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Whacky British newbie names
I hope this hasn't been posted before - I don't think it has, but I've just seen this, in a list of names that some Brit parents are choosing for their newborns. I've heard of Unity, as in Unity Mitford, but some of these are really odd!
1. Shy
2. Unity
3. Bean
4. Zowie
5. Puppy
6. Ice
7. Victory
8. Porsche
9. D'Andre
10. Denim
11. Diesel
12. Armani
13. Rooney
14. Bowie
15. Cobain
16. Stone
17. Gift
18. Echo
19. Heaven
20. Maroon
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Bean, as in Mr?
Zowie, as in Bowie?
Ice, as in rap?
Victory, after that unforgettable day out at Portsmouth Docks?
Porsche instead of Portia?
Diesel, like the Labrador down the road?
Rooney - definitely as in Wayne!
Bowie: see Zowie.
Cobain, as in Kurt?
Stone: better than Rocky, but only just!
Gift: very well used here in South Africa. Expats, perhaps?
Heaven: at least it's not backward like Nevaeh ...
Maroon: should at least have glanced at a dictionary!I knew a Nigel once who went by Puppy: nice lad, huge feet. D'Andre is awkward: there's a minor fashion for Andre combos here, with Jeandre being the most used for both sexes. Probably just another merger.
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I think that Victory is the only tolerable one.
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Sheesh, this looks more like a rough draft list of names Paris Hilton came up with before naming her shivering Chihuahua... :\ Victory doesn't seem as bad though, on a lighter note.
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When I was in my teens I was hugely into Nirvana and wanted a son named Cobain. I think Shy is quite sweet, it's a great NN. Echo is alright, I went to school with a girl named Echo.
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Huh. D'Andre, Heaven and Armani are fairly standard in the USA. I actually really like Victory and Echo!Maroon, Shy (though this turns up in the USA from time to time), Diesel and Denim I could do with out!Bean? Wtf? I have some friends who were called this as kids (i.e., Rina-bean for Irina, Shawny-bean for Sean) but as a real name?
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Bean was also the name of the bunny muppet featured from time to time on the Muppet Show and Muppet Babies. He claimed to be so cute that nothing could resist him. I named a floppy stuffed bunny I had as a child after him :o)
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Isn't Curt Cobain's daughter named Frances Bean? There seems to be some Nirvana fans represented in this list (Cobain, Bean).
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Your quoteI agree, those are som whacky names.But I wanted to comment on your quote.My guess (educated guess at that) why Elizabeth and Deborah are more popular and common than Clarissa and Eloisa are that both Elizabeth and Deborah are strong Biblical characters. People often name their children after names from the Bible.Maybe I misunderstood your quote... but it just seemed so obvious to me.
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It's a 19th century quote - Isaac d'Israeli was Brit Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli's father. Being Jewish, he must have preferred biblical names as well. He seems to have disliked fancy names.
(Time, btw, I changed that quote!)
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There are a few last names in that list, all of musicians, though.
Victory could be just a variation of Victoria, and Shy is ok as long as it's a nn for Cheyenne imo. D'Andre seems familiar, for some reason. I'm not fond of the others.
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The names are hilarious. I know a Cobain, so that is not nearly as bad as the others.
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Some of these are so weird! The only ones I like are Unity (I've probably heard of Unity Mitford, too), Victory (which I actually strongly prefer to Victoria), and Echo. I suppose Heaven is also okay. The rest of these are dogs' names. Puppy? Seriously? What teenager named their kid that?
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I suppose we can thank David Bowie for Zowie and Bowie. Why not Ziggy, then?I'd seen Ice on old popularity lists from the 19th century; I wonder how it managed to pop up again.Cobain is interesting; I don't think the name has even charted here in the US.I know someone who named her daughter Echo. It doesn't suit her at all.
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some people just shouldn't be allowed to name kids...
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apparently brits are weird... and slightly trashy...
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LOL, Please don't think all brits name they're lids like this!
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Oh wouldn't you love to be named Puppy Rooney? Or Ice Victory? Or even Armani Diesel. I'm totally changing my name to Shy Porsche though.
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