[Opinions] Alessio
My sister knows to listen out for names since I like to collect and keep a list of them. Today she brought home one that I've never heard before.Alessio was the name she heard. At first I wasn't sure if I liked it, but after saying it out loud a few times it has grown on me.What do you think of Alessio?Some combos I thought of:
Alessio Giovanni
Alessio Scott
Alessio Sebastian
Alessio Gabriel
Alessio Michel (pronounced Mee-shel)
Alessio James
Alessio Nicodemus
Alessio Morgan
Alessio Mikhail
Alessio Roman
Alessio Grant
Combo suggestions?

This message was edited 2/16/2007, 5:13 PM

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Alessio is very handsome. I heard something kind of similar lately which I also thought was very sexy: Sandro. It was on a Latino man (who was, in fact, sexy), and it's kind of been growing on me lately.Alessio Gabriel is wonderful. Very gentle, yet strong and masculine. It definitely stands out to me the most.
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makes me think of the AFL player
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I love Alessio, and Alessa for that matter. At Christmas there was a small boy i met named Alessandro who went by Aless (prn like Alice sort of). I think Alessio is so much nicer than just plain Alex or something like it.
From the combos I like Alessio Michel, Alessio Scott and Alessio Sebastian the best.
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I think Alessio James sounds the best :)
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