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[Opinions] "the" main character?
Are you kidding? She is emblematic of the novel and musical, but she is hardly the "main" character. Both the show and the novel rely so heavily on the ensemble that a case could be made for any number of people to be called "main" characters, but it is generally accepted that Jean Valjean gets the title of protagonist. Sorry, I've loved Les Mis forever, and I don't want to see it misrepresented.Anyway, I don't see why the name wouldn't be usable. It's just like any French name, but of course, you'd have to be prepared for people to ask, "Oh, like the musical/book?" I don't think that's a big deal at all. I personally don't like the sound (but I'm not a fan of Colette, etc, either). Do you have an MN or FN ideas?
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