal six-year-olds. They like to dance and love putting on little shows in front of people.
Please let us know how the kids are doing!
The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one. (Elbert Hubbard)

Lucie Zoé "Lucette" is 8 and from France. Her mother, who just died of cancer, was an American living in France, so Lucette is fluent in both English and French. She is very smart and skipped a class in France. She is quite the bookworm and loves to read very long books.
Xavier Thomas "Xave" (4) is from Scottland. He has a very allergic to milk and even though his parents knew that, they continued to give him milk products. He had to go to the hospital and was taken away from his parents. Xave is shy but opens up quickly to kids his age. We hope he will like Olivia!
Coral Jewel and Ocean Rose from Australia are both 6, but they're not twins. Ocean was adopted into Coral's family. Their parents died in a plane crash. Both Coral and Ocean still have nightmares. Other than that they are pretty normal six-year-olds. They like to dance and love putting on little shows in front of people.
Please let us know how the kids are doing!

Your name: Summer Jeanna
SO's name: Christopher Jacob
Current children: Damian Connor (7) and Anika Faith (5)
Pets: 2 dogs: Gandolf and Onyx
Number of children you'd like to adopt? (up to 6): 6
Gender(s): 3 male 3 female
Age(s): four 0-4 and two 9-12
Nationalities: Algeria, Rwanda, Ethiopia, Cambodia, Japan, Romania, Isreal, Lebannon, Iraq, Russia
Will you accept...
Siblings? only twins
Twins? yes
Triplets? no
Quadruplets? no
Pregnant teens? no
Teen parents (and the baby? no
Children with pets? no
Children with disablities (which ones)? any severity of emotional, or mild physical or mental
Daughter to 6
Sister to many
Girl Friend to one
"Mommy" to another
Your name: Summer Jeanna
SO's name: Christopher Jacob
Current children: Damian Connor (7) and Anika Faith (5)
Pets: 2 dogs: Gandolf and Onyx
Number of children you'd like to adopt? (up to 6): 6
Gender(s): 3 male 3 female
Age(s): four 0-4 and two 9-12
Nationalities: Algeria, Rwanda, Ethiopia, Cambodia, Japan, Romania, Isreal, Lebannon, Iraq, Russia
Will you accept...
Siblings? only twins
Twins? yes
Triplets? no
Quadruplets? no
Pregnant teens? no
Teen parents (and the baby? no
Children with pets? no
Children with disablities (which ones)? any severity of emotional, or mild physical or mental
Daughter to 6
Sister to many
Girl Friend to one
"Mommy" to another
Congratulations Summer, Christopher, Damian and Anika! We have found these children for you:
Marina Lyuba is 12 and from Russia. Her parents and her brother died in a car crash when she was 10 and she was put in a home because she refused to talk to anyone. Although she still doesn't talk, she is now happy and friendly to people and she communicates with them by writing things down. We think it's because she misses her little brother that she is so great with little kids.
Chidi Jelani is 2 years old and from Rwanda. His parents both died from Aids. Chidi is a great kid who loves to toddle around everywhere; nobody can stop him walking.
Valeria Stela (4) is from Romania. She was found wrapped in a blanket on someone's doorstep. She has a own mind and likes to be the "boss" of everything.
Daiki Hukaro and Sora Tsubame are 2-year-old twins from Japan. Their mother is an alcohlic and Daiki and Sora were taken away from her. The twins are wonderful toddlers and will hopefully learn English soon.
Jabir Lutfi is 11 and from Iraq. His parents were killed by a bomb. His right hand was damaged badly, so he must know learn to do things with his left hand. Jabir is very greatful to be adopted and hardworking.
Please let us know how the children are doing!
The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one. (Elbert Hubbard)

Marina Lyuba is 12 and from Russia. Her parents and her brother died in a car crash when she was 10 and she was put in a home because she refused to talk to anyone. Although she still doesn't talk, she is now happy and friendly to people and she communicates with them by writing things down. We think it's because she misses her little brother that she is so great with little kids.
Chidi Jelani is 2 years old and from Rwanda. His parents both died from Aids. Chidi is a great kid who loves to toddle around everywhere; nobody can stop him walking.
Valeria Stela (4) is from Romania. She was found wrapped in a blanket on someone's doorstep. She has a own mind and likes to be the "boss" of everything.
Daiki Hukaro and Sora Tsubame are 2-year-old twins from Japan. Their mother is an alcohlic and Daiki and Sora were taken away from her. The twins are wonderful toddlers and will hopefully learn English soon.
Jabir Lutfi is 11 and from Iraq. His parents were killed by a bomb. His right hand was damaged badly, so he must know learn to do things with his left hand. Jabir is very greatful to be adopted and hardworking.
Please let us know how the children are doing!

Sign-Up Form
Your name: Lydia Grace
SO's name: William Alexander "Wil"
Current children: none
Pets: 4 horses, 2 dogs, and a goat
Number of children you'd like to adopt? (up to 6): 3-5
Gender(s): either
Age(s): under 10
Nationalities: Russia, Israel, or Czech Republic
Will you accept...
Siblings?: Yes, preferably
Twins?: Yes
Triplets?: Yes
Quadruplets?: Yes
Pregnant teens?: No
Teen parents (and the baby)?: No
Children with pets?: Yes
Children with disablities (which ones)?: Any disabilites gladly welcomed.
My lovely PPs!
!!! Phoenix and Zachary (twins) and Katya
Lydia and Wil, we have found you four children from one family:
Kreine Rivka "Kreindel" is four and has three little siblings, the triplets Raisa Zlota "Raisel", Sarah Miriam "Tzeitel" and Yaakov Moss "Yankel" (2 months). They are from Israel. Their mother died when giving birth to the triplets and the father had been shot shortly beforehand. Kreindel adores her little siblings and Raisel, Tzeitel and Yankel are the most sweetest triplets.
Please let us know how the children are doing!
The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one. (Elbert Hubbard)

Kreine Rivka "Kreindel" is four and has three little siblings, the triplets Raisa Zlota "Raisel", Sarah Miriam "Tzeitel" and Yaakov Moss "Yankel" (2 months). They are from Israel. Their mother died when giving birth to the triplets and the father had been shot shortly beforehand. Kreindel adores her little siblings and Raisel, Tzeitel and Yankel are the most sweetest triplets.
Please let us know how the children are doing!

This message was edited 12/15/2006, 10:35 AM
Your name: Lily-Rose Savannah
SO's name: Vic Christian
Current children: 2. Jackson Dylan(12) and Dallas Emily(10)
Number of children you'd like to adopt? (up to 6): 4
Gender(s): boys
Age(s): 2-16
Nationalities: Any
Will you accept...
Siblings? yes
Twins? yes
Triplets? no
Quadruplets? no
Pregnant teens? no
Teen parents (and the baby?) yes
Children with pets? no
Children with disablities (which ones)? no
Your name: Lily-Rose Savannah
SO's name: Vic Christian
Current children: 2. Jackson Dylan(12) and Dallas Emily(10)
Number of children you'd like to adopt? (up to 6): 4
Gender(s): boys
Age(s): 2-16
Nationalities: Any
Will you accept...
Siblings? yes
Twins? yes
Triplets? no
Quadruplets? no
Pregnant teens? no
Teen parents (and the baby?) yes
Children with pets? no
Children with disablities (which ones)? no
Congratulations Lily-Rose, Vic, Jackson and Dallas, these are the children we have found:
Jacob Eugene "Jae" is 15, from the USA and father to Luke Tyler (4 months). Luke's mother is 14 and did not want to keep him, so Jae decided to keep him. Jae's mother wasn't very happy with that and said that she would not take care of another baby. Jae dreams of being a baseball player someday, but right now he is being a great father to Luke.
Jean Alex is a French six-year old. His parents, especially his father, mistreated him badly. Jean is great and loves to play with all different kinds of balls.
Andraz Gasper (2) is from Slovenia. He was born a year after his mother had triplets and the family couldn't support him. Andraz is very cute and usually easy to care for, but he loves playing tricks, despite being only two.
Please tell us how the boys are adapting!
The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one. (Elbert Hubbard)

Jacob Eugene "Jae" is 15, from the USA and father to Luke Tyler (4 months). Luke's mother is 14 and did not want to keep him, so Jae decided to keep him. Jae's mother wasn't very happy with that and said that she would not take care of another baby. Jae dreams of being a baseball player someday, but right now he is being a great father to Luke.
Jean Alex is a French six-year old. His parents, especially his father, mistreated him badly. Jean is great and loves to play with all different kinds of balls.
Andraz Gasper (2) is from Slovenia. He was born a year after his mother had triplets and the family couldn't support him. Andraz is very cute and usually easy to care for, but he loves playing tricks, despite being only two.
Please tell us how the boys are adapting!

DH: Caspian Blaise
DW: Sonora Anais
DD: Winter Eowyn
DD: Jaqueline Ciara Jade
DD/DS: Leia Zahara/ Caspian Peter
DD/DD/DD/DD: Galaxy Jupiter Staralee/ Rainblow Sonow Storm/ Onyx Amethyst Mica/ Celestia Estella Luna
DS: Gabriel Luke
DD: Maya Isabella Madeleine
DS: Milo Alexander
DS/DS: Josiah Andreas/ Liam Tobias
DS: Jonah Rhys
DD/DD: Isabella Eve/ Nova Elise
DD: Petra Rebecca
DS: Owen Marshall Tobias
DS/DS: Caleb Daniel/ Harrison Luke
DD/DD/DD: Orla Helen/ Amber Lillie/ Ella Leona
AD/AD/AD: Gorgia Lee/ Thomasina Jess/ Carla Jo
AD: Efimia Xenia
DH: Caspian Blaise
DW: Sonora Anais
DD: Winter Eowyn
DD: Jaqueline Ciara Jade
DD/DS: Leia Zahara/ Caspian Peter
DD/DD/DD/DD: Galaxy Jupiter Staralee/ Rainblow Sonow Storm/ Onyx Amethyst Mica/ Celestia Estella Luna
DS: Gabriel Luke
DD: Maya Isabella Madeleine
DS: Milo Alexander
DS/DS: Josiah Andreas/ Liam Tobias
DS: Jonah Rhys
DD/DD: Isabella Eve/ Nova Elise
DD: Petra Rebecca
DS: Owen Marshall Tobias
DS/DS: Caleb Daniel/ Harrison Luke
DD/DD/DD: Orla Helen/ Amber Lillie/ Ella Leona
AD/AD/AD: Gorgia Lee/ Thomasina Jess/ Carla Jo
AD: Efimia Xenia
To Caspian, Sonora and all the kids: Here are your new family members:
Hanna-Lara and her sister Lilja-Pala (ages 7 and 3) are from Iceland. Their grandfather who raised them just died. Hanna-Lara is a great skier. Lilja-Pala hasn't spoken since her parents died, but we think she will start again soon.
Noemi Palmera (2) is from Cuba. Her parents died in a hurricane; she almost died too. Even though Noemi has recovered, she has a horrible fear of water. She is a cute little kid who always manages to make a mess.
Elsa Karla (4), Lena Lisbet (4) and Kerstin Teodora (14) are siblings from Sweden. Their mother died giving birth to their little brother and their father was the captain of a ship that sank only a few weeks after the mother died. Kerstin refused to be separated from the twins, and know they are all happy to have found a new family. They love their ferret Thorbjörn.
Let us know how the girls are doing!
The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one. (Elbert Hubbard)

Hanna-Lara and her sister Lilja-Pala (ages 7 and 3) are from Iceland. Their grandfather who raised them just died. Hanna-Lara is a great skier. Lilja-Pala hasn't spoken since her parents died, but we think she will start again soon.
Noemi Palmera (2) is from Cuba. Her parents died in a hurricane; she almost died too. Even though Noemi has recovered, she has a horrible fear of water. She is a cute little kid who always manages to make a mess.
Elsa Karla (4), Lena Lisbet (4) and Kerstin Teodora (14) are siblings from Sweden. Their mother died giving birth to their little brother and their father was the captain of a ship that sank only a few weeks after the mother died. Kerstin refused to be separated from the twins, and know they are all happy to have found a new family. They love their ferret Thorbjörn.
Let us know how the girls are doing!

Your name: Dulce Marie
SO's name: Christopher Luis
Current children:
DD: Skye Maria
DD/DS: Star Giovanna / Alberto Luis
Pets: Dog: Nana
Cat: Flufball
Duck: Mr. Quack
Number of children you'd like to adopt? (up to 6): 6
Gender(s): masc and fem
Age(s): don't mind
Nationalities: dont mind
Will you accept...
Siblings? yep
Triplets? no
Quadruplets? no
Pregnant teens? yep
Teen parents (and the baby? yep
Children with pets? yep
Children with disablities (which ones)? yep dont mind any disability
Your name: Dulce Marie
SO's name: Christopher Luis
Current children:
DD: Skye Maria
DD/DS: Star Giovanna / Alberto Luis
Pets: Dog: Nana
Cat: Flufball
Duck: Mr. Quack
Number of children you'd like to adopt? (up to 6): 6
Gender(s): masc and fem
Age(s): don't mind
Nationalities: dont mind
Will you accept...
Siblings? yep
Triplets? no
Quadruplets? no
Pregnant teens? yep
Teen parents (and the baby? yep
Children with pets? yep
Children with disablities (which ones)? yep dont mind any disability
This message was edited 12/12/2006, 12:57 PM
Congratulations Dulce, Christopher, Skye and Alberto, we have found some children for you:
Lawan Kanya is 18 and from Thailand. She has a daugther named Saraburi, who is two. Now Lawan is pregnant again. She is a wonderful mother to Sara, but will need some assitance with the new baby.
Karl Josef is a nine-year old from Sweden. His stepmother hated him, and when his father died, she gave him up for adoption. Karl is very talented at playing the piano, he also likes to compose music.
Daveth Pasco is 3 and from Cornwall, England. His parents were killed when they witnessed a kidnapping of a little girl. Daveth misses his parents a lot, and his very attached to his mother's favortie cat Aragorn. Davie is very lively and loves to run around.
Kimo and Kala are twins aged 1 from Hawaii. Their parents were over 45 when they had them and did not think they could run after little kids anymore. Kimo has not started walking yet, but he tries to follow Kala wherever she walks to. They don't ahve middle names, you can give them some if you want.
Tell us how Lawan, Sara, Karl, Davie, Kimo and Kala are doing!
The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one. (Elbert Hubbard)

Lawan Kanya is 18 and from Thailand. She has a daugther named Saraburi, who is two. Now Lawan is pregnant again. She is a wonderful mother to Sara, but will need some assitance with the new baby.
Karl Josef is a nine-year old from Sweden. His stepmother hated him, and when his father died, she gave him up for adoption. Karl is very talented at playing the piano, he also likes to compose music.
Daveth Pasco is 3 and from Cornwall, England. His parents were killed when they witnessed a kidnapping of a little girl. Daveth misses his parents a lot, and his very attached to his mother's favortie cat Aragorn. Davie is very lively and loves to run around.
Kimo and Kala are twins aged 1 from Hawaii. Their parents were over 45 when they had them and did not think they could run after little kids anymore. Kimo has not started walking yet, but he tries to follow Kala wherever she walks to. They don't ahve middle names, you can give them some if you want.
Tell us how Lawan, Sara, Karl, Davie, Kimo and Kala are doing!

This message was edited 12/15/2006, 9:18 AM
Your name: Lisa Michelle
SO's name: Miguel Antonio Jr.
Current children: Soraya Summer Antonia (6)
Number of children you'd like to adopt? (up to 6): 3
Gender(s): girls
Age(s): 0 - 8
Nationalities: Latin American.
Will you accept...
Siblings? yes
Twins? yes
Triplets? no
Quadruplets? no
Pregnant teens? no
Teen parents (and the baby? no
Children with pets? yes
Children with disablities (which ones)? no
* Elle *
~ What we do in life echoes in eternity ~
Your name: Lisa Michelle
SO's name: Miguel Antonio Jr.
Current children: Soraya Summer Antonia (6)
Number of children you'd like to adopt? (up to 6): 3
Gender(s): girls
Age(s): 0 - 8
Nationalities: Latin American.
Will you accept...
Siblings? yes
Twins? yes
Triplets? no
Quadruplets? no
Pregnant teens? no
Teen parents (and the baby? no
Children with pets? yes
Children with disablities (which ones)? no
* Elle *
~ What we do in life echoes in eternity ~
Lisa, Miguel and Soraya, here are your new family members:
Olalla Prudencia, aged 6, is from Chile. Her mother had her at 15 and tried to take care of her, but now her mother has had twins and can't keep Olalla anymore. Ola, as she is sometimes called, has a very strong personality and likes to have things her way, but she can also be very cute and shy. Her cat is named Sol.
Felicidade Judite "Feli" is a two-year old Brazilian. She was found abandoned a while ago. Feli is easy to care for, but will sometimes have trouble sleeping.
Vasco Gil (2 months) is from Mexico. His mother died at childbirth; nobody knows who the father is. Vasco is very strong and enjoys tugging people's hair.
Tell us how your family is doing!
The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one. (Elbert Hubbard)

Olalla Prudencia, aged 6, is from Chile. Her mother had her at 15 and tried to take care of her, but now her mother has had twins and can't keep Olalla anymore. Ola, as she is sometimes called, has a very strong personality and likes to have things her way, but she can also be very cute and shy. Her cat is named Sol.
Felicidade Judite "Feli" is a two-year old Brazilian. She was found abandoned a while ago. Feli is easy to care for, but will sometimes have trouble sleeping.
Vasco Gil (2 months) is from Mexico. His mother died at childbirth; nobody knows who the father is. Vasco is very strong and enjoys tugging people's hair.
Tell us how your family is doing!

Welcome to Sugar's Adoption Agency!
Sign-Up Form
Your name:Jennifer Ann
SO's name: Phillip Boyd
Current children: Hannah Brianne 14, Emily Dawn 13, Hayden Boyd 10, Matthew Joel 9, Maeghan Renee and Raeghan Leighanne 6
Pets:cats: Jack, Merlin, Lucy and Raina Dogs: Maggie, Molly, Murphy and Jacie
Number of children you'd like to adopt? (up to 6):6
Gender(s):boys and girls
Age(s): age range from 3 to 10
Nationalities: American, Russian, Irish, German
Will you accept...
Twins? yes
Triplets? no
Quadruplets? no
Pregnant teens? no
Teen parents (and the baby? no
Children with pets? yes
Children with disablities (which ones)?yes .. dyslexia, deaf, cystic fibrosis
Sign-Up Form
Your name:Jennifer Ann
SO's name: Phillip Boyd
Current children: Hannah Brianne 14, Emily Dawn 13, Hayden Boyd 10, Matthew Joel 9, Maeghan Renee and Raeghan Leighanne 6
Pets:cats: Jack, Merlin, Lucy and Raina Dogs: Maggie, Molly, Murphy and Jacie
Number of children you'd like to adopt? (up to 6):6
Gender(s):boys and girls
Age(s): age range from 3 to 10
Nationalities: American, Russian, Irish, German
Will you accept...
Twins? yes
Triplets? no
Quadruplets? no
Pregnant teens? no
Teen parents (and the baby? no
Children with pets? yes
Children with disablities (which ones)?yes .. dyslexia, deaf, cystic fibrosis
Congratulations Jennifer, Phillip, Hannah, Emily, Hayden, Matthew, Maeghan and Raeghan, we have found some children who we think you'll love:
Annemarie Irene "Annie" (6) is from Germany. She was treated very badly by her stepfather after her mother died, so Annie is very shy and doesn't speak a lot. We hope that she will get more talkactive with your twins Maeghan and Raeghan.
Cadwgawn Deasun (9) is from Ireland. His parents died in a train crash, and the rest of his family did not want to keep him as he is deaf. He has a dog named Luned Guinevere "Lu" who keeps him company. He speaks sign language and has also started to learn how to lip read.
Immanuel Moses (9) and David Noah (4) are brothers from America. Their father murdered their mother and then killed himself. Immanuel is very sad and shocked and David misses his parents because he can not really understand what happened to them. Immanuel is loves playing soccer.
Zella Theresia (3) is from the Germany. Her mother was raped and then had her, so Zella has been in a foster home basically since birth. Zella is smart and loves to do puzzles, even ones that are very complicated for a three-year old.
Annemarie Irene "Annie" (6) is from Germany. She was treated very badly by her stepfather after her mother died, so Annie is very shy and doesn't speak a lot. We hope that she will get more talkactive with your twins Maeghan and Raeghan.
Cadwgawn Deasun (9) is from Ireland. His parents died in a train crash, and the rest of his family did not want to keep him as he is deaf. He has a dog named Luned Guinevere "Lu" who keeps him company. He speaks sign language and has also started to learn how to lip read.
Immanuel Moses (9) and David Noah (4) are brothers from America. Their father murdered their mother and then killed himself. Immanuel is very sad and shocked and David misses his parents because he can not really understand what happened to them. Immanuel is loves playing soccer.
Zella Theresia (3) is from the Germany. Her mother was raped and then had her, so Zella has been in a foster home basically since birth. Zella is smart and loves to do puzzles, even ones that are very complicated for a three-year old.
Our family update on the new additions!
Annemarie has taken up suprisingly with her new daddy Phillip and is his new shadow on the weekends. She is doing well with the shyness thing and we have enrolled her in school ... we were going to homeschool her but Phillip thought that she would do better with more interaction with children. As a family we have learned German and converse in German and English with her. She has asked for a kitten of her own so Phillip and Matthew went to the shelter and brought her home a wonderful little girl kitten that Annemarie calls Greta.
Cadwgwan and his dog Lu are adjusting well now but in the begining we had a bit of trouble with Cade hiding in the closet for the longest but now it is better. Cade is attending a school for the deaf. It is about an hour away from our home and I drive. We love having Cade and have invited his family for the holidays and offered to help pay for plane tickets.
Immanuel and David who we call Manny and Davey are still in therapy for the tragic events in their lives. Manny has taken to not talking to anyone for a spell and Davey has tried being abusive to the animals. We have thought about some play therapy with Davey. We have signed Davey up for Boy Scouts and Manny is on the school soccer team and the school baseball team. Davey starts school in the fall and is excited about it.
Zella calls us PaPa and MaMa and is learning to speak Russian with Laren being he is from Russia.
Annemarie has taken up suprisingly with her new daddy Phillip and is his new shadow on the weekends. She is doing well with the shyness thing and we have enrolled her in school ... we were going to homeschool her but Phillip thought that she would do better with more interaction with children. As a family we have learned German and converse in German and English with her. She has asked for a kitten of her own so Phillip and Matthew went to the shelter and brought her home a wonderful little girl kitten that Annemarie calls Greta.
Cadwgwan and his dog Lu are adjusting well now but in the begining we had a bit of trouble with Cade hiding in the closet for the longest but now it is better. Cade is attending a school for the deaf. It is about an hour away from our home and I drive. We love having Cade and have invited his family for the holidays and offered to help pay for plane tickets.
Immanuel and David who we call Manny and Davey are still in therapy for the tragic events in their lives. Manny has taken to not talking to anyone for a spell and Davey has tried being abusive to the animals. We have thought about some play therapy with Davey. We have signed Davey up for Boy Scouts and Manny is on the school soccer team and the school baseball team. Davey starts school in the fall and is excited about it.
Zella calls us PaPa and MaMa and is learning to speak Russian with Laren being he is from Russia.
Your name: Johanna Charlotte Huntley
SO's name: Robert Colin Huntley
Current children: Matthew Connor 3 years old, Michaela Florence 1 year old
Pets: Horses, Shanlie, Prieto, and Firefly
Number of children you'd like to adopt? (up to 6): 6
Gender(s): 4 girls, 2 boys
Age(s): birth to 3
Nationalities: any
Will you accept...
Siblings? yes
Twins? yes
Triplets? yes
Quadruplets? yes
Pregnant teens? no
Teen parents (and the baby? no
Children with pets? yes
Children with disablities (which ones)? yes, any
But as she has grown, her smile has widened with a touch of fear and her glance has taken on depth. Now she is aware of some of the losses you incur by being here -- the extraordinary rent you have to pay as you stay.
Annie Dillard
Your name: Johanna Charlotte Huntley
SO's name: Robert Colin Huntley
Current children: Matthew Connor 3 years old, Michaela Florence 1 year old
Pets: Horses, Shanlie, Prieto, and Firefly
Number of children you'd like to adopt? (up to 6): 6
Gender(s): 4 girls, 2 boys
Age(s): birth to 3
Nationalities: any
Will you accept...
Siblings? yes
Twins? yes
Triplets? yes
Quadruplets? yes
Pregnant teens? no
Teen parents (and the baby? no
Children with pets? yes
Children with disablities (which ones)? yes, any
But as she has grown, her smile has widened with a touch of fear and her glance has taken on depth. Now she is aware of some of the losses you incur by being here -- the extraordinary rent you have to pay as you stay.
Annie Dillard
ignore this
Congratulations Huntley family, here are the children:
Congratulations Huntley family, here are the children:
This message was edited 12/12/2006, 1:14 PM
The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one. (Elbert Hubbard)

Congratulations Huntley family, here are the children we have found for you:
Diana, Alya, Chiela and Lani are one-year-old quads from Australia. Their parents were only 16 when they had them, so they decided to give them away. All four girls are happy and healthy, but Alya cries a lot at night, which wakes all the others. They don't have any middle names; you can give them some if you want.
Lazzaro Gianluca is 3 and from Italy. His parents recently discovered that he was autistic and gave him up for adoption. He is a very shy boy, and needs special attention, but he loves to play with toy cars.
Ayokunle Enitan is from Nigeria, aged 2 and a half. The adoption agency found him in an orphanage where he wasn't cared for well enough. Ayokunle is very sweet and will make you laugh.
Please tell us how the children are adapting!
Diana, Alya, Chiela and Lani are one-year-old quads from Australia. Their parents were only 16 when they had them, so they decided to give them away. All four girls are happy and healthy, but Alya cries a lot at night, which wakes all the others. They don't have any middle names; you can give them some if you want.
Lazzaro Gianluca is 3 and from Italy. His parents recently discovered that he was autistic and gave him up for adoption. He is a very shy boy, and needs special attention, but he loves to play with toy cars.
Ayokunle Enitan is from Nigeria, aged 2 and a half. The adoption agency found him in an orphanage where he wasn't cared for well enough. Ayokunle is very sweet and will make you laugh.
Please tell us how the children are adapting!
This message was edited 12/13/2006, 12:56 PM
The Huntley Family
Robert Colin
Johanna Charlotte
Matthew Connor "Mattie"
Lazzaro Gianluca "Laz"
Ayokunle Enitan "Ayo"
Michaela Florence
Diana Mai, Alya Simone, Chiela Faith and Lani Eliesse
Pets: Horses, Shanlie, Prieto, and Firefly
All of the children arrived within a week of each other, so we were well prepared. Mattie loves having two brothers to play with. Michaela didn't like the idea of having four other babies to compete with, but she loves them now.
But as she has grown, her smile has widened with a touch of fear and her glance has taken on depth. Now she is aware of some of the losses you incur by being here -- the extraordinary rent you have to pay as you stay.
Annie Dillard
Robert Colin
Johanna Charlotte
Matthew Connor "Mattie"
Lazzaro Gianluca "Laz"
Ayokunle Enitan "Ayo"
Michaela Florence
Diana Mai, Alya Simone, Chiela Faith and Lani Eliesse
Pets: Horses, Shanlie, Prieto, and Firefly
All of the children arrived within a week of each other, so we were well prepared. Mattie loves having two brothers to play with. Michaela didn't like the idea of having four other babies to compete with, but she loves them now.
But as she has grown, her smile has widened with a touch of fear and her glance has taken on depth. Now she is aware of some of the losses you incur by being here -- the extraordinary rent you have to pay as you stay.
Annie Dillard
Username: Ebba
Your name: Ebba Ellen MacAllister
SO's name: Benjamin Charles MacAllister 'Ben'
Current children: Keziah Ellen, 4 and Elisabeth June 'Bessie', 2
Pets: 1 dog, Kite
Number of children you'd like to adopt? (up to 6): 4
Gender(s): 2 males 2 female
Age(s): 8-17
Nationalities: britsh
Will you accept...
Siblings? only
Twins? yes
Triplets? no
Quadruplets? no
Pregnant teens? no
Teen parents (and the baby? no
Children with pets? yes but not exotic
Children with disablities (which ones)?yes, any
Your name: Ebba Ellen MacAllister
SO's name: Benjamin Charles MacAllister 'Ben'
Current children: Keziah Ellen, 4 and Elisabeth June 'Bessie', 2
Pets: 1 dog, Kite
Number of children you'd like to adopt? (up to 6): 4
Gender(s): 2 males 2 female
Age(s): 8-17
Nationalities: britsh
Will you accept...
Siblings? only
Twins? yes
Triplets? no
Quadruplets? no
Pregnant teens? no
Teen parents (and the baby? no
Children with pets? yes but not exotic
Children with disablities (which ones)?yes, any
Dear MacAllister family, we have found two sets of twins for you:
Paul-Donald James and Patrick David James are 10. Their parents died a couple of years ago, but no one seemed to want to adopt them, as Paul-Donald has Down syndrome and the twins refused to be separated. Patrick is a great cricket player and wants to be a professional someday.
Alice Zelda and Nelly Ann are 15. They have 11 9 younger siblings and their parents couldn't take care of two fifteen-year olds. Alice and Nelly have a dog named Frodo. The girls are really hard to tell apart and enjoy fooling people. Both girls love swimming.
We hope all four are happy with your family, tell us how they're doing!
The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one. (Elbert Hubbard)

Paul-Donald James and Patrick David James are 10. Their parents died a couple of years ago, but no one seemed to want to adopt them, as Paul-Donald has Down syndrome and the twins refused to be separated. Patrick is a great cricket player and wants to be a professional someday.
Alice Zelda and Nelly Ann are 15. They have 11 9 younger siblings and their parents couldn't take care of two fifteen-year olds. Alice and Nelly have a dog named Frodo. The girls are really hard to tell apart and enjoy fooling people. Both girls love swimming.
We hope all four are happy with your family, tell us how they're doing!

Thankyou Sugar, both sets of twins are setlling in very well with us. Paul ans Patrick are delightful boys with lots of energy, we can't beleve no one wanted them because of Paul, their loss is our gain!
Paul attends mainstream school with Patrick and Keziah. His year 5 teacher is wonderful and he has an assistant who helps him. He is loved by the school who help him a lot, he is a happy smily boy who is doing really well.
Patrick was thrilled that Paul was going to the same school as him, and although fiercly protective of him has made seperate friends who is is very poular with. He is doing well at the under 11 cricket club in our village and has become their star batsman!
Alice and Nelly are also doing well, they are in year 10 at the local high school where they are progressing well. The do still swap on us sometimes but they are starting experiment with being different from one another, and their own seperate idenitites are starting to emerge.
Alice is the more outgoing twin, who has a large group of friends at her new school. She loves performing and singing with her music up really loud which has caused a few arguments!
Nelly is quieter and studious, often in the shadow of Alice. Nelly is wonderful with the little girls and Paul who all adore her. Nelly is a wonderful artist and has a real talent for the piano.
Thankyou very much again from
Ben, Ebba, Alice, Nelly, Paul, Patrick, Keziah and Bessie MacAllister
and the dogs Kite and Frodo
Paul attends mainstream school with Patrick and Keziah. His year 5 teacher is wonderful and he has an assistant who helps him. He is loved by the school who help him a lot, he is a happy smily boy who is doing really well.
Patrick was thrilled that Paul was going to the same school as him, and although fiercly protective of him has made seperate friends who is is very poular with. He is doing well at the under 11 cricket club in our village and has become their star batsman!
Alice and Nelly are also doing well, they are in year 10 at the local high school where they are progressing well. The do still swap on us sometimes but they are starting experiment with being different from one another, and their own seperate idenitites are starting to emerge.
Alice is the more outgoing twin, who has a large group of friends at her new school. She loves performing and singing with her music up really loud which has caused a few arguments!
Nelly is quieter and studious, often in the shadow of Alice. Nelly is wonderful with the little girls and Paul who all adore her. Nelly is a wonderful artist and has a real talent for the piano.
Thankyou very much again from
Ben, Ebba, Alice, Nelly, Paul, Patrick, Keziah and Bessie MacAllister
and the dogs Kite and Frodo
Sign-Up Form
DW: Susannah Eleanor (32)
DH: Kenneth Elijah (35)
AD: Binh Jessica "Jessie" (17) (Vietnam)
DD: Juliet Marie (11)
AD: Jun-Yu Samantha "Junie" (11) (China)
DD: Sasha Renee (9)
AS/AS: Koray Osman / Turgay Eser "Terry" (9) (Turkey)
AD: Vera Jirina (9) (Czech Republic)
DS: Marcus Alexander (7)
AD/AD/AS/AD: Hailey Katrina / Sophie Laura / Anders Maxwell / Angela Tess (7) (USA)
AS: Làrus Hinrik (7) (Iceland)
AS: Jefferson Philip "Jeff" (5) (USA)
AS: Daniel Cory (5) (USA)
AD/AD/AS/AD/AS/AD: Ada Gabriela / Zofia Karolina / Daniel Henryk / Eleanora Adriana / Isaak Jozef / Joanna Irena (4) (Poland)
AD/AD: Mamie June / Mitzi Dawn (4) (USA)
Congratulations Susannah, Kenneth & family! Here are the children we have found for you:
Chloe Ellen and Sean Ryan are both 2 and from Northern Ireland. They were originally quints, but three babies and the mother died and their father couldn't bear to keep only two. The twins are very mischievous, despite them being so little.
Tuyet is 11 and from Vietnam. She was kidnapped when she was 6, and was rescued only when she was ten. She is a very hardworking, most likely because she was forced to. We hope she will learn how to play with your family. She doesn't have a middle name, you can give her one if you like.
Remiel Jude is a seven-year old from Canada. He is deaf, and his mother remarried and decided she did not want him in the new family. He speaks sign-language, but can also communicate quite good with hearing people. He has a dog, a poodle, named Edna.
Basma Batul (17) and her son Firuz Guda (newborn) are from Iraq. Basma was not married when she had Firuz and her family refused to help her. She is a very pretty teenager and is happy to be adopted. Firuz is a very little baby.
Please tell us if the children are adapting well!
The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one. (Elbert Hubbard)

Chloe Ellen and Sean Ryan are both 2 and from Northern Ireland. They were originally quints, but three babies and the mother died and their father couldn't bear to keep only two. The twins are very mischievous, despite them being so little.
Tuyet is 11 and from Vietnam. She was kidnapped when she was 6, and was rescued only when she was ten. She is a very hardworking, most likely because she was forced to. We hope she will learn how to play with your family. She doesn't have a middle name, you can give her one if you like.
Remiel Jude is a seven-year old from Canada. He is deaf, and his mother remarried and decided she did not want him in the new family. He speaks sign-language, but can also communicate quite good with hearing people. He has a dog, a poodle, named Edna.
Basma Batul (17) and her son Firuz Guda (newborn) are from Iraq. Basma was not married when she had Firuz and her family refused to help her. She is a very pretty teenager and is happy to be adopted. Firuz is a very little baby.
Please tell us if the children are adapting well!

Your name: Alice Marie
SO's name: Leon Martin
Current children: none
Pets: a dog and a cat
Number of children you'd like to adopt? (up to 6): 2-3
Gender(s): both girls and boys
Nationalities: European, North American, South American
Will you accept...
Siblings? yes
Twins? yes
Triplets? yes
Quadruplets? no
Pregnant teens? no
Teen parents (and the baby?) no
Children with pets? yes
Children with disablities (which ones)? no
Favorites right now: Alec and Ellen

Your name: Alice Marie
SO's name: Leon Martin
Current children: none
Pets: a dog and a cat
Number of children you'd like to adopt? (up to 6): 2-3
Gender(s): both girls and boys
Nationalities: European, North American, South American
Will you accept...
Siblings? yes
Twins? yes
Triplets? yes
Quadruplets? no
Pregnant teens? no
Teen parents (and the baby?) no
Children with pets? yes
Children with disablities (which ones)? no
Favorites right now: Alec and Ellen

Congratulations Alice and Leon, we have found you these three children:
Noa Jules is a three-year old from France. His motherdied in a car crash, and nobody really knows who is father is. Noa is very lively and loves to play outside and get dirty. He has a lot of energy but is an extremely cute kid.
Angel Joaquin and Maria Gracia are twins aged one from Brazil. They were found in a basket beside the road, half-starved. Thankfully, they have recovered, but they are still a little weak. Angel sometimes cries a lot, but Maria usually doesn't.
We hope you like the children, please tell us how they are doing!
The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one. (Elbert Hubbard)

Noa Jules is a three-year old from France. His motherdied in a car crash, and nobody really knows who is father is. Noa is very lively and loves to play outside and get dirty. He has a lot of energy but is an extremely cute kid.
Angel Joaquin and Maria Gracia are twins aged one from Brazil. They were found in a basket beside the road, half-starved. Thankfully, they have recovered, but they are still a little weak. Angel sometimes cries a lot, but Maria usually doesn't.
We hope you like the children, please tell us how they are doing!