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[Games] Dice CAF
Use the 6 sided dice: you live:
1. USA
2. UK
3. Australia
4. Italy
5. France
6. IrelandWhat you live in:
1. Large Beachfront Home
2. Luxury Apartment in City
3. 2 Story Suburban Home
4. Large Country/Colonial Home in the County
5. Ranch-Style Home
6. MansionLN (First Letter):
1. Use A-E
2. Use F-J
3. Use K-O
4. Use P-T
5. Use U-Z
6. Your choiceDH's Occupation:
1. Successful Author
2. Defense Attorney
3. Orthodontist
4. Chef
6. PrincipleDW's Occupation
1. Divorce Mediator (Lawyer)
2. Gynocologist
4. Kindergarten Teacher
5. College Professor
6. PharmacistNumber of Births:
1. 5
2. 1
3. 4
4. 2
5. 6
6. 3Gender of Children (roll for each birth):
1. DD
2. DD/DD
4. DS
5. DS/DS
6. Your choiceHair Color (roll for each family member):
1. Dark Brown
2. Dark Red
3. Golden Blonde
4. Black
5. Dirty Blonde
6. Light BrownTexture of Hair (roll for each family member):
1 or 6. Straight
2 or 5. Wavy
3 or 4. CurlyEye Color (roll for each family member):
1. Green
2. Dark Blue
3. Dark Brown
4. Hazel
5. Light Blue
6. Light BrownPets (roll as many times as you wish):
1. Horse
2. Cat
3. Dog
4. Salt-water Fish
5. Bird
6. RabbitHobby (roll for each child):
1. Cheerleading/Football
2. Lacrosse/Field Hockey
3. Gymnastics
4. Soccer
5. Basketball
6. SwimmingHobby (roll twice for each parent):
1. Cooking
2. Collecting Wine
3. Surfing
4. Yoga
5. Traveling
6. GolfingYou get to choose all of the names! Enjoy!
Archived Thread - replies disabled
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The family lives in Austrailia in a large beachfront home.
William has brown eyes and wavy light brown hair and is an orthodontist. He also enjoys golf. Katherine has light blue eyes and straight black hair and is at defense attorney who enjoys cooking. They have three children, two are twins[Aidan and Matthew] with green eyes and curly light brown hair and their daughter [Madelyn Rhylie] has dark blue eyes and straight dark red hair. The family has salt-water fish and a cat. Their daughter plays field hockey, and the twins both play football.DH: William David
DW: Katherine MichelleDS/DS: Aidan Anthony/Matthew Ryan
DD: Madelyn Rhylie
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Luxury Apartment in CityLN: Filan
DH: Brandon Shane (Surfing, Golfing), Successful Author, dirty blonde straight hair, light brown eyes
DW: Michelle Rebecca (traveling, cooking) , Gynocologist, dark brown curly hair, light blue eyesDD: Rachel Kimberly (Cheerleading), light brown straight hair, dark blue eyes
DD: Alyson Breanna (Gymnastics), dirty blonde curly hair, light blue eyes
DS/DS: Damian Nicholas (football) / Keiran Alexander (swimming) , dark brown straight hair, light brown eyes1 dog: Ashnee
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Location: USA
Home: large country home in the countryLN: BakerDavid Alexander “Dave”
- Orthodontist
- Curly Golden Blond Hair
- Green EyesAmber Michelle
- Pharmacist
- Curly Dk Brown Hair
- Light Brown EyesTyler David / Nicholas Rhett “Nick” / Aimee Renee (8) (3rd Grade)
Tyler and Nicholas both have curly dark brown hair. Tyler had dark blue eyes, while Nick’s are light blue. Aimee has dark blue eyes and light brown hair. Tyler and Aimee play basketball on their elementary school team, while Nick loves to swim. Aimee also plays soccer on our city wide youth league. Nathan Lucas (5) (Kindergarten)
Nathan is light brown eyed with straight dirty blond hair. Nathan is learning to play basketball with big brother Tyler and big sister Aimee. He hopes to make the school team in a couple of years. He is also into gymnastics. Emily Amber / Jamie Brianna (3) (Preschool)
Emily has curly dark brown hair and dark brown eyes, while Jamie has wavy dirty blond hair and green eyes. While both are too young to consider playing team sports yet they show a tendency towards basketball. I guess it runs in our family since Dave and I both played on high school teams. Dave even played for a year in college. We think Jamie might also make a cheerleader at some point. She loves to watch the elementary cheerleaders cheer on her siblings at games. Dave enjoys cooking and traveling. Our most recent family vacation was actually a road trip to Calgary, Alberta Canada to visit some of Dave’s family. I too enjoy cooking and am trying to learn to play golf, but I don’t know how well it’s going to work out. Pets:
3 horses: Charlie, Alexis, Patches,
1 Fish: Swimmy
3 Cats: Tux, Gizmo, Snowball
2 Border Collies: Sam and SadieThe horses and cats reside in the barn on our property. The horses belong to Dave and I, since the kids aren’t really big enough to ride yet. The triplets ride with close supervision but I’m not ready to actually buy them their own horses yet. Aimee is very fond of Gizmo and Snowball. They are the only two surviving kittens from Tux’s litter. The fish is Nick’s. He has begged for a pet for over a year, so we finally got him a fish. Dave is worse than our kids, he’s begged for years to get a couple of dogs. I agreed to it on one condition, the dogs had to be collies. So, Dave bought Sadie and Sam from a neighbor down the road who breeds border collies.
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We live in Ireland, in a luxury apartment in Dublin. LN: O'Byrne
DH: Patrick Lochlainn (45)
DW: Norah Finola (43)DD/DD: Brianna Maeve / Bridget Fíona (16)
DS/DS/DD: Aidan Connor / Angus Declan / Aoife Talulla (14)
DS/DS: Nolan Tomás / Nioclás Keefe (13)
DD: Honora Eilís (11)
DS/DS/DD: Mícheál Rónán / Marcus Oscar / Maura Oonagh (10DRabbit: Niall
DCat: Neve
DRabbit: NeasaPatrick (45) is a defense attorney is Dublin. He has straight dark red hair and light brown eyes. He likes to surf and cook.Norah (43) is a college professor at the University of Dublin. She has curly dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes. She teaches history. She likes to travel and cookBrianna (16) has wavy golden blonde hair and green eyes. Brianna likes to swim. Bridget (16) has wavy dark red hair and green eyes. Bridget likes to play soccer.Aidan (14) has wavy black hair and green eyes. Aidan likes to play field hockey. Angus (14) has wavy black hair and light blue eyes. Angus likes to swim. Aofie (14) has wavy dark brown hair and green eyes. Aofie likes to do gymnasticsNolan (13) has curly dark brown hair and hazel eyes. Nolan likes to play football. Nioclás (13) has wavy black hair and light blue eyes. Nioclás likes to play basketball. Honora (11) has straight dirty blonde hair and brown eyes. She likes to play lacrosse.Mícheál (10) has curly dark red hair and light brown eyes. Mícheál likes to swim. Marcus (10 has wavy dark brown hair and light brown eyes. Marcus like to play basketball. Maura (10) has wavy dirty blonde hair and light blue eyes. Maura likes to do cheerleading.
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Where you live:
6. IrelandWhat you live in:
3. 2 Story Suburban Home
LN (First Letter):
5. Use U-Z Voss
DH's Occupation:
1. Successful AuthorDW's Occupation
6. PharmacistNumber of Births:
1. 5
Gender of Children (roll for each birth):
DH: Elihu Moses, Dark Red, Wavy, Light Brown, Golfing, Collecting Wine
DW: Morgan Trista, Dark Brown, Straight, Dark Blue, Travelintg, Surfing
1. Annabella Rosemary, Dark Red, Straight, Dark Blue, Basketball
2. Blythe Christian, Golden Blonde, Straight, Dark Brown, Soccor / Lucy Lynn, Dirty Blonde, Curly, Hazel, Soccor
4. Artemis Tobias, Dirty Blonde, Curly, Light Blue, Swimming
6. Samson Inge, Dark Red, Curly, Light Brown, Swimming
6. Rogue Surius, Dirty Blonde, Wavy, Hazel, Football
Pets (roll as many times as you wish):
5. Bird
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Location: France
Home: Mansion
LN: Lawson
DH: Erick Daniel, Orthodontist, curly light brown hair, dark blue eys, hobbies - collecting wine and travelling
DW: Jessica Rena, Divorce Mediator, curly black hair, hazel eyes, hobbies - surfing and golfing
DD: Ariana Melissa, curly dark brown hair, dark blue eyes, hobby - gymnastics DHorse: Haskel
DDog: Boss
DFish: Mannie
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Where you live:
--IrelandWhat you live in:
--Luxury Apartment in CityLN: JarkofskyDH: Daniel Konrad
-- Chef
-- Wavy dark brown hair, light brown eyes
-- Collecting wine & cooking
DW: Giuseppina Cristina
-- Divorce Mediator (Lawyer)
-- Straight dark brown hair, hazel eyes
-- Traveling & collecting wine
DS/DS: Adamo Claus / Kirk Giovanni
-- Wavy black hair, dark blue eyes
-- Football
-- Wavy black, green eyes hair
-- Swimming
DS: Juliusz Cameron
-- Wavy light brown hair, dark blue eyes
-- Swimming DRabbit: Duchess
DDog: Fritz

This message was edited 2/23/2007, 6:33 AM

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Where you live: Italy
What you live in: Luxury Apartment in CityLN: Kroft
DH: Nathaniel Dexter (45)
- Successful Author, Curly Dirty blonde hair, Dark blue eyes
- Likes Cooking and Yoga
DW: Martha Rachel (42)
-Gynocologist, Wavy Dark red hair, Green eyes
- Likes Cooking and YogaDS/DS: Moses Liam / Jasper David (18)
- Straight Black hair, Dark brown eyes, enjoys Soccer
- Straight Dark brown hair, Dark brown eyes, enjoys Soccer
DS: Charlie Seth (15)
- Curly Dark red hair, Green eyes, enjoys Gymnastics
DD: Sarah Jane (13)
- Straight Dark brown hair, Light blue eyes, enjoys Gymnastics
DS/DS: Jamie Benjamin / Ryan Matthew (10)
- Curly Dirty blonde hair, Dark blue eyes, enjoys Football
- Straight Light brown hair, Light blue eyes, enjoys Football
DD: Mia Daisy (6)
- Wavy Light brown hair, Dark blue eyes, enjoys Soccer
DD: Riley Samantha (3)
- Curly Dark red hair, Light blue eyes, enjoys Soccer Dog: Ace
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Where you live: AustraliaWhat you live in: Luxury Apartment in CityLN: FaradayDH: Frank Felipe (Successful Author, Black Wavy hair, Hazel eyes, Traveling and Golfing)
DW: Fiona Fallon (Kindergarten Teacher, Golden Blonde Wavy hair, Green eyes, Golfing and Surfing)DS: Flynn Fergus (Dark Brown Curly hair, Dark Brown eyes, Lacrosse/Field Hockey)
DS: Forest Finlay (Light Brown Straight hair, Green eyes, Swimming)
DS: Fintan Felix (Black Curly hair, Dark Brown eyes, Cheerleading/Football)
DD: Felicia Faith (Black Straight hair, Dark Blue eyes, Cheerleading/Football)Frank's DP: Flame (Bird)
Fiona's DP: Free-spirit (Horse)
Flynn's DP: Fitzroy (Cat)
Forest's DP: Fishel (Salt-water Fish)
Fintan's DP: Flora (Bird)
Felicia's DP: Fifi (Salt-water Fish)

This message was edited 2/23/2007, 1:09 AM

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France, Luxury Apartment in City LN: DurocDH: Léon Armand, Orthodontist (light brown hair, light brown eyes), enjoyes travelling and collecting wine
DW: Anna Juliet, College Professor (light brown hair, dark brown eyes), enjoys yoga and surfingDS: Théo Guillaume (dark brown hair, light brown eyes), Basketball
DS [adopted]: Adam Vincent (dirty blonde hair, light blue eyes), Football
DS: César Hugo (light brown hair, light brown eyes), Basketball
DD/DD: Anaïs Salomé / Maeva Ines (dyed dark red hair, light brown eyes / dyed black hair, light brown eyes), Football & Soccer
DD [adopted]: Mathilde Elise (dark brown hair, green eyes), Swimming
DD: Noémie Audrey (dirty blonde hair, light brown eyes), GymnasticsDDog: HermesThey're a French-American family live in a luxury apartment in Paris, France. Two of their children are adopted.
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Where you live: Ireland
What you live in: 2 Story Suburban HomeLN: CameronDH: Jeremy Alexander (successful author, with curly dirty blonde hair & green eyes. He likes to cook)
DW: Samantha Christine (kindergarten teacher, with wavy golden blonde hair & light blue eyes. She likes to do yoga)DS: Bradin Gilbert (has curly golden blonde hair & green eyes. he plays football)
DD: Calley Alexandra (has wavy dirty blonde hair & light blue eyes. she is a cheerleader)

This message was edited 2/22/2007, 9:30 PM

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Where you live: ItalyWhat you live in: Large Beachfront HomeLN: JensonDH: David Alexander, Successful Author (curly light brown hair, light blue eyes, collecting wine and surfing)
DW: Elisabeth May, College Professor (straight dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, yoga, travelling)DS: Emerson Alexander (straight dirty blonde hair, dark blue eyes, swimming)
DS/DS/DD: Dashiell Johan / Oscar Aurelius / Charlotte Emily (wavy dark brown hair, light blue eyes, football / staright dark brown hair, hazel eyes, football / cury light brown hair, hazel eyes, lacrosse)
DD: Stella Margaux (wavy golden blonde hair, dark blue eyes, soccar)
DD: Mireille Layla (wavy dark brown hair, dark blue eyes, lacrosse)
DS: Blaise David (curly golden blonde hair, light blue eyes, basketball)Rabbit: Harry
Rabbit: Peter
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The _______ live in a luxury apartment in the city in Ireland.Dad, John Peter (37), is a defense attorney. He has straight dirty blond hair and light blue eyes. He enjoys cooking and traveling.Mom, Katherine May (29), is a kindergarten teacher. She has straight light brown hair and dark blue eyes. She, like her husband, enjoys traveling and cooking.They have 7 seven year old twins named Rex Eugene and Ruby Helena. They both have black hair but Ruby's is wavy and Rex's is curly. Ruby has dark blue eyes and Rex has light blue eyes. Ruby enjoys soccer and Rex enjoys basketball.They also have triplets named Charlie Robert, Sam Timothy, and Eliza Jean who are 4. Charlie and Sam are identical and have curly dark red and dark blue eyes. Eliza has dark red hair too but hers is curly. She also has dark blue eyes. All three enjoy basketballThey have 6 animals. 3 birds, two cats, and a rabbit. The birds are named Wally, Kiwi, Bo. The cats are named Jasper and Jago. The rabbt is named Hopper.
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Where we/I live: in a mansion in FranceLN: Lyashchuk
DH: Dimitri Aleksandr, successful author, curly dark brown hair, hazel eyes, enjoys traveling and cooking
DW: Daphne Maria, pharmacist, curly light brown hair, green eyes, enjoys collecting wine and travelingDD/DD : Ivy Sofia, curly dark red hair, light blue eyes, enjoys soccer / Katerina Maeve, straight black hair, dark blue eyes, enjoys swimming
DS/DS : Constantin Augustus, straight dark red hair, green eyes, enjoys lacrosse / Nathaniel Finnegan, wavy dark red hair, light blue eyes, enjoys lacrosse
DD: Fiona Pearl, straight light brown, light brown eyes, enjoys field hockey
DS: Aubrey Lucian, straight dirty blonde, light blue eyes, enjoys basketball DDog: Sadie
DRabbit: Clover
DHorse: Ace

This message was edited 2/22/2007, 6:21 PM

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We live in Italy in a mansion.LN: Russo
DH: Anthony Joseph 'Tony'
DW: Laura DeanneDS: Alexander John 'Alex'
DD/DD: Leah Amelia / Aubrey Lauren
DS: Adam GregoryTony is a defense attorney. He has dark brown curly hair and green eyes. He enjoys surfing and traveling.
Laura is a kindergarten teacher. She has dirty blonde, curly hair and green eyes. She enjoys yoga and cooking.
Alex has black, straight hair and dark blue eyes. He plays football.
Leah has blonde, straight hair and light blue eyes. She cheers.
Aubrey has blonde, straight hair and light blue eyes. She cheers.
Adam has dark brown, straight hair and dark blue eyes. He plays basketball.
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We are the Paulson family! We live in France in a ranch-style home.DH: Michael John Paulson "Mike"
--Light brown hair, straight
--Loves to travel and collect wine
DW: Amanda Christine Paulson
--Light brown hair, straight
--Loves to travel and surf
DD: Lily Annabelle Paulson (5)
--Light brown hair, wavy
--Loves basketball
DPet: Horse, Marco
DPet: Bird, Maisy
DPet: Dog, Milo
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Large Beachfront HomeCharles Keith Knight 'Chaz'- Defense Attorney, Dirty Blonde, Dark Brown, Surfing
Lorraine Faith Anderson Knight 'Lori'- Gynocologist, Black, Dark Blue, CookingEthan Ian Knight - Golden Blonde, Dark Brown, Swimming
Van Quinton Knight / Lex Vincent Knight
Van - Dirty Blonde, Dark Brown, Field Hockey
Lex - Dirty Blonde, Dark Brown, Basketball
Warren Jeremy Knight / Wyatt Zachary Knight / Wendy Nicole Knight
Warren - Dark Brown, Swimming
Wyatt - Dark Red, Dark Brown, Soccer
Wendy - Dark Red, Dark Blue, Cheerleading
Logan Tyler Knight - Black, Light Blue, GymnasticsChaz & Lori Knight
Ethan 16, Van & Lex 13, Warren & Wyatt & Wendy 11, Logan 8 Knight
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Large Country/Colonial Home in the Country in Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina, USALN: Hamilton
DH: Noah James
--Orthodontist, wavy golden blonde hair, light blue eyes
--enjoys surfing and golfing
DW: Molly Madison-Grace
--Kindergarten Teacher, straight dark brown hair, green eyes
--enjoys cooking and yogaDS: Wesley Carter "Wes"
--straight light brown hair, hazel eyes
--enjoys football
DD: Belle Mae-Rose
--curly dark brown hair, dark blue eyes
--enjoys cheerleading
DD: Savannah Claire
--wavy golden blonde hair, green eyes
--enjoys swimmingDDog: Lola
DDog: Milly
DCat: Simba
DCat: Raja
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