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I'm just curious what people think of the name. I was going through my name book and trying to find a "D" name that we both like. He likes David, I don't. I love Daphne, he doesn't. The only one we both agreed on was Daria.I doubt we'll ever use it, but I do like it. Opinions? I like Daria Magdalen.
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I know someone named Daria - only one. I think it's very pretty. Daria Magdalen isn't my style, but it sounds nice.
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I just added Daria to my list recently. I like that it is a little unusual, but not too bizarre and it has a history.I haven't broached the topic with DH yet.If you are looking for another unusual D name, I like Danae. Also, Dahlia.
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I kind of like Daria, but I prefer Dara (DAR-a). Daria Magdalen has a great flow. I think both names work well together. Dara Magdalen would be pretty too.
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I like the name.
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It's lovely, it's a name I'm considering myself.
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I like it, and actually know someone named that, an elderly lady. Not only that, she has a brother named Darius. They are not twins, either! I like David, one of my favourite names.
Dolour?(probaby not)
Dolina?(the name of one of my Dad's many sisters. She died as a child.)
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I love this name, so very much. I wish DH did too. Sadly he doesn't.
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I posted about this name just a few days ago. I really like it, but I worry that it's too open to ridicule because its sound is close to the word "diarrhea".I'm thinking that the majority of the responses I got about it were negative. It doesn't seem as if too many people really like it.
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Oooh, I should have searched.I don't get the diarrhea connection. I'll run the name past my brother - he's the king at finding connections like that. (I still remember asking him about Tesni and his reply "WHAT? TESTES?" The name was quickly crossed off my list)
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I don't know for sure if I would have made the diarrhea connection myself, if it weren't for "Beavis and Butthead". Beavis and Butthead were in the habit of calling the Daria character "diarrhea." A pop culture reference like that is what would make me worry about it.I still think it's a very pretty name, though. It's what Gene Tierney named her daughter. This was the daughter that was born severely mentally handicapped because of the German measles that Tierney suffered during her pregnancy, however, so I don't know if that's the greatest association, either.
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