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[Opinions] Re: Herbert
in reply to a message by clara
Herbert/Herb all make me think of Herbie the Love Bug. And Herb reminds me of this man who yelled at me one time because I said his name like herb (ERB-no H sound) and he got all huffy. It's HERB. HURRR-BB. And stormed out of the store.Mary is ok. I grew up with a girl named Mary, so it seems pretty normal to me. It's true you don't see it a lot, but it is kind of bland all the same. There are just too many truly interesting names out there for me to get too excited over something as plain as Mary.
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I wont have the pronunciation problem as i am in the UK and everyone pronounces the H in Herb.
The car doesnt worry me too much as i have only seen about half of one of th efilms when i was a kid so its not an association i immediatley Clara
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