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[Opinions] Caroline?
WdYT of the name Carlone? What is your favorite spelling? Do you like the nicknames Carie, or Carol?Top 20 girls namesEmma, Emily, Anna, Elizabeth, Erica, Charlotte, Catherine, Hailey, Chelsea, Jennifer, Jessica, Jocelyn, Autumn, Amber, Hannah, Sarah, Natalie, Lauren, Katie.
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My daughter is Caroline Julia. It has been a favorite of mine for a long time. She is learning to write her name and I told her that in England "Caro" is sometimes used as a nn, so sometimes when she is writing it she stops at O and says she is going to be Caro.
Carolyn is okay but is not a fave. I've never been a fan of Carol. Carrie, Cara, and Carly seem like separate names to me. They are okay but I prefer Caroline.
I've been hearing of Carolina alot lately but I think of the states before I think of that as a girl's name.
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I like Caroline, it's a classic type of name. I don't like any nn's for Caroline.
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Caroline is a nice, classy, feminine name. I like it, though I much prefer Carrie on its own. (Carrie's a personal fave of mine) :-)
Jennifer Nicole
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I love Caroline, spelled thusly. Carolyn is okay but a different name.I prefer no nickname, but if you must have one I like Callie and Caro.
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Caroline is elegant and refined, without being stuffy. Class with a capital "C."I like Carol as a nn very much, although I prefer the French spelling Carole, like Ms. Lombard. Carrie is a sweet nn too. Others I've seen on boards are Cara and Caro.
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My little sister's name is Caroline. We call her Carly. I really like the name Caroline when it is spelled traditionally. I don't care for the sound of Carolyn. And please don't even DREAM of spelling it like K'airohliynne or anything Kre8tif.
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I adore the name Caroline. It's my sister's name. I don't really like the nn Carrie (it just seems dull to me), and Carol seems like a separate name from Caroline to me (probably owing to the fact that my mom's name is Caryl, so we would never call our Caroline "Carol" for short), but it's nice enough. We sometimes call my sister Lina (pronounced LIE-nuh, not LEE-nuh) for short, but mostly she just goes by Caroline. I think it works well on its own and doesn't necessitate a nn.
.Catherine Ann Genevieve.
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oops, double post . . . ignore
.Catherine Ann Genevieve.

This message was edited 12/19/2006, 3:38 PM

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i like as a mn only
~Currently Loving The Names~
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Carol is a good nick name I think. I also like Carolina.Lovin' Lily Rose, Rose Maria, Alexandria Summer, and Evangeline Rose for girls. For guys: Derrick James, Scott Evan, Alan Shane, and Adam Shane
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