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So this is my new name crush. Just Bram, not Abraham. I think the Dracula connection make this even more interesting. So what do you think? Have I gone completely crazy or do any of you see Bram's appeal too? Any middle name ideas?
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I really like Bram, probably because it's the name of the boy from the book Modoc, which I love (and would recommend, if you like reading and animals :-).I like Bram William, and I think that Bram sounds extra strong with a two-syllable middle name, preferably one that starts with a consonant.
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Have had Bram on my list for years and think it quite handsome. It has always felt solid and complete to me, not like a nickname. I've never been into vampires, so the Dracula connection never clicked in my brain...doesn't increase or decrease my fondness for it.Bram Alexander
Bram Caledon
Bram Curtis
Bram Elliott
Bram Lionel
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love itI also love it over Abraham in full. Bram is dark and sexy. Abraham thinks he's morally superior (Abe on the other hand is just a simple gentle guy).I'd pair it with something similarily dark but not overtly so:Bram Edward, Bram Edmund
Bram Edgar
Bram Oscar (two delightful writers in one, tied by faaaate - Oscar Wilde's fiancee was "stolen" by Bram Stoker)I really really like Bram Edward a lot.
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I would like Bram Edward if this wouldn't get vampire / Twilight fans all freaked out about how "cool and vampire-y" that name is ;).
Bram Edmund is a nice alternative, so very dark and sexy without being too Twilight.Bram Oscar - Ooooooh, I LOVE the stolen fiancee story!

This message was edited 9/9/2010, 9:12 AM

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oh yeahI always forget about vampire Edward.... I honestly think of Scissorhands first! I feel so old.
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YES! I LOVE it! I'm the same, I love Bram, but Abraham does nothing for me. I don't like how the 'bram' part is pron. in Abraham (it's a different pron. to Bram). Abraham is a little too 'old-man' for my liking (and I do love 'old'-fashioned names) but Abraham makes me think of an old man, wheras Bram makes me think of some 1800's handsome aristocrat - does that make sense?Bram is just one of those names that is very appealing, but can't pin point why. I do love the Dracula connection, I think it adds something.

This message was edited 9/8/2010, 8:43 PM

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"Abraham is a little too 'old-man' for my liking (and I do love 'old'-fashioned names) but Abraham makes me think of an old man, wheras Bram makes me think of some 1800's handsome aristocrat - does that make sense?"Yes it totally does! Abraham makes me think of Abe Simpson ;)
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It's okay. Bram reminds me of the guy in Ichabod Crane more than Bram Stoker, though.
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He was Brom---pretty close, though, and Brom was a nickname for Abraham, as Bram usually is.
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Have to admit that I did not read Ichabod Crane...
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Oh, I loved Bram - just Bram - for a long time. I still think it's really cool in a goth kind of way.
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Yes, I see the goth appeal too :)
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Makes me think of Sharon, Lois and Bram from the "Elephant Show". Dracula doesn't really give it any special appeal to me. (Actually, my awareness of the reality of what happens in vampiric cults would make it more of an aversion for me as I know someone who actually left one of those cults... They're not glamourous like media productions sometimes make them out to be... and are quite different in some ways)
Anyway, the name itself is decent and from a different source, so I don't really have a problem w/ the name. I prefer Abraham, but Bram's ok.Some possibilities (your style would be different than mine, so I'll leave some in I wouldn't normally pair w/ it):

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I don't know the "Elephant Show", what is is about?I'm not really into vampires but I sometimes enjoy "dark" names. I consider Ludovic and Ebenezer "dark" if that helps. And somehow Dracula darkens Bram for me while Abraham is not at all dark, lol.
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It was a children's show back in the 80s with lots of singing on it.
Can see other clips from there. You may be amused by the 80s fashion and kids' show cheesiness.
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Thank you.
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Abraham nn Bram is the name of my grandson.I love Bram, but unlike you I wouldn't want to see it on its own. It doesn't seem substantial enough to me to be a name in its own right. Also, I think that Abraham is an underused gem, so that's another reason I'd rather see Abraham nn Bram than just plain Bram.But Bram is great, I agree.
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Yeah, I wasn't sure if Bram could stand on its own either but I just don't like Abraham. Reminds me of Abe Simpson ;)

This message was edited 9/8/2010, 10:57 PM

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I love Bram! And like you, am not a fan of Abraham. Bram Emmanuel
Bram Gabriel
Bram Sebastian
Bram Oliver
Bram Isaac
Bram Dominic
Bram Simon
Bram Kristian
Bram Joshua
Bram Walter

This message was edited 9/8/2010, 3:09 PM

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Bram Emmanuel, Bram Sebastian, Bram Dominic and Bram Simon really rock! Thank you!
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I really like Bram. There is something really appealing about it. It just seems so handsome, kind, cuddly, and outdoorsy-- perfect! I don't think of the Dracula connection. I guess because I've never read it and am not into vampires. :)I've never tried to make combos, but should! It's such a great name! I'd pair it with something else strong, like...Bram Alasdair
Bram Andrew
Bram Beathan
Bram Cecil
Bram Ciaran
Bram Dietrich
Bram Edward
Bram Fionnlugh
Bram Gordon
Bram Malachy
Bram Richard
Bram St. John
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Thank you! I really like Bram Alasdair & Bram Malachy.
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I like Bram, it's a strong name, but not over used like Jake, Jack, etc.
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