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Any opinions on Kyrie? Pronounced KEER-ee-ay. It's common in Catholic liturgy as part of the phrase "kyrie eleison", which means "Lord have mercy". Kyrie itself is a form of kyrios, "lord". As such, it could be related to Cyrus and Cyril. Following the pattern and meaning, I suppose it should be a male name, but I LOVE it as a female name. What do you think?
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While I don't think it's blasphemous I think it's very religious and whether you mean it to or not it says a lot about your perceived religious affiliations. I think it sounds pretty but the meaning is too much for me.And I'm so happy to find someone who knows its correct pronunciation. I get so frustrated with people saying it's pronounced kie-ree :P
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I tend to think of fanfiction Mary Sue names.
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The female version of 'kyrios' is actually 'kyria', but it sounds a little funny to me. Kyrios and kyria are honourifics (I hope that's the right word), meaning you use them as 'mister' or 'miss' before someone's name. These aren't names, and can't be used as names. They are strictly titles.
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I think it's pretty, but I would never use it. I go to a really laid-back Lutheran church and Kyrie is used every rare once in a while there. I don't usually go for names that mean "Jesus" or "Lord". I had a little girl named Kyrie-Anne in a dance class that I taught about a year ago. Only she pronounced her name KEE-ree. I thought that name was ok, but the girl was so sweet and adorable that it really grew on me.
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It's not my style.
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Coming from someone who has had to sit in too manyCatholic masses, beautiful as some of them are......I can't see it as a name. Plus, it seems a bit, um, blasphemous. And yes, this is coming from a Pagan. Its just something to think about.Siri
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ditto only I'm nondenom Christian:)
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I dont care for it, specially the pronunciation since when i look at it i think Ky-ree
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