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I used to like the name Brooke a while back and just thought of it again.Brooke always sounded very sophisticated to me, and although it has been common for some time I still don't think it sounds dated.Some questions:-What do you think of Brooke for a girl?
-Do you think it will ever sound dated? I'm surprised it doesn't sound dated to me yet. Does it to you?
-How many Brookes do you know? Did any of them spell it Brook? Do you happen to know their middle names? (I think it's hard to find something that sounds good with Brooke.
-Do you think Brooke is still too common? I looked it up and it surprised me how it never made the top 20.
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I like Brooke well enough though at one time, I loved it. I still love the naturey feel of it, however, the preppy, bratty, cheerleader stereotype has put me off the name somewhat.It's my middle dd's name (actually, her full name is Victoria Brooke). I think it's slightly dated because I'm beginning to see more adult Brookes on TV and such. My dd has only met two other Brookes in school, period. Both of them spelled it with an e on the end. So while Brooke is somewhat trendy, it was never truly trendy in my book because it was never that common. I've always checked the naming stats and Brooke never climbed above the 40s (it peaked at #43, I believe).I remember having difficulty pairing it with a mn so I chose Victoria Brooke because it flowed better than Brooke Victoria. I was also considering Brooke Elizabeth but since our surname begins with a B, I thought that was a bit much. Having said all that, I really don't think Brooke is that difficult to work with. It's just that my scope and options were more limited when I was pregnant.
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I'll just answer a few questions, if that's o.k.
It's not a bad name for a girl, spelled with an"e" on the end. I probably wouldn't use it, but I don't dislike it. I just know one Brooke, age about 25. Don't know her middle name. I don't think it was ever very common, though it was "in the air", so to speak, mostly beause of Brooke Shields.
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My name!I'm therefore probably a bit biased on some of these questions!
Brooke on a girl is fine. I think it's one of those names that works equally well for both sexes. There tends to be a bit of a blonde/bitchy/cheerleader stereotype for the name on girls (Brooke Hogan doesn't really help) but I like it. I do think it sounds better in NZ/Australian accent than in general in the US accent (I know there's more than one US accent, but the vowel in 'Brooke' is fairly similar in most I think?). That's probably just because I'm more used to hearing it the Kiwi way though.
It probably is a bit dated, but I think because it was never really uber-popular (in the way Jennifer was, or Heather), it's doesn't sound AS dated. I think it's still fine to use now (and is still being used).
I don't know any Brookes as such, but there are a few I've met or know of (all girls): one my age (21), one a couple of years older, one 2 or 3 years younger, and one 4 or 5 years younger. I don't think any of them spelt it Brook, that tends to be seen as the 'masculine' spelling. There's also a (male) TV presenter in NZ called Brooke Howard-Smith.
Don't know any other middle names, but mine's Rachel. I think it works quite well.
As for it being common, I don't think it was ever uber popular here, but it pops up in the newspaper BAs occasionally. I think it's sort of just floating along. Compared with Jenna (I've met or know 5 or 6 the same age as me, but never met one younger or older) which was popular around the same time, I think Brooke is far less common than it is generally perceived to be.Wow it's weird seeing my name like that. Somewhere in there it lost all meaning and I found myself wondering 'Is that really my name?' I think it might be time for lunch! :-P
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How is it pronounced where you are from? Oh and Brooke Rachel is a pretty combo :) Thinking about it I might just start a thread about Rachel. I rather like it at the moment.
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It's not that different really, it's just that the vowel sound is 'realised' differently - I think in North American English it's less rounded.
Thanks :) I love Rachel, the only thing stopping me from using it is the fact it's my mn lol.
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I love Brooke for a girl, and I don't think it sounds dated. I've never met a Brooke IRL.
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I love this name. I don't think its dated. It kind of has a timeless feel to it.
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Yes, quite dated 1980s / early 90s to me
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-I think Brooke is the opposite of sophisticated; every Brooke I've met has been a bratty little girl/teenager.-I think it will be tied to the 80's/90's, though people are still using it now.-I've known about three or four Brookes in my lifetime, all girls who spelled it with an "E" at the end. I don't know their middle names; they were friends-of-friends.-It isn't *too* common, but it has that slightly trendy sound that makes people think it's more common than it is. I don't think there's anything WRONG with it; it's just very vanilla, very preppy.
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I dont like it. It sounds dated to me. I still think its quite common
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- I think it's a very pretty name for a girl and can grow with the child into adulthood.- It's a "natural" name so I don't think it would be dated. - I knew two, one girl, one boy. He was Brooks, though. I don't recall their middle names but his brother was Anthony. - I don't think it's ever been that common.
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Brooke bores me, to be honest.
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I like the name Brooke for a girl. It seems very classic and sophisticated.
No, I don't think that it'll sound dated, at least not in the sense that Bobbi Jo, etc, names are. And no, it doesn't surprise me that it doesn't sound dated yet, though it might become more popular because of One Tree Hill.
Personally? I knew of one in middle school, but it was short for Brooklyn. And she spelled it Brook. Personally, I prefer the spelling of Brooke. And no, I don't know her middle name.
Brooke is common enough, especially people naming their kids Brooklyn and the popular nickname being Brook/e.
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-What do you think of Brooke for a girl? I dislike it, I prefer Brook on a boy this way.
-Do you think it will ever sound dated? I'm surprised it doesn't sound dated to me yet. Does it to you? A little
-How many Brookes do you know? 1, and I know a male Brooks
-Do you think Brooke is still too common? No
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-I used to like Brooke too, but after it became so popular, it just started to sound like a tryndee surname name to me vs an interesting nature name.
-It it starting to sound dated to me. Circ. Babies born in the late 90s early 00s. Its popularity seems to be waning so I definitely think it will be a name of its time.
-I know maybe one adult Brooke. I don't remember her mn.
-I do think Brooke is a bit on the trendy side.
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I don't really like Brooke for a girl. I just don't think it's very feminine or attractive sounding. I don't know that it will ever be dated, since it's never been that popular. I've known one female Brooke and one male Brook. I don't know either of their middle names. It's never seemed to me that Brooke is overly common.

This message was edited 6/18/2009, 12:09 PM

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What do you think of Brooke for a girl
-I think it's nice enough. I tend to prefer longer names for girls, but it's nice. Do you think it will ever sound dated? I'm surprised it doesn't sound dated to me yet. Does it to you?
-It sounds a bit dated to me, but not in a bad way. Maybe it's in need of a resurrection. I would not be shocked to see a baby Brooke, rather it would be kind of refreshing.-How many Brookes do you know? Did any of them spell it Brook? Do you happen to know their middle names? (I think it's hard to find something that sounds good with Brooke.I know one Brooke. She is 16.-Do you think Brooke is still too common? I looked it up and it surprised me how it never made the top 20.I don't think it's still too common at all.
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