[Opinions] Reed or Reid?
We agreed on a name for a boy over the phone a few minutes ago!
Reid, WDYT?
The middle name is undecided so far.
But, I'm so happy
He called and asked me if I liked the name, and of course, I said it was one of my favs.
He didn't say anything about the spelling, though.
So, my question is, which do you like better Reid or Reed?
And, what middle names do you like?
Of course, if it were up to me I'd give him a rare name like Caspian Diego, but, I'll settle.
Thanks ahead of time!

Reid, WDYT?
The middle name is undecided so far.
But, I'm so happy
He called and asked me if I liked the name, and of course, I said it was one of my favs.
He didn't say anything about the spelling, though.
So, my question is, which do you like better Reid or Reed?
And, what middle names do you like?
Of course, if it were up to me I'd give him a rare name like Caspian Diego, but, I'll settle.
Thanks ahead of time!

I prefer Reid, but either spelling is fine.
Reid Alexander
Reid Nathaniel
Reid Jonathan
Reid Lucas
Reid Solomon
Reid Henry
Reid Caspian
Reid Thomas
Reid Joshua
Reid Isaac
Reid Samuel
Reid Xavier
Reid Charles
Reid Dominic
Reid William
Reid Aaron
Reid Nicholas
Reid Nikolai
Reid Owen
Reid Sawyer
Reid Benjamin
Reid Nolan
Reid Grayson / Greyson
Reid Patrick
Reid Parker
Reid Christian
Reid Cameron
Reid Carson
Reid Oliver
Reid Jeremy
Reid Alexander
Reid Nathaniel
Reid Jonathan
Reid Lucas
Reid Solomon
Reid Henry
Reid Caspian
Reid Thomas
Reid Joshua
Reid Isaac
Reid Samuel
Reid Xavier
Reid Charles
Reid Dominic
Reid William
Reid Aaron
Reid Nicholas
Reid Nikolai
Reid Owen
Reid Sawyer
Reid Benjamin
Reid Nolan
Reid Grayson / Greyson
Reid Patrick
Reid Parker
Reid Christian
Reid Cameron
Reid Carson
Reid Oliver
Reid Jeremy
Wow. It looks like I'm in the minority with Sabrina Fair.
The reason I prefer Reed is three-fold. First, whenever I see "ei" or "ie" my mind takes a minute to process whether it should be an "ee" sound like Frieda, or a long "i" sound like Lorelei. The Reed spelling is so much easier.
Secondly, I like that it makes me think of a reed near a river. I like names from nature. While I usually think of them as more feminine than masculine, Reed seems happily ensconced in the male category.
Finally, it makes me think of John Reed, whom the movie "Reds" was about.
I do agree with many others that Caspian would make a terrific mn. Just for fun, others you might like:
Reed Malachi
Reed Melchior
Reed Mordechai
Reed Malcolm
Reed Magnus
Reed Matthias
Reed Mateo / Matteo (Sp. / Ital.)
Reed Methodius (me-THO-dius)
Reed Milo
Reed Mycroft (Sherlock's brother)
Reed Casimir
Reed Carsten
Reed Cyprian
Reed Cormac
Reed Cyrus
Reed Cuthbert
The reason I prefer Reed is three-fold. First, whenever I see "ei" or "ie" my mind takes a minute to process whether it should be an "ee" sound like Frieda, or a long "i" sound like Lorelei. The Reed spelling is so much easier.
Secondly, I like that it makes me think of a reed near a river. I like names from nature. While I usually think of them as more feminine than masculine, Reed seems happily ensconced in the male category.
Finally, it makes me think of John Reed, whom the movie "Reds" was about.
I do agree with many others that Caspian would make a terrific mn. Just for fun, others you might like:
Reed Malachi
Reed Melchior
Reed Mordechai
Reed Malcolm
Reed Magnus
Reed Matthias
Reed Mateo / Matteo (Sp. / Ital.)
Reed Methodius (me-THO-dius)
Reed Milo
Reed Mycroft (Sherlock's brother)
Reed Casimir
Reed Carsten
Reed Cyprian
Reed Cormac
Reed Cyrus
Reed Cuthbert
~Currently Loving The Names~
I prefer the spelling Reid, I like this name a lot, it's a family name for me
I like that!
Magnanimous Despair alone could show me so divine a thing, where feeble hope could ne'er have flown, but vainly flapped its tinsel wing.
Magnanimous Despair alone could show me so divine a thing, where feeble hope could ne'er have flown, but vainly flapped its tinsel wing.
agreed. Love it!

Cinto :D
or however you say 5th in that ditto-ed way :D
or however you say 5th in that ditto-ed way :D
um... quitto? 4th, anyway.
Camille J
future 1st place winner of the local Piano Fest
future piano student of the esteemed Proffesor Amano
future music student at our local university
future professional pianist!
Camille J
future 1st place winner of the local Piano Fest
future piano student of the esteemed Proffesor Amano
future music student at our local university
future professional pianist!