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If you need a Chinese name .I`d really like to help.
You may tell me your personal preference like "gift" "pretty" "royal"...and I am willing to help.As exams approach,I may sometimes not be able to update and answer everyday.Considering great difference between western languages and eastern languages, it may be difficult to pronounce at first but I`ll try to express it as clearly as possible.
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Hi! Could you translate Mariah Anastasia? Mariah a form of Mary but my parents named me after this old song "They Call the Wind Mariah" (and therefore my aunt Wendi) so I usually think of it's as meaning Wind. Anastasia means resurrection. Thanks for doing this :)

This message was edited 1/5/2011, 6:30 PM

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I would like a name that sounds something like Caroline (pronounced the English or French way, it doesn't matter) rather than a name with a special meaning. Could you do that? Thanks!
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My name is Lotus, like the flower. It is really my middle name but it is the name I use often in conversation. It is not a common name to have. Other flower names (Rose, Daisy, Violet as examples) are more common.I would love to have ideas for a Chinese nature name that is uncommon yet familiar and pretty.
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Wow what a nice and poetic name.In fact the character of "Lotus" is also very popular in ancient China.Nowadays, it is less common but mostly used in romantic occasions.Lotus, in Chinese, have to corresponding characters: " Lian 莲” and "He 荷”。However,Lotus is kind of very graceful and soft flower.So, we usually use the "Lian 莲" for the name of girl.The meaning of ”Lian莲“ not only stands for this flower, but also contains deep cultural backgrounds.First, in India and China,Lotus 莲 is the holly flower of buddhist. It stands for sacred meaning, purity and goodness.Second, I have to tell you that the world-renowned Chinese greatest romantic(not realism,we have another greatest realistic poet) poet "Li Bai" also named himself "Lian 莲“. In China, especially ancient time, only very distinguished , renowned decent and intellectual genius would have the chance to name themselves with "Lian 莲”. It is kind of holly symbol.So I think "Lian 莲“ is very fit for you .And other good news is once in a National-wide Chinese Character Beauty Contest held in Japan , "Lian-Lotus”is among the most beautiful 20 characters.The pronunciation of Lian is /Lien/ dont separate li and en . speak them quickly together. You will find in Chinese, this sounds very soft and elegant

This message was edited 1/5/2011, 2:09 AM

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You are so much fun! I have been reading your posts. I am fascinated with Chinese naming and characters. I have a friend from Taiwan that explained many of the naming conventions. She and her brothers share the name Yu because of the traditional generation naming. Please post more often and welcome to the board!
MelodyPS - I saw your photos and you look like a Gregory Lane Tai to me :)
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Thank you so much .I am so glad to hear that you like it.
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Hello! I'd love to have my daughter's chinese name.
Her full name is Rosemary Amelie Belle.
You can do just her first name if you'd like :)My name is Chanel (sha-nell) if you'd like to do that as well.
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Ok. Honorable to help.Let`s see your daughter`s name. Rosemary Amelie Belle.In fact, when in China, you will find most famous westerners` name are translated this way. If one`s first name or middle name is not very long, we may translate by sound.But if it`s too long(difficult and inconvenient for a Westerner), we just use his family name.Rosemary, is a very meaningful name, but I have to say in Chinese,the translation of Amelie e is so beautiful. I strongly strongly advise you to take the translation of Amelie as her Chinese name. Casue it is really attractive.Amelie , we have a very standard translation 爱米丽 “Ai-Mi-Li".
In fact A=爱 Me=米 丽=Lie.
Let me explain the meaning.Ai 爱 means love , affection exactly. isn`t it very romantic for a girl name. very poetic. every girl longs for love!!Mi 米 is translated by the sound. In China, Mi means rice.Many Asians wish to be as white fair and pure as the rice.Li 丽 means exactly pretty,beautiful,nice-looking.This name contains many elements that girl would love. isn`t it? Moreover, affected by the very famous French movie :Amelie from Montmartre. Amelie in China has been the symbol of that sort of Angel-like beautiful girl.Then for your name. Again congratulations! Beautiful translation name in Chinese.The also very famous standard translation is 香奈儿 Xiang-Nai-Er香 means "sweet-smelling fragrant" very appealing and romantic usually to describe flowers art or beauty.The combination of NAI 奈 and ER 尔 is mostly for the beautiful sound.Nai gives us a very soft feeling. Er, 尔, in ancient Chinese means "very gorgeous very grand and shining".It means something is really nice great and attractive.Chanel 香奈儿 in China has become the symbol of kind of very elegant graceful woman or office lady.
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Thank you! I love Rosy's translation for Amelie! If it wouldn't be too much trouble could I have the translation for Rosemary and Belle too?
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it is ok.For Belle, we standardly translated it as "Bai Li "Bai 百 in Chinese is a word to tell the number. 1 Bai = 1 Hundred So in Ancient China, we usually use it to state our surprise at a large number or some strong emotion.Li 丽 as I have said means beauty. It is used to describe pretty,nice-looking girl.For Rosemary, I specially looked it up in dictionary. For the beauty, we may give it this translation Hai Lu.Hai 海 means the sea the great ocean,
Lu 露 means the dew.As Rosemary means dew in the sea , in Chinese 海之朝露, so I suppose it will be a nice name.
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Thank you I love it!
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Rosemary Amelie Belle is gorgeous. What a nice combination. :-)Is Chanel in the database? (I guess I'm about to find out.)
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Thanks :) Yes Chanel is in the database, but it's not what I would consider a "real" name. More like trendy fluff my mom thought was sophisticated sounding.
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Ann MarieI already asked you this below. So you don't have to answer again. I just thought it might start your thread.Ann = graceful
Marie = rebellious, or bitter
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Wow , I really appreciate your ideas in name combination.Although languages change as culture change , at this point, I have to say you got the point. In nowadays, there are mainly two ways of Asian Naming Ways. For the modern way, we may pay more attention to the meaning its self as we consider the name contains the wish and bless for the child.However, for the traditional way, also a more sophisticated and attractive way, is that a big family name the next generation before they are born. This kind of names not only shows the history and social levels of the family but also connect every member of this generation.Because in this naming way, the whole generation may share the same character to show that they are the certain third ,fourth or fifth generation of the big family. As most Chinese names contain three characters.The first is family name. The other two are first name. So the big family give a certain character to the whole generation and the other character varies.Then the name shows the relation between every member of a very big family whose members may be as many as 70 or more.Isn`t it wonderful?So I am so pleased to see that your idea meet the traditional Chinese way. How fantastic! Moreover , to speak of Chinese name , we not only consider the character, I mean the meaning the sounding the writing ,but also consider the element that it stands for. In Asia, the world is composed of five basic elements. Gold Wood Water Fire Earth They may not only be the fire or water you see but stand for different styles of energy and materials. We trust that the person life may be affected by the name.Because every Chinese character (simple or mediate or complex) stands for a certain element and the degree of the entire name`s writing complexity (the number) which can be counted ( 10 20 50 or more) also reveals the objective rules of the nature.Then your birth hour and date is fixed. (maybe very good or very can`t be changed after your birth) This reveals your personality and more important what you lack what you need.

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Wow. Thanks.I really like Ya. I'll go with your suggestion of Ya Li. But I don't fit that description at all. :-)My family / surname means bear in Irish, as in the animal. That's why I use Bear as my name here at That may be too strong for a woman in Chinese culture though. Do family / surnames change according to gender? If I need to soften beaq, perhaps I could use the word for a panda bear? Too cute.This was a lot of fun. Thanks again!
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wow . Panda is the most precious treasure animal of China. very cute very good.In fact, family don`t change according to gender.
I am proud to tell you that every family name character in China is given by the Emperor in ancient time. Any family name character at leat has 1000 years` history. It means your very very old ancestors living thousands of years ago share the same name with you.

In fact, in ancient ,not every family would have the chance to get a family name. Only those that the Emperor thought have made very honorable and great contribution will be given a family name character by the Emperor.This means the Emperor admits that your family can leave some foot-prints in the history.
So the family stands for a whole family. It means all the persons who have the same family with you have the same one ancestor.More commonly, a family name history would be more than only one thousand years. Often 2000 years or more.So will you change it easily if the family contains so long history and cultural backgrounds.In fact in China, we will have a Family Tree of a family. All the persons of a same family name are recorded on that book.This book`s history may also be of hundreds of years. Isn`t it Amazing! You will find your grand grand grand grand grand grandpa`s name on it.You will know his wife his sons his brothers. This helps us know our family history and build the love the sense of pride.If you change your family reckless you will lose your root in the history.... Ha ha So we all love the family we have.Long history Honored by the Emperor Great World-renowned ancestors. Why not love it!

This message was edited 1/5/2011, 2:47 AM

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AnwenI am pretty sure the Welsh name Anwen also translates to "peaceful cloud" in Chinese :)Lurve!

This message was edited 1/4/2011, 2:07 PM

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哈哈 lol I have to say really good.Anwen regarded as a Chinese name, we can directly treat them as the spelling of two characters which dont need to be translated."An" mostly would be regarded as "安“,which means “peaceful, quiet, settle down or safe ". It`s of very good meaning and very good-sounding.In fact Annie can also be translated as "AN NI" if we did it according to its sound. In Asia, the character "An 安” gives persons the feeling of being very calm and graceful. It is really very very poetic!!"Wen" can be treated in many different ways.If Wen = 文 it means the girl is very intelligent, really really quiet and high IQ.If Wen = 雯 it stands for the cloud, and more importantly the cloud is special for its beautiful color and shape.If Wen = 纹 this character stands for the artistic designed lines or beautiful tattoo. it may even imply the girl is very good at hand-making, designing or some other art affairs. mainly three different characters but they are of same pronunciation /w-ei-n/. one stress a girl`s thoughtful mind. one stress a girls beauty. one stress a girl`s art genius.I guess both are very good. And, honestly, the combination of AN - WEN is really also very euphonious and fashionable.I wish you like it.
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