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Does anyone out there like the name Linda?If you dislike it, is that only because it's dated?Are you able to put yourself back to the time when it was just hitting the scene, and not yet dated, and judge it strictly on its own merits, apart from its dated image?In other words, if you were alive in say, 1945, do you think you would like Linda?
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I don't really mind names sounding dated, but I wouldn't use Linda for the same reason I wouldn't use Bella; I'm not too keen on names that mean 'beautiful'.
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I like it! It's on my list, actually. It is a little dated, sure, but I don't think it's so dated that it's unusable. It's still got a nice sound to it, and I have come across a Linda or two in my age group.
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I adore Linda! It's amazing! I do think some people would find it dated, but I would use it.
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It's really a pretty name, and I don't see it as dated. I've heard the nickname Lindy used before, which is also pretty.
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I think it's prettyDated, yes. But it still pops up on younger people. Seems very popular with Hispanic girls now, along with Sandra and Brenda.
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I really like Linda! I think it's so pretty in sound. I guess it is a bit "dated" but honestly, I hate that term. I wish people would just use what they love-there would be so much more variation in names. When my daughter was born three years ago I didn't choose a top 100 name; I went with a name that peaked in the 80's/90's and I don't regret it at all. I love the name, love saying it and she stands out more than if she were another Madison or Emma. So use Linda if you love it!
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Trying to think of Linda outside of time, I can definitely see its appeal. It's simple yet so very lovely. Unfortunately it's mid-century popularity does date it horribly. Perhaps in a couple more generations it will be rediscovered.
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I can think of a variety of good things about Linda. For one, it sounds pretty, and it's also easy to spell and pronounce. I've liked just about every Linda I've met, so that's another reason why I like it. Back in its heyday, I probably would have been disgruntled by its popularity if I happened to be aware of the fact that it was a very popular name, but I still would have liked the name itself. I'd be thrilled to meet a little Linda these days.

This message was edited 4/5/2010, 7:51 AM

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I hate it. It's boring, sounds ugly, it's dated and I only think of stupid blondes when I hear it. Also, it's a swedish word (but it's a common name so I don't think about it that much) which also makes me dislike it even more.
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I can't get beyond the dated-ness really. Anyway, the name itself is not awful but not particularly pretty either, IMO.
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I like it. My grandma was named Linda Lou. After a cow. She was from Wisconsin.
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I don't mind Linda. I don't love it but I could warm to it. I went to high school with a Linda (during the mid to late 90s)
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I like Linda! I had a friend in high school named Linda, and it was "retro" then ... not really in a "cool" way, but not icky either.I honestly can't imagine myself into 1945 well enough to say whether I would have liked it then. I try to imagine names free of their "dates" before deciding if I like them or not, but certain names have such a strong "date" that I think it matters. Linda isn't one of them.
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It's hard to say whether I would have liked Linda as a "fresh" name. While I do find Linda to be dated, I also find it to be a very unexciting option. In addition, I really hate the name Lynn so there is that similarity as well. Having said all that, Linda looks nice written down and I can understand its appeal.
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