[Facts] names in other languages???
My daughter will be born in Feb. I have 2 daughters already, there names are Summer and Autumn. I would like to name this one something to the same effect but my husband wont let me name her Wynter. I was wondering if anyone new of either Winter or amythist or February or something that has to do with this same topic in another language or another name with the same type of topic. It would be a huge help!
I'm still going with Winter on this one. Other names may be pretty, but this is my favourite season name and it works the best with the siblings' names.
In French, January is Janvier. The female name would be Janviera (pronounced: zjan-VJAY-ra). It is used as a name in France; Janvier that is. I don't know for sure if this is the same for Janviera.
Summer & Autumn are great names. It's difficult to even think of alternatives for Winter/Wynter.
Well, there's Talvi (Finnish for winter), Helmi (helmikuu is Finnish for February; helmi means 'pearl'), Febronia (close enough to February), Snow, Frost... To be honest, I don't really think any of these would work...
Hey, what about Rime?
Well, there's Talvi (Finnish for winter), Helmi (helmikuu is Finnish for February; helmi means 'pearl'), Febronia (close enough to February), Snow, Frost... To be honest, I don't really think any of these would work...
Hey, what about Rime?
African surnames
I am currently writing a story on a boy that lives in Kenya with his mum and step-father. I need a surname for the step-father who is 38, and beats up his wife and adopted son. Something beginning with anything other than L, M or C would be very useful. Thanks
I am currently writing a story on a boy that lives in Kenya with his mum and step-father. I need a surname for the step-father who is 38, and beats up his wife and adopted son. Something beginning with anything other than L, M or C would be very useful. Thanks