[Opinions] Ephraim
WDYT? Heard the name at Pottery Barn today and thought it really fit the little boy. He also had a younger sister named Lily.
IT's my best friend's son's name. Pronounced EF-rem. He has a little sister name Salome (sa-LOAM).
I think Ephraim is a great name, certainly not one you hear everyday.
I adore Ephraim! It's my #1 boy's name. Since Old Testament biblical names are coming back, I hope Ephraim becomes (somewhat) popular in the future. I think the reason that it hasn't already made a comeback is that not enough people have heard of the name. Maybe a celebrity will name his/her baby Ephraim and give the name some fame.
I'm not sure. The way I've always been told to pronounce it (ee-fray-YEEM) seems to drag on too much and any other pronunciation just seems to be pronounced wrong. (Maybe I'm the one pronouncing it wrong. Who really knows?
In a sea of Aiden's and Ethan's, it would be a name I'd like to see though.
"....A simple I love you means more than money...."- Frank Sinatra
In a sea of Aiden's and Ethan's, it would be a name I'd like to see though.
"....A simple I love you means more than money...."- Frank Sinatra
This message was edited 12/19/2006, 7:51 PM
I pronounce it more like ee-free-um.
Loving Theodore Elliott and Chava Louise!
I've always heard it pronounced....
EF-ram. I think that ee-fray-YEEM does sound overly long, but EF-ram is nice.

EF-ram. I think that ee-fray-YEEM does sound overly long, but EF-ram is nice.

Ephraim & Lily make a lovely sibset. So sweet. I used to really like Ephraim (or the spelling Ephrem, which is related to a saint...I'm blanking on which one though). It feels a little hipster to me now, but I'd be delighted to hear it on someone else's child.
love it as a mn
~Currently Loving The Names~