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As some of you may know, our last begins with a May-ish sound and, therefore, I had put Maeve aside even though we both adore it. This morning as we were getting ready to go to my parents' DH mentioned again how much he still likes this name and so I thought I'd ask, what do you think? Is it too much (unlike with Maisie where this something to split the sound)? The same question goes for Esme to a lesser degree.A big plus with Maeve is that its Irish and feminine, something we struggle with when it comes to Irish names - we tend to enjoy surnames, but I feel like on a girl it limits our other girl picks. Potential siblings could be Declan, Harrison, Kiefer, Liam, Rowan, Finlay, Walker, River, Elias, Beckett and Grace, Isabel, Lillian / Lily, Ruby, Violet, Elsie, Maisie, Nora, Romy / Rosemary, Kiera, and Poppy.
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I love Maeve, but since I don't know your surname I can't say how the two sound together. I would tend to avoid alliteration, but then again it may sound just fine. But I do adore Maeve, it's so feminine and pretty.
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I love just about every name you listed! The only names that you listed which aren't my style are Declan, Walker and Nora. Tbh, if your surname has a May sound to it, I'd stay away from May names, as the flow will be off. Let's say your surname was Mayfair, Maeve Mayfair sounds a bit silly to my ears. You do have plenty of beautiful, girly names on your list that would fit a lot better with your surname. That's just my opinion though.
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Maeve is beautiful and I think it sounds fine with your last name. Actually I think that Maeve sounds better with your surname than Maisie.
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Maeve is a lovely name. I also really like Maeva. I don't think that either one would work well with a last name with a beginning similar to May, but then again, maybe it would work. It depends.
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I like Maeve a lot but I really do not think it works at all with a May_____ last name.
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I really like Maeve.Also:
Isabel (spelt Isobel)
Elsie (nn for Elspeth)
Kiera (spelt Kira or Ciara)
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I love Maeve, and I delight in the alliteration/assonance generated by Maeve "Mae---."
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I love it!I'm super irritated beause I just accidently selected "reset" instead of post.Anyway, I love Maeve, but our last name begins with M and the names sound too sing-songy and like a comic character name.If your ln begins with the May sound, I think it would be too much together. A short M sound, like Maeve McNulty would be ok. Maeve Mason, Maeve Mayflower, and Maeve Malor sound like too much together.I feel your pain. There are a lot of names that I love that just sound ridiculous with our last name. But, I don't think this will work.
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I think it depends... if it honestly does not sound good with your LN, you need to put it aside. Some of my favorite names have an "een" sound at the end, like Katharina, Angelina, Sabrina, etc. With my current LN (I'm not married), they sound terrible because my LN ends in -stein, pronounced "steen." So I would have to drop those names, as sad as that would be. :( On the other hand, you have so many other beautiful names to choose from! I can imagine Lillian, Isabel, Finlay, and Elias walking down the street - what a gorgeous family that would be!
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Hm, I'm very careful when it comes to such cases. And there is no "patent remedy", it always depends on how the whole name sounds and how much you like the name. I adore Maeve, it's a beautiful name that's on my list of top favourites as well. But reading your message, I feel your daughter's name might sound like the name of a cartoon character in the end. It might. But unlike you, I don't find Maisie better than Maeve in this case. I find Maisie Mayhurst a lot worse than Maeve Mayhurst. But again - it really depends on your real surname.
Only: Always think about how you would feel with your potential daughter's name. Would you like writing, reading, speaking it? Or would you feel weird about it? It's all about how your daughter will feel with her name.
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I'm not the greatest fan of Irish names but this is very pretty. Without knowing the actual surname it's hard to tell if it's really too close or not.
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Hmm...honestly, I think it'd be livable if she was, say, Maeve Mason. I have a relatively repetitive sounding name (a prominent sound in my first name is also a prominent sound in my last name), but I've managed to survive.Esme Mason and Maeve Mason seem workable to me. They might not be the ideal, but when do we get the ideal outside the theoretical? :PArray
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