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Tai & Fallon
I heard these two names on the radio this morning- both female. I like Tai but Fallon doesn't sound feminine to me at all. Thoughts?
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I like Tai on a boy. Fallon is okay, but too popular.
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I don't know how Tai is pronounced (like Thai?). I'm not a fan of the meaning so much. But I agree with you, Fallon doesn't sound feminine at all. Reminds me of failing, felon, and phallic!
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yup, she pronounced it like "tie". I agree with you about all the Fallon associations. I thought of talon, fallen, fallopian, faulty and Jimmy Fallon (which is why I guess it doesn't sound feminine, lol)
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Fallon is feminine to me because I know a little 6 year old girl named Fallon. Both names are too modern for my tastes, though.
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I have a friend named Fallon (a girl)
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I much prefer Kai to Tai but I love Fallon on a girl. It's easily my favorite female "F" name. A lot of people don't like it though. I think it's beautiful!
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Both names are interesting, though not really my style. Tai is okay, but it sounds more masculine than feminine to me. Maybe as a nickname for a girl?Fallon is definitely masculine to me, but I could see it on a girl the same way I could see Spencer on a girl. The BtN database has it listed as feminine, so I guess I'll trust that...:-)
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