[Games] Another picture CAF

This message was edited 10/30/2004, 11:54 AM
How can I make these images work?
To post an image, you need to put in < img src="www.something.com/filename.gif" >. Take the spaces out between the brackets. Put the address where your picture is being hosted between the quotes. If you host your pictures on photobucket.com (they're a pretty good place, really), then they'll have it typed up for you when you look at your pictures.
To post an image, you need to put in < img src="www.something.com/filename.gif" >. Take the spaces out between the brackets. Put the address where your picture is being hosted between the quotes. If you host your pictures on photobucket.com (they're a pretty good place, really), then they'll have it typed up for you when you look at your pictures.
This message was edited 10/30/2004, 3:56 PM