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Let me have it. Your thoughts on Oswald. Combos? Be as creative as you like. Siblings?

This message was edited 5/9/2011, 11:58 AM

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Oswald immediately makes me think of Oswald Bastable from Edith Nesbit's excellent Victorian children's adventure stories:
- his siblings were Dora, Dicky, Alice, Noel and Horace Octavius. :)As a modern name, I'm all for it. Oz is quite a fun nn, and it fits nicely into the current revival trend here.Oswald Piers
Oswald Kester
Oswald Aneurin (an-AIR-in)
Oswald Hengist
Oswald Aubrey
Oswald Morys
Oswald Wystan
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I never knew Wystan was originally a personal name. I'd only ever heard it as Rumpole of the Bailey's FIL, C.H. Wystan (sp?). Neat! Thanks. It's going on my long list now.So glad you like Oswald. :-) I've never heard of that series, but I bet it was great reading for you growing up. "Horace Octavius" is fantabulous.Oswald Piers -- medieval fun, great flow
Oswald Kester -- I love how jovial Kester is -- he reminds me of a court jester -- nice flow
Oswald Aneurin -- Aneurin is new to me and I can't get "aneurysm" out of my head, sorry.
Oswald Hengist -- Watch out, Hengist is coming to dinner! Historic fun, nice flow.
Oswald Aubrey -- Hmm, I'm not sure I'm liking the way they both start with a similar sound. But I do love Aubrey for a boy. I suppose it could grow on me.
Oswald Morys -- I'd love Oswald Maurice (British pronunciation) or even Oswald Muiris ("MYOOR-ish").
Oswald Wystan -- a new love for me!Muchas gracias, Pie.

This message was edited 5/10/2011, 10:42 AM

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You know The Penguin, from Batman? Well, his real name was Oswald Cobblepot. Every time I hear this name, I think of him. Not the best association to have.
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I didn't until Andromache pointed it out too. That actually endears the name to me more. It's helping me keep the JFK association at bay, thanks. :-D
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Hey, I gotta admit that The Penguin is a better association than Lee Harvey. Glad to be of help. :)
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I like Oswald. I think it's unappreciated where I live because of Lee Harvey Oswald. But I think people should remember that it was his last name, not his first name. Lee was his first name, and people still seem to use that.

This message was edited 5/9/2011, 2:16 PM

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*sigh* It's always something. I grew up loving the name Imelda. I knew one in college and it cemented my love for the name. Then the Imelda Marcos and her shoes hit the media. I had to concentrate on not losing my love for the name. But I don't know if it would have been possible (or at least as easy) if I knew about Ms Marcos before I fell in love with the name. I know bad associations can ruin names. Sadly I had forgotten about JFK and Lee Harvey Oswald. :-/ Thanks for the input.
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I'm not really good at picking out name combos, but I do have an opinion on Oswald.It's not my favorite, really, but I do think some of the other suggested combos (like Tiggs') are cool. I do like it a bit though, because I see an Oswald as an "Ozzy".
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Thanks. Any and all input is helpful. It's actually getting a much better reception than I envisioned. I realize with the general public I'd be laughed out of the room. So it's nice to be among namenerds who give me more room to be odd. :-)
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Oh, dear...I saw Oswald next to Bear and immediately thought, "Oswald is the perfect name for a bear!" Hard for me see it as the perfect name for a boy...kind of dusty and stuffy. Maybe I can redeem myself by finding something handsome to pair him with...maybe... ;)Oswald Humphrey - couldn't resist :)
Oswald Pierce
Oswald Geoffrey
Oswald Norman
Oswald Finn - or maybe you don't care for Finn?; can't recall for certain
Oswald Lawrence
Oswald Rex - this doesn't strike me as paleontological, but YMMV
Oswald Hamish
Oswald Anders
Oswald Bertram
Oswald Felix
Oswald Fritz
Oswald Johan
Oswald Boniface
Oswald Auberon - clearly, I am trying too hard!How'd I do? (ducking)
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Come to my arms, my beemish Tiggs! These combos are just my style:Oswald Humphrey -- hot diggety
Oswald Pierce -- make it Piers and I'm putty in your hands
Oswald Geoffrey -- handsome
Oswald Norman -- them's fighting names
Oswald Finn -- I love Finn McCool!!! Whimsical Irish folk lore meets Anglo-Saxon grumpiness -- love it
Oswald Lawrence
Oswald Rex -- YMMV? You ____ _____ ____
Oswald Hamish -- pass the haggis
Oswald Bertram -- Aw, Bertie Wooster in the flesh
Oswald Johan -- interesting
Oswald Boniface -- too much fun
Oswald Auberon -- you're spoiling Oswald with all the sophistication. Plain old Oberon is good enough for him. I love both. They give me different takes on the some combo. Big, wet kisses from a bear. :-D
It's funny you mentioned Oswald and bears. Orsino means bear and Oswald is kind of interchangeable in my mind with Orsino. :-)
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YMMV...Your Mileage May Vary :)
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Oh!Good one. I never would have gotten that. :-D
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Ack! I can't make myself like it. I find it extremely ugly. In fact, it makes me think of Oswald Cobblepot (aka Penguin) in Batman.Here's some ideas anyway:
Oswald Rupert
Oswald Valentine
Oswald Micah
Oswald Julian
Oswald Somerled
Oswald Felix
Oswald Milo..sorry, I can't make it lovable!
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Lol -- I never knew the Penguin had a "real" name. For not liking a name, you sure can come up with some spot-on combos:Oswald Rupert
Oswald Valentine -- inspired
Oswald Julian -- almost usable
Oswald Somerled
Oswald Felix -- I'm debating whether or not this is to close to Oscar and Felix / Odd CoupleThanks for the feed-back. It's all appreciated, good and bad.
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Sorry , but this pave , made me angry , and it's ruining your post.
so , I defend your make sad to see people stupid like that.
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Thanks. I know it can get difficult. But I'm going to have to give you a ten yard penalty as well. It's OK, though. You're so far ahead in the score that you can afford a penalty or two. :-D
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lol thank you , forgive me
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I'm just offering my opinion like anyone else Schone.
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Hm. It feels...goofy? Yeah, a little goofy. Like he'd be the awkward gangly one. Is there an Oswald on a show or movie that's making me think this? One moment....not on the first two pages of Google....ah IMDb solves it...The Drew Carey Show. Maybe that's why. In any case, I think Oswald would have pocket protector and never get out of the I'm-a-teenager-and-my-limbs-don't-quite-fit-my-body stage. :o) Oswald Horatio
Oswald Eugenius
Oswald Regulus
Oswald Remigius
Oswald AntonioOswald and Eugene
Oswald and CliffordOswald and Rubina
Oswald and - dang it, had one. I'll be back if I remember it.How'd I do?
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I fell in love with Oswald and names of that sort reading / watching anything by P.G. Wodehouse. Goofiness is a plus. :-)Oswald Horatio -- terrific
Oswald Eugenius -- Eugenius is new to me -- I like the play on sound with the words "you genius" in there -- thanks!
Oswald Regulus -- another new name! lucky me
Oswald Remigius -- aces
Oswald Antonio -- awkward and romantic at the same time -- love itOswald and Rubina are fantastic. I never would have thought of Rubina with Oswald. Too cool.Eugenius and Regulus are going on my long list now. Most appreciative.
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aww! Oswald and Clifford!!
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I like Oswald. It's sharp and attention-grabbing. It takes guts to use this name; iron courage and a love of the obscure and also a hint of insanity, I think. It's like something out of a Gothic story. It's like an abandoned old manor in the spooky woods. I like that it's so formal and gruff. I really want to just go to town on that stern half-crazed formality.Oswald Augustus
Oswald Victor
Oswald Alonzo
Oswald Clark
Oswald Edwin
Oswald Grosvenor
Oswald Albert
Oswald Alfred
Oswald Cornelius
Oswald Archimedes
Oswald Raymund
Oswald Jack (when Oswald lets his hair down)For siblings - someone on here once spotted a pair of brothers in a shopping mall named Oswald and Oscar, I believe. I really liked that. O's seem to look smashing next to other O's. So Oswald & Oscar
Oswald & Otto
Oswald & Ouida
Oswald & Odette
Oswald & Opal
Oswald & Wilfred ....well why not
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Yes, yes, yes. You get the idea. Yummy:Oswald Augustus
Oswald Victor
Oswald Alonzo -- beginning and ending with the same sound can be really fun
Oswald Grosvenor -- red hot mamma!
Oswald Albert
Oswald Alfred -- he's great
Oswald Cornelius -- loving!
Oswald Archimedes -- nutty professor written all over itOswald and Ouida -- just for you
Oswald and Wilfred (Ozzie and Wilf) -- Anglo-Saxon goodness
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I want to like it more than I do. I don't dislike it, but I don't have any strong feelings for it, either. First it makes me think of the character from the Drew Carey Show, so it's kind of goofy. I like that sort of image with it.I'll try to make him cuddly.
Oswald Abram
Oswald Angus
Oswald Barnaby
Oswald Bruce
Oswald Clarence
Oswald Connor
Oswald Everett
Oswald Noam
Oswald Peter
Oswald Silvio
Oswald Theodore
Yes, those have made me appreciate it more.

This message was edited 5/9/2011, 12:13 PM

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I don't / didn't watch that show much. I didn't realize that there was a character named Oswald on it. I already blame that show for ruining Mimi for a lot of people. Now I have to add Oswald to the list? *sigh*But you've come up aces with these:Oswald Angus
Oswald Barnaby
Oswald Clarence
Oswald Peter -- adore!
Oswald Silvio -- dare I suggest Osvaldo Silvio? Osvaldo is so cool.
Oswald TheodoreYay! Much thanks.
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The Drew Carey character didn't ruin it, I enjoy the goofy guy image. :) But I suppose associating it with any one person or character can be a negative thing, even if the association itself isn't bad.Oh, Osvaldo! He swings in on a rope and saves damsels in distress with his mad swordfighting skills. And probably has long hair and a moustache.
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Lots of goodies for me to choose from! Thanks. My favorites:Oswald Miles
Oswald John
Oswald Gerald
Oswald Farid -- this makes me think of a crusader's love child -- fun
Oswald NicolasI'm off to vote in your lists now. :-)
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Oswald Bold is really awesome.

This message was edited 5/9/2011, 12:14 PM

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Diver is someone who goes underwater
Bridge is something you drive across
Bold is an adjective
Blade is what you cut with
Dime is equal to 10 centsWTF is Noor, Cris, and Farid? Pick some real names already!
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Noor and Farid are real names.
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pick a nameWhen you respond to someone's thread, the "name" line is for a name. As in you should choose a name of some kind to consistently use on the board. So far you have changed it a few times. Please pick one. Also, this board doesn't particularly appreciate jerks. Shocking, I know. If you love names, we welcome your opinions (rudeness is not necessary). If not, good bye.
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What do you mean the "name" line is for a name. I chose Paver, which is just as much a name as Diver or Freckles. Thank you for welcoming my opinions. I will have plenty more, and will accept my ten yard penalty for rudeness. That said, people suggesting strange names should have thicker skin. If I was naming a kid Diver I'd expect the world to laugh at me.
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I just mean that you've also used "poor kids", "Puck is also cute", and "campana". Settle for one so we know "who" you are, please.
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Nobody is naming a kid in this post. This isn't a baby name website, it's a name etymology website. The majority of posts don't have anything to do with naming children, we just like names.

This message was edited 5/9/2011, 12:31 PM

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Llewella... thanks for that explanation. It gives me great joy knowing these names will not be given to a child.
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Look , Already the name that you choose is very Ugly , I would Laugh if I heard somebody's name is paver.
You're a stupid MF and you just shut the F*** up , and enjoy Intelligent people who think about names.
so You have to shut the f*** up right now , or I will kick you out never again in this website , Understood ??
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Question...Was that supposed to be sarcasm?Because if not, that was way overreacting. Yes, Paver made rude comments. But there's no reason to curse like that and insult right back.
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Ten yard penalty for rudeness Schone. At least I avoided profanity. I chose the name Paver as a way of honoring my uncle. He worked on a paving crew. It's a beautiful name. I thought about spelling it "Peighvyr" just to fit in.
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Lol, Paver. Like Cooper, Spencer, Ryder, Carter, Booker, Bridger, Chandler, Fletcher, and Sawyer! It'd totally work.Spelling it Peighvyr might make you fit in somewhere, but generally not on this board. People are actually conservative here in general, although there are a lot of fanciful names brought up - there aren't many misspellings.FYI, the convention of this board is that if you don't like a name, you don't boohoo about it "for the sake of children" because it has been officially determined that that's really dumb. You just hate on it, as hard as you please, but only for your own sake.
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so , be nice , and choose people Opinions , they're Opinions , and this Board is just for Opinions , and people here Are very nice , I am a boy.and I have power here to kick you off your IP is
so , just do what the board ask us to do.
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They're asking for opinions, and that includes good opinions and bad opinions. People might think I'm being rude, but I'm just stating what I think. People who like strange names shouldn't be offended by my opinion.
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*confused*How do you have the power to kick him off the board??
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I work in the telecommunication company , I am a it's the easier thing I can do.
Sorry New_chloe , but Paver ruined the post of " Bear "
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I "ruined the post"? I simply stated my opinion. Schone is the one who responded with profanity and threats.
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This post wasn't "ruined" by Paver alone. Next time someone says something trollish, just ignore them.
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Yes , I understand , I am very sorry Guys I just over-reacted , Never someone WTF me.
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We forgive you. It happens. :)
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This.Moderators might have the power to do so, or to contact Mike if it was more of an issue than some minorly rude comments. But general users wouldn't.
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Ten yard penalty for rudenessNoor is one of my favorite names for a girl. I find it utterly gorgeous. But even if I didn't the most I would say, if anything, was that it was not my style. Please be kind to Schone. He's got wonderful taste. And he's nice. (edited / corrected as to gender)

This message was edited 5/9/2011, 12:34 PM

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thank you " bear" , It's nice from your part.
I am a boy :p you just see my profile :p
I love names :p
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Ooops! Sorry. I never read the profiles. :-/
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It's okey , you're very nice :) about Voting , it's just a signature :p
Thank you again
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Hide , you have to be a shame to your parents , you know nothing at all about names.
and don't WTF me.sorry sweetie
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